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Be very careful with Dershowitz!

Earlier on, he was a total supporter of vaccine mandates.

He even thought it would be moral and legal for someone to be taken to a medical office, strapped down, and forced to be injected by the covid vaccine.

This is the old video where he was totally in favor of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfnJi7yLKgE

But what happened?

The fool 'changed his position' because he got sick despite being boosted. (I don't believe anything fundamental changed about his perspective. That's why I don't trust him.)

That was around Feb 23 2023.


So he had NO PRINCIPLES. It was just his subjective experience of getting sick. If he didn't get sick, he'd be advocating to discriminate against the unvaccinated again the next time bird flu hit and there would be new mRNA bird flu 'vaccines'.

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💯 agree. I saw that & couldn’t believe what he was saying. 💯 UNConstitutional scholar …

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He also was involved with Epstein. He claims it was when he decided to represent PT in one of the impeachment trials that he lost all of his friends and no one will talk to him in the Hamptons. According to Whitney Webb and a few other sources it has nothing to do with Trump but his involvement with Epstein.

With that said I do believe he knows the law and it doesn’t take a lawyer to see what the Dems/cabal are doing and why.

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The Article here by Brietbart which has their own agenda, and being Bannon that is not really a pro-Trump agenda; But they quote Dershowitz as saying demoRats "Will destroy Constitution", well that is just his opinion, the demo-Rats have not called for the destruction of constitution, on the other hand


"Trump rebuked for call to suspend Constitution over 2020 election"

Trump has specially from his own mouth, called for the suspension of the Constitution, no if's, and's butts about it 'read his lips'


Bragg won office in NYC on only one platform "To take out Trump" that was his promise and his feet are in the fire, he has made a deal with the devil in NYC;

Bragg has lots of cards to play, especially with this pedophile angle that "Dershowitz" had gone full war on, Bragg has vast support behind him, and probably everybody in OBAMA/Biden DC, the full power to investigate and call witnesses, which means girls that were molested years ago, with Ghislaine Maxwell present, whether she be a critical witness or not, what difference does it make? She is already looking at near life in prison;

Dershowitz tried to get Trump to pardon Ghislaine, but Trump failed to do so; Ghislaine is Dershowitz worst nightmare because she was present at most of the hosted sex partys at the Epstein NYC mansion ( now owned by Goldman Sachs )

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