I hope you are NOT wrong about this.

America needs DeSantis to stay where he is for now to show the other 49 states how to re-assert American values in public life. And to remind Washington that the states are not subserviant to the federal government.

I'm so pleased with his telling Disney how things are going to be in the state of Florida from now on -- and for his refusal to take orders on covid policy in Florida from the Biden Administration.

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Why do people believe that these people will not commit election fraud again in 2024? Asking for a friend. 🙄

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I live in Fl and hope he waits, he is doing such a great job here.

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Wow!! I’m shocked at the lack of support for the best president we’ve ever had. Trump.

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Trump won’t be POTUS either if he doesn’t stop attacking DeSantis; he gives impression of being off.

We must have a STRONG candidate & get whomever elected. Otherwise it’s o.v.e.r.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Mr TPP DeSantis is a Rino.

Only democrats, other Rinos, the military complex, and corporate globalists want a Rino president.

DeSantis = Bush 3.0. More wars and Jebs amnesty. He’s an establishment candidate.

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I agree with you. Trump will come back and set things right, get rid of perversion, communism, evil and corrupt agendas and bring back family values and entrepreneurship, and people working together to make life good for everyone. I've had about enough of this hell we've been going through.

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DeSantis’ time is now, this is his moment. Trump will not win, he’s already lost to Biden, and he doesn’t deserve to win. No I don’t like Biden but truthfully, Trump outsourced his presidency to these covidians, I give it 50/50 odds he would have went along with vax mandates too.

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Guys, please understand that president means nothing. Look at Trump; the deep state took him out just like JFK; at least Trump still has his life.

DeSantis should stay where he is and help find more governors like him. We will have far more power in having 20-plus states with governors like DeSantis. The problem is DC; the whole apparatus is corrupt, and both parties are corrupt and take turns driving the country into the ground. They play tag teams with each other.

However, the states are a different animal, and the corruption from DC is further removed. You see, the further we move away from federalism, the closer we get to state power, precisely what the framers intended. We have allowed the Federal government to attain far too much power over the decades. This needs to change; the best way to do that is to control each state. This then becomes a tail waging the corrupted DC dog.

Ask yourselves this: what have we obtained each time we have had control of the executive branch? Very little. Trump kept Hillary out of the seat of power; he became a vital speed bump. But, he could not retain the position for more than one term. Additionally, he was distracted by one fake issue after another by the deep state to keep him occupied.

Then ask yourself the following: what if we had Trump and DeSantis clones in other states? Not only is this easier to control (election fraud notwithstanding), but the terms of the governorship are easier and cheaper to extend over time.

We are making a mistake by just focusing on the presidential elections. Sure, make an effort to get the right person in control of the executive branch and as many as possible in the legislative. But focusing mainly on the state powers will have a long-lasting effect without the pressure of the constant four year routine that usually has little impact.

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Trump 2024!

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I would think if honorable he would sit out. Not sure if he will. Also there is the whole elections stolen all over the world now thing. :(

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If “the powers that be” continue this travesty, we won’t have a country to vote in....😞

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Those of you calling Trump a child, keep in mind when he makes a move, he’s at least 20 steps ahead of everyone. When he nick names someone, they are going down. Just watch him. Trump has the world believing he’s not too smart and immature. Why? So you always underestimate him. Boom!

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Maybe the GOP should be a bit more like parties in other countries and start expelling representatives who support the agenda of rival parties. In most conservative parties in other countries, communists like Romney, Lindsey Graham, Kinzinger and Liz Cheneywould be shown the door. Unity is strength. Disunity is death. If DeSantis doesn't get on board with Trump's agenda on election fraud and the 2020 election result he's supporting the Dem agenda. He should be told to get with the program or f-ck off back to China. Biden has made the US the laughing stock of the world. When people in other countries think of Biden, they think of a dementia patient sniffing little girls, of drag queens in schools and of the US Supreme Court finding that the US constitution gives Americans a right to sodomy and gay marriage. In what other country did their founding fathers think it was vitally important to include a "right" to be sodomised and in what other country are drag queens encouraged to model behavior for children? Representatives of the GOP who support this agenda should be booted out.

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The fascist/leftist dems are already counting the votes for 2024...The Dummy is in the lead by 50 million votes. No repub has a chance. DeSantis does well in Florida, but he will be like Trump and get no support from the repubs/RINO-tards once he is in the DC Swamp. He will be digested by the filthy gators that reside there.

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Ron will do whatever his handlers tell him to do. He’s done a pretty good job in FL, I’d give him a B-. But he’s part of the establishment, how is this not totally obvious. BTW, Trump is in the swamp now too. Look who is surrounding him.

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