Trump needs a Come-to-Jesus moment and admit that Operation Warp Speed was a DOD and other security state operation before starting the process to take liability away. If they truly believe in transparency, they must first distance themselves from involvement with the C-19 development and promotion of the death elixir. If they were involved, ahem, Mr. Trump, then a profound apology followed by an accurate accounting of that involvement. If he was deceived, so be it, but that is up to us to decide after fully accounting for the facts.

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Feb 7, 2023
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I never said he was, yet. He still pushes the death shot. And that, my friend, is the truth.

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Feb 7, 2023
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Listen. I voted for him twice. I went to a rally. I gave him cash. But I started glimpsing that supporters were beginning to believe he was the second coming of Christ. It's all over social media; they think he is a god sent.

Now, they will not admit that he has faults. Significant faults that we were willing to overlook because we needed a political populist in office. One that seemingly listened to the voters. A non-politician that wanted to clean the swamp.

We can handle the hookers, the low-grade womanizing, the giant ego (it's humorous) the rude speech. But we liked the honest talk.

The death shot is another matter. Trump believes he created it or the quick response, at least. He does not admit to the disaster that it has become. And that's the problem. I, or many of us, will not let him slide on this issue. To get further support, he must come clean; he can't talk his way through this issue. There is no margin of error allowed.

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No liability protection. Never ever.

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(1) they are bioweapons, not vaccines

(2) this is the DOD & enablers waging war against US citizens

(3) copy & paste 1 & 2 to all participating countries

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Going back to Robert F. Kennedy’s book on Fauci & Gates. They were & are all in bed together.

Trump knew none of this. Why I have no idea. Birx manipulated the data. Brought about the lockdowns. DeSantis & Trump pushed the vaccines. Bragged about Warp Speed.

Never mentioned that Pharma not liable. All under an EUA. Good God what were they thinking!

Pfizer is still pushing this crap & doubling down while the idiot Republicans want to make abortion the main issue.

Trump:s ego gets in the way of admitting this was a disaster. And no way did my wife & I take the clot shots. We did our homework. I agree with Dr. Alexander. I guess we will see what happens next with those Bio Labs in Ukraine.

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Not so. The Fauci, Gates and Wuhan stuff is most likely a separate issue dealing with serial passage of a SARS vaccine developed by Ralph Baric at U of North Carolina. They're clearly incompetent, dishonest and greedy but that genuinely appears to be about dealing with emerging viruses. Concentrated animal populations in agriculture are producing constant viral outbreaks that require solutions if we are going to continue with that type of animal production.

But, on balance, Covid appears to be a US military bioweapon. There's more evidence of this than of the Wuhan distraction. And it is a conspiracy theory. There are just too many unknowns for it to be anything else but we do have a few data points that cannot be ignored. You'll have to look into the virus origins on you're own. I'm not certain if most of it hasn't been scrubbed from the internet.

But in terms of coincidences, why would MSM be banging on about Wuhan lab leak if they haven't mentioned Operation Warp Speed in at least a year? They don't mention anything unless it's narrative control. And are we to believe Trump hired Robert Kadlec and then there were a series of viral outbreaks decimating Chinese food production that were unrelated? That Trump hired Alex Azar to update the PREP act but he didn't understand what those regulations spelled out in even though it is in agonizing detail? How about Trump killing the INF Treaty allowing the US to place nukes in Poland, Romania, Ukraine and now, Finland? That he failed to stop Ukronazis from stockpiling Plutonium. That he funded and equipped Ukronazis with weapons to shell civilians in Donbass. That the Pentagram built a $4 million biolab in Kharkov that had a built in prison where they kept mentally disabled people they tested genetically engineered bioweapons on before releasing them into the countryside causing a series of epidemics in Ukraine since 2016. That Trump created Prosperity Zones which were districts where tech billionaires could purchase real estate without paying taxes on their windfall stock market profits and then when the police murdered a black man on camera and BLM rioted and burnt down neighborhoods they just happened to do this exclusively in Prosperity Zones? That Trump spent so much money that the REPO market froze up Sept. 17, 2019, the day after Trump wrote the EO for developing new vaccines and 2 days after the Covid war game?

That Trump said that if we invade countries we should at least steal their oil and to this day the US is stealing the vast majority of Syrian oil. That the US created and funded ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram and right now is paying ISIS to fight in Ukraine. That Trump created sanctions against Nord Stream II that stated that if the pipelines were bombed anybody who investigated the bombing would also be sanctioned. That The Project for a New American Century think tank report stated that genetically engineered biowarfare were the key to America maintaining it's hegemony throughout the 21st century.

If you piece everything together it looks like Trump was orchestrating the murder of 95% of humanity at the exact time he was pretending to take down the deep state. And this began long before Covid started. He has been bailed out of bankruptcy twice by Rothschild. If you look at the graphics at sashalatypova.substack.com you can see the key people involved. Deborah Hix is ex-military and was the number 2 in command behind Trump. Fauci is a distraction. Who created Q and how did it just happen to coordinate communications with Trump, Flynn and Pompeo? Why did Glamis Calling make references to Q twice prior to Q's first ever post? Why did Majestic 12 begin posting just days before Q? Why is Kash Patel still pretending Devolution is real? "The military is the only solution" is right. The only thing is, everything was inverted from what we thought. How is it possible that these people all think they're doing the right thing when they're trying to kill us all in one of the worst ways possible? What sort of justifications can they be inventing? Why does Revelation 18.23 - "and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." The source Greek word for "sorceries" here is "Pharmakeia."

I can't find any explanation other than that they are blinded from the truth by God abandoning them. God has placed a "veil" that blinds them and allows delusions to rule their minds. They've become reprobates from long practice. I can't find an explanation for this besides spiritual forces. Yes there are all the material explanations as well but this seems to have levels of simultaneous causes. But Trump believing he's innocent means nothing to me.

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If u r interested in discussing ur views further off line let me know. My E mail is wbrazas@gmail.com.

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That is quite the treatise on the situation we are still facing.

Having been raised in the Catholic faith I am always skeptical when one refers back to the Bible.

Yet I always believed that Revelations held many predictions which were prophetic.

I appreciate your response & insight. My concern is for our country & the Constitution which I swore an oath to defend against ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. Thank you. ⚔️🤬⚔️

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I think so as well.

I also think that Fines are NOT accountability. They would just do what they did again.

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Fines are how the government and its players get bribed or paid off. Think about it; do we ever get to see where any fine money goes? It is never the victims that receive compensation; it is always the federal agencies. There is never an accounting. For instance bankers; they never go to jail but instead are fined. Why is that? One reason is that the large primary banks are also selling government bonds or raising cash to pay for Congress's lavish spending.

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Yep, it’s just money laundering going back and forth.

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Hi Paul,

I am not making light of what you said, but consistently calling Trump "POTUS" and talking about his re-election, is like me pretending my love of my life dead wife is still very much alive and setting a place-setting for her every night at dinner time.

This of course is a beautiful gesture, and it does show my enormous love for her, but it will start bordering on mental illness, say if I were to pretend she was still living and getting my new woman to dress like her and to answer to her name when we fuck, ooops make love.

I like to role-play with living women not dead ones.

I am not trying to upset you in any way.

Have a nice Tuesday.

Best regards


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I can’t handle more Trump. I supported him through thick and thin and can no longer stand the sight of him, his stupid, puerile attacking and boasting or e ing seeing his name in print.

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Gail, I'm with you on Trump.

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I'm sorry you lost your wife, Barry. I know how much losing someone you love very, very deeply hurts. God bless you.

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Here's a crazy take: I didn't like trump - not one bit. I was appalled at "grab 'em by the pu**y" and the handicapped mockery, and his cheating ways. I had been a fierce opponent of Republican chicanery from the very awakening of my political awareness. I had always supported Democrats, most of whom I liked. I was very vocal. However, when Debbie Wasserman Schwarz and Hillary stole the nomination out from under Bernie Sanders, my enthusiasm for political discourse withered, and I withdrew. I threw away my vote to Jill Stein, and became as apolitical as I had ever been, during the Trump years. Didn't like him, though. And in 2020 I voted for Biden, as a vote against trump.

One day I saw him speak in an interview. A few hours later I saw an article about it where the liberal media had completely mischaracterized what he said. It did not win me over immediately, but it gave me pause. Also, right at the beginning of the pandemic, I thought he held his cool really well and was smart looking into solutions and keeping in a positive frame of mind. Of course he was lambasted, and his hydroxychloroquine suggestion was exactly correct, too much so (remember, Fauci stated that HCQ was effective against SARS-Cov-1) - so the deep state fabricated the Surgisphere study, 100% faked, falsely asserting that HCQ was not only ineffective, but harmful. The fake news was blasted all over the world media before the truth could put its shoes on. Many doctors still believe HCQ is harmful at normal dosages. It is not.

Getting to my point: my retrospective opinion of Trump has shifted dramatically. I still don't like that he's divisive. He could have done a LOT better job at being enrolling to all Americans. But his policies and his straight talk, schedule F, his grilling of Zelenskyy... I have reassessed. He's a good president, and he was sabotaged by his people.


This is all a play.

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It’s a little of each...have heard many times this all a movie but am anxiously awaiting the end.

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I hope it ends as Frankenstein did, we villagers storming the castles, and giving these apex predators their final BBQ.

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This is very interesting : BOMBSHELL: HOLDING THEM TO ACCOUNT FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY -- Pascal Najadi & Todd Callender ¨Switzerland and Thailand leading the way by bringing justice to those responsible for crimes against humanity.¨


Pascal Najadi https://rumble.com/user/neutralswiss

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Tell that to congress, they passed a long time ago, and continued to do so. It's also more than just the Prep act.

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No more Trump. He’s way too damaged and his attacks on DeSantis, Musk and everybody without anything to attack. Yet assumes zero responsibility for his own poor judgment.

Americans are sick of old men. We want fresh, smart and baggage free

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We know Trump can get our country back into a good place after 2 years of Biden destroying all his policies.

I’m sick of corrupt stupid men. Trump is neither.

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But he does have baggage. He will not be able to get anything done. He will be just sitting waiting to be impeached once again. He also never closed the border like he promised. There is always an excuse, isn't there? It's time for new, younger, blood.

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He doesn’t know when to STFU. And he’s exhausting. I’m not giving him anymore passes. If he managed to get screwed over by 90% of his appointments, AND the left, AND the bureaucracy AND by 5 Eyes, AND his “ friends”… One has to ask why? Perhaps the public ad hominem attacks, his failure to make outreach or attempt civility.

Allowing the monster Erdogan to slaughter the Kurds was not a “ deal”. It was a betrayal. The FIU king jabs, ignoring his truly expert medical advisers and kissing Birx’s ass. Not going to bat for Flynn. The single appointment who had the key to really draining the Swamp. Confiding in LINDSEY GRAHAM and BOB WOODWARD! Picking unprovoked fights. Calling people “ dogs”, losers”, “ fat slobs”,” stupid”, “ incompetent”… He appointed them. The disgusting rants at the midterm rallies saying “ Elon Musk is a loser. He would get on his knees if I told him to. Loser. Who needs rockets to nowhere? He’ll never buy Twitter. He doesn’t know what he’s doing”. Right. The richest man in the word who built Tesla, the Boring Company, Neuralink, undetectable satellites… What does he know? And he’s witty, soft spoken and has such bravery. The disgraceful, unconscionable constant attacks and threatening DeSantis. Because he overperformed. And Glenn Youngkin who stayed out of the fray. Hosts Kanye and Puentes … so damn dumb. Has a “ big announcement” Crypto cards with his image as a superhero and now, boasting of his winning a “ golf tournament”. At Mar A Lago with a bunch of amateur old farts. But zero responsibility for the death jabs

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Beware of fresh and supposedly baggage free. That's what we thought when we first elected Justin Trudeau - nuf said

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Dr. Alexander,

While I appreciate your point of view, the issue goes far, FAR, deeper than the PREP Act.

As for DeSantis or Trump doing any-thing substantial, IMO that's never going to happen.

Let's take Florida for example. If I recall correctly, in Florida State regulations there remains to this day, provision to institute statewide abolition of individual rights if another pandemic is declared. "GOVERN ~ MENT" at all levels must dispense of all and any such legal gymnastics that pave the way for such draconian policies to be forced on the general populace, whether it be the shaming muzzle, "social distancing," "stay at home orders" (yet another in a LONG LIST of political euphemisms created to INTENTIONALLY DUPE the public, this one a polite way of saying "you're under house arrest"). Will the complete destruction of such draconian legal gymnastics in "GOVERN ~ MENT" code come to be? Highly unlikely.

The same pervasive problem remains here in Texas.

Both States still retain some form of "emergency powers" in the event of another pandemic. And all based upon a bunch of legal gymnastics a bunch of attorneys and. "experts" connived and conspired to create out of thin air.

Case in point : At the outset of the scam-demic do you recall the curfews that were instituted? WTF!! Anybody with two braincells to rub together ought have been yelling FOUL from the highest rooftop (I know I sure was)! If the "virus" was every-where at ALL TIMES WTF was the purpose of curfews?

Remember all the local businesses that were declared "non-essential", all while the biggest of corporations (especially those with global reach) that remained open? How much sense did that make? ZERO! People should have been yelling FOUL from the highest rooftops on this idiotic policy as well (I know I was).

And what about the homeless population? Where was all the mass "infection" and fatality? NO-WHERE TO BE FOUND!

In order to achieve a full repeal of such draconian policy, there will first need to be a complete severance of ALL ties to NGOs such a as the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Furthermore there must be a thorough dismantling of the U.S. Federal Reserve, for that matter, ALL central banks. It ought not be forgotten that the now 100-plus years of fake fiat, phoney MONOPOLY currency that has fatally infected the entire world is what has given rise to such organizations. Not only the funding, it's the same cabal (Kabbal?) that created all these "institutions". After all, the CENTRALIZED and SELF-GRANTED (by the cabal members) AUTHORITY TO EXCLUSIVELY to creat currency out of thin air makes the creation of any outlandish "institution"/"organization" possible.

Most people are completely unaware of the fact that every State in the U.S. and nearly every major city have been infiltrated by either of two of "Mr. Gkobal's" favorite sub-NGOs : "The Resilient Cities Network" (created by the Rockefeller Foundation, the day-to-day administration of which was turned over to the Atlantic Council in July 2019) or, "The Strong Cities Network", a creation of the United Nations. Proof? Guess why "Smart Meters" are being installed on a building or home near you?

The city in Texas where I reside was "sold out" to the "Resilient Cities Network" in 2013. A quick investigation uncovered the fact that EVERY MAJOR CITY IN TEXAS has been "SOLD OUT" to either of those two previously named "NETWORKS".

Anybody is able to conduct similar research.

And those two "NETWORKS" have infiltrated not only the major cities in the U.S., they've infiltrated every major city in every country.

We ought not forget that the well from which all these entanglements sprung was the 1992 "Earth SUMMIT" held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 194 countries signed on. It remains a lethal cancer to this day.

I suppose, Dr. Alexander, beginning with the complete repeal of the PREP Act is a small beginning, even so, that is nothing more than pruning a diseased Branch off a tree, when in fact the entire root system is infected. If we endeavor to prevent this nonsense from EVER happening again we must uproot the entire infected tree, get rid of the U.N., get rid of the WHO, get rid of ALL their affiliate "satellite NGOs", and get rid of the global fake fiat phoney MONOPOLY currency system that has infected the entire World and permitted the rise of ALL those organizations.










#ENDDARPA and there are plenty of others to add to that list.

PEACE and be well.

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Wow God bless you. Amazing comment and summary of this crazy world. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for this link, Gavin. I've been struggling with all of the information from Sasha and Katherine, but this piece by Delaney does a superb job, IMO, of crystalizing what has been done, by whom and how, and how we might go about fixing it.

Thanks again. I'll go back and read the three prior pieces by Delaney. As one of the commenters at Lifesite News said, this is so well done, could easily be sent to our "elected" representatives.

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I don’t see Trump doing this. I don’t know why. Is he compromised? Isn’t prideful? Is he burdened with shame and guilt?

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Thank you dr. Alexander for the big picture approach to the issue at hand. Thanks for you relentless warrior approach……

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Be a role model like Japan!

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Certainly the laws (VICA, Prep, Patriot) have to be repealed. But the liability protection has already been punctured because “they knew.” It is a matter of taking action against the perpetrators. When felonies have been committed by the manufacturers, the liability protection under the law is voided. It requires litigation and prosecution to make their crimes official court record.

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