Floridians like myself are not happy that Ron DeSantis is abandoning us for his own political gain and sticking it to Trump in the process. He needs to back out and wait his turn, then he will have more experience and more backing. IMO

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Don't ask Kennedy what he thinks about the 2nd amendment or he will lose lots of votes.

He is a true liberal and if he thought he could get away with it he would get rid of the 2nd.

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DeRino is now making lies up about Trump out of desperation and thus making him basically unelectable even in 2028.

He has no insight into how he is being used and looks like a fool now going scorched earth with lies. He will now say anything to get elected. Just sad watching now.

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He doesn't have sufficient Foreign Policy experience.

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We need DeSantis in Florida. And not to come limping back after the election as damaged goods. The red States are looking more and more like our last bastions of freedom.

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Paul Alexander and people in this thread actually believe that Trump will be president again. Trump will be defrauded again. Voters do not control the voting machines. The Deep State will make sure that Biden does not debate anyone. Plus, the machines will be tampered with. Plus, they will accelerate war with Russia and China.

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I m only a Canadian but De Santis hired a great Surgeon General with Ladapo, that one move had so much impact. And Trump said some good things but I am sceptical because he let Fauci just bs the whole country, I can’t think of one hire of Trumps in any area that equals what De Santis did, but that just my viewpoint. I mean there is worse then Trump (like Biden) but RFK jr is more in tune w seeing through the vax issues and pandemic and honestly the bs the USA has been pulling for years (CIA more like CI-nay- like they just use the US clout to pretty much ruin the world) Kennedy wouldn’t fall for that trap. But I think I wanna have faith that the right guy will get the job whoever they may be, it’s good to have possibly multiple good options for once.

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DeSantis has too many RINO political consultants around him telling him the Deep State will remove Trump from the playing field, thus giving an opening to whomever is #2 in the polls. That is why DeSantis won't step aside, imo. This is why goofs like Haley and the others are running too.

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Trump should be the president now. Unthinkable to me that he lost fair and square in 2020. And because they got away with it and nothing has been done to make elections honest again, it will happen again. Get ready, WEF lackey Gavin Newsome is going to be installed as Resident of the United States. More unconscionable tyranny to soon follow.

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I'd really love to see Vivek as Donald Trump's V.P. running mate

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Vivek, a good man. His parental citizenship issue as "immigrants" has not been addressed. Are they citizens of the U.S.? He has not answered that, nor, to my knowledge, been asked. I have asked through his txt, but received no answer.

The Natural Born citizenship test is a 3-legged stool

Both parents must be full citizens, either through birth or immigration. The child must be born on American soil. Jus Soleil (szhoo solae) requires "of the soil." Jus Sanguinus requires "of the blood," hence the 3-legged stool analogy.

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You're wrong with saying he should step out now. In the beginning we all wondered why those not on our political side couldn't get past their ideology and now here you are doing the same thing. Everyday you rail against Malone and yet you now throw in the towel. Why? I can't blindly throw away my core convictions and be a hypocrite. I've fought very hard for three years against lockdowns, mass vaxxing campaign, early treatment denials, masks, censorship etc etc. Now post covid, Trump still touts the vax as a success both in interviews and by lack of acknowledgement of the greatest crime against humanity? I lost a lot as we all have. What I WONT do is somehow sell my soul for politics, turn a blind eye, and be a hypocrite to myself or my kids, family and friends. Here are the facts. Trump still says the vax saved hundreds of millions of lives and operation warp speed was a great success because of him He doesn't talk about not putting it on the childhood schedule, nor an investigation, or Nuremberg style trial...all things you Dr Paul and these commentators have railed against since this substack started. Now I'm supposed to feel the need to throw all of my values away to go along with the cool popular kids so I can be at a big rally and in line with current polls? Covid cabal is not just a small policy disagreement...it is/was the single most devastating loss of individual freedoms in our lifetime and Trump does not espouse any acknowledgement against the vax nor the childhood scheduling. Just to be clear to all the sycophants-yes I'm a fan of his and actively campaigned for him, but he needs to get in line with us on this issue and not just wipe it under the carpet so he can claim operation warp speed was the greatest thing to ever happen and he "made it happen". For 3 years I showed my kids by example what it took to stand up for freedom and fight for rights and I'm not going to piss it away and sell my soul by giving in for political expediency/group think and get swept up by huge crowds so that my side can "win" . Ask yourself what that temporary "win" will look like? Will the vaxxes be investigated?-Not if he's a fan. Will the vax make it to the childhood schedule? Sure looks like it to me because I don't hear anything to the contrary. Will myocarditis/pericarditis, college mandates and all of the corruption within CDC/NIH/ Fauci/Birx/Collins/Walensky be investigated? Will the vax damaged get their justice & healing? Maybe however as someone who has read all of his books and followed his leadership skills I don't see it being done for a multitude of reasons, mainly his ego won't allow him. Where was all this leadership wisdom and fast firing ability when the battle was on? Did Atlas or a multitude of others get their early treatments to be policy or did Fauci & crew call the shots under his purview? For someone who has a nose for calling out the deep state...that was the chance to save lives ie Vit D, Hydroxy,IVM early treatment campaigns and NOT a rush to find a vax as the sole solution. I also wouldn't suck up to him in order to get a job in the new administration. I'd rather go into private practice if I had your medical credentials, and dig myself out the debt by being true to myself. The only two I see standing up against the covid cabal are Desantis/Ladapo & RFK..and RFK's D party has always wanted to remove 2A rights and make Co2 another case to remove our rights and THATS a huge problem too. RFK Jr says a whole lot about vax and freedoms, deep state, war in Ukraine and makes a lot of sense. Desantis got Covid right for FLA and made the tough decisions for medical freedom & safety and is still calling out the risks for myocarditis in young people and not recommending the vax, nor mandating it, nor locking kids out of school who had no risk to it, nor did he shut down the state. Him and Ladapo read the science spoke truth to power, and developed a team of experts called Public Health Integrity Committee to go against Fauci & the Feds and tear down the vax/covid lies that included some of the very same experts you always sight such as Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Høeg, Weinstein and now you give up. Let the primary play out and let's hear the debate on this which includes Trump vs all the candidates and yes he should take the stage on the Fox debate because I as an American deserve to hear the head on, full frontal debate. I want to know who is against the new bivalent vax/yearly boosters, childhood schedule issue so this never , ever happens again. I also want RFK to debate Biden and hear those policy debates as well just in case he wins, I'm well informed. Your advice by suggesting Desantis step out now is to take that very freedom of our choice away.

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I agree with your assessment. Trump has already been through the fire so he may be the better candidate- and I say this as a non-voter of Trump.

Love Ramaswamy. That he sticks to his Hindu faith while sounding like a Founding Father is refreshing. (And perhaps being Hindu, he is the reincarnation of one of them.) During an interview he referenced Wittgenstein - an esoteric philosopher/logician. But understanding him, as well as all the other modernist philosophers is critical to understanding to the woke movement. Only RFK could match Ramaswamy's intellect and I hope the Epoch Times host a debate between them. Forget the MSM. Mix it up.

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Incomprehensible for anyone to support Trump if he is still buffaloed by the CDC and willing to continue harming millions by supporting the vaccines. Dr Alexander, I am mystified.

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Kennedy should be VP to Trump as President

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