My the USA has gone into the pathetic toilet left & right; demoRat & RINO both offer the same excuse, our MAN is too old and stupid to know what he's doing; OMG
Look at yourselves, your defending a POTUS of the USA and suggesting that he was too stupid to know what he was …
My the USA has gone into the pathetic toilet left & right; demoRat & RINO both offer the same excuse, our MAN is too old and stupid to know what he's doing; OMG
Look at yourselves, your defending a POTUS of the USA and suggesting that he was too stupid to know what he was doing. That is no defense, not even at Nuremberg;
Trump is very deep in this Dershowitz EPSTEIN scandal, going all the way back to Acosta, who if still alive will also be called to this trial;
the Orange Conman never apologized for;
bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel
sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)
not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )
sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.'), arming Zelensky in Urkaine
sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)
not building The Wall
not "locking her up"
hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams
dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London
not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning
hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal
They used to say "The Buck stops here"
Now they say "He didn't know"
My the USA has gone into the pathetic toilet left & right; demoRat & RINO both offer the same excuse, our MAN is too old and stupid to know what he's doing; OMG
Look at yourselves, your defending a POTUS of the USA and suggesting that he was too stupid to know what he was doing. That is no defense, not even at Nuremberg;
Trump is very deep in this Dershowitz EPSTEIN scandal, going all the way back to Acosta, who if still alive will also be called to this trial;
the Orange Conman never apologized for;
bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel
sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)
not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )
sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.'), arming Zelensky in Urkaine
sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)
not building The Wall
not "locking her up"
hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams
dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London
not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning
hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal