More child sacrifices to Moloch. All jabs must stop. Drive a stake into the heart of the jab industrial complex once and for all.

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Well said. Praise Jesus.

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IMO parents should consider homeschooling their children. Western countries have embraced Dr A's "let it rip" strategy. Some (not all) vaxxed and non-vaxxed have been experiencing serious and/or recurring infections with a subset suffering rapid deaths lately. Thoughtless parents have been sending their still sick kids to school.

This little girl and her sisters allegedly contracted the flu. Who knows if they really did. The agent, the flu, the COVID shots, and flu shots can trigger what happened to her.

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Flu is your body trying to rid itself of a toxic attack. She and her sisters were jabbed with TOXINS. They reacted with the "flu". Her body was unable to cope with the amount of toxins that were in it. She died. That's what happens when you get too much poison in your body and it can't cope. You die. PEG is a toxin that is in all of the vaccines that are being used for CONvid. Polyethylene Glycol. It can cause an anaphylactic reaction. You can die from that reaction. She was murdered by the medical mafia. Score for the one world psychopathic control freaks? a few million. For the people? ZERO. They are winning.

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This is devastating, plus I just read where a 5 month old baby died because of her mother being jabbed. Lord, will you please come back, we need you more than ever now, your babies are dying and satan and his minions are responsible.

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Maybe the lord is waiting for his followers to pick up their torches and pitchforks and take care of the problem.

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It is like the "old joke" where the man is drowning and three lifeboats come to save him one after the other.

The man tells each one to go away because God will save him.

So the guy drowns and when he gbets to Heaven he says to God "where were you?

In reply God says "I sent three lifeboats and you turned them all away"

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I have said that since the get go!

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We don’t have the balls to do so.

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Here is why... all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government... THAT MANKIND IS MORE DISPOSED TO SUFFER WHILE EVILS ARE SUFFERABLE. You see, normal people don't want to go out and destroy the psychopathis in control, but they have no issue with killing off millions. There was a profound statement made in the script of the movie "Cliff Hanger" by John Lithgow. He said, "Kill one and you're a murderer. Kill millions and you're a conqueror. Go figure."

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The time is coming...

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This is horrendous. They killed this child. Arrest Trudouche and all the other jab policy mass murderers.

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The only justice these people are ever likely to get, will be at the hands of a lynch mob, who have finally come to understand, that they will die, because they trusted. Don't look to the courts for apportionment: The Justice System is as corrupt and gangrenous as The Medical Racket.

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I think we are thinking more along the lines of Nuremberg 2 tribunals. And that's EXACTLY what we will need to do. Our entire systems are rotted to the core. Military tribunals are what's required.

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What will happen is someone who lost a loved one, some father, husband, wife, son, daughter, who knows...will grab an AR 15 and go to the board meeting of Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson and shoot everyone there and then the "government" will blame the gun and say we can't have them anymore and THEN the shit is going to hit the fan as we organize into defense groups and Sheriffs form Posse's which are the equivalent of a county MILITIA and we will see what happens then...THE PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAKS DAYS ARE NUMBERED!

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As a parent of two vaxx injured adult kids ( one DPT shot and one Dtap ) I agree. It takes a few top people to be taken out to finally stop this.

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Its very probable that once the normies know the truth, that they will seek revenge. It showed up in Cliff High's ALTA Data sets & it's happened a couple times already.

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Ain't gonna happen.

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I think they will. I'm sure the normies are going to hear the truth very soon about those vax and what they really were.... I trust the plan. Elon is brilliantly letting loose the proof, and next is about he scientific muzzling etc. Have faith. God is behind the plan.

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I hope you're right... It seems like "God is in Heaven and the Tsar is far away".😥

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Have no fear! There is so much happening behind the scenes. DJT will be back in his rightful place VERY soon. He is going to remove all censorship. Look for his announcement that he made today. Listen to his words CAREFULLY. As goes USA, so goes the world and ESPECIALLY Canada! Its going to be GLORIOUS! God wins!

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I'm not holding my breath. 🤔

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Dec 14, 2022
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They're not very smart either, in my experience. Trouble is, stories I've read but can't verify, of the tremendous variability of the contents of the "vaccines" being shipped (https://www.howbadismybatch.com/); of 60 - 80% of the vaccine vials were actually just saline solution to fool people.. I've seen here in Victoria BC, nothing of the horror stories being reported on the alternative media. At least, not yet. 🤔

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Dec 14, 2022
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Just to give you an idea of some of the other shenanigans they are involved with...https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous

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way to go Canada. Now look up what BC did with the passing of Bill 36. It allows the government to vaccinate anyone related to the health industry, by FORCE imprison you, take your property, and find you 200k so of course you know what a sane place that sacrifices its children and puts its health care workers on death row. so apparently they are slammed. because health care workers with opinions that arent up the government's wazo like lube are exiting the system. well Jee Jagmeet you tyrrrant what's the emergency you WANT to discuss in parlilament. how we're not masking? oh ya and we don't have children's tylenol or children's advil in all of Canada. so these politicians (how do we call them that when they govern like they have no accountability and they run the country to the ground waiting for their puppet masters to pick it up for scrap parts in the WEF c40 city push. and if you haven't looked into that and spread the word. YOU Have to. https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


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That's the biggest danger of a one world government - what happens in Canada will happen here in the US and other countries. Ordo ab chau.

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so few people lift their heads from the 'news' and as long as those rags and gags 'cover' up the Truth understanding is mired. MUST move forward with Truth is our sword and humility as our breastplate. Please review the c40 cities

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Must tell you....its been proven that a serious injury causing autism is triggered by acetaminophen! (Tylenol/advice). Our CRIMINAL medical cartel was telling parents to give this to their babies post vax, if they had fever/inflammation. Meantime the child's body has been attacked by toxins like aluminum and Mercury and the body is reacting by trying to detox and the parents are giving Tylenol which is turning off the detox system! This is why these kids became autistic after vaccinations and there is a good body of evidence proving this. I am pretty certain that's why all the kids Tylenol has disappeared off the shelves.

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More will perish because of the jabs. Brace yourselves. 🙏💔

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Horrific. Evil people pushing this.

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They're beyond evil. They are demonic.

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May God help us all, especially the little ones.

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When you know what's happening and why, it's hard not to get a little angry with the parents and doctors who doomed this innocent child. Today I read about Fauci saying everything Elon Musk is saying is absurd and he's scaring young people away from a career in medicine.

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"a little angry"? They should be burned at the stake for what they've done. Literally.

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Also relatedly:

Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children


June 17, 2022


I'm Dr. Clare Craig, I'm a Diagnostic Pathologist and I'm co-chair of the HART Group and I want to take you through the evidence that Pfizer just presented to the FDA on the 6 months to 4 year old children.

There's an awful lot about this trial that has shocked me and I think will shock you, too.

The trial recruited 4,526 children aged from 6 months to four years old. 3,000 of these children did not make it to the end of the trial. That is a huge number, two thirds of them. Why was there this drop off? That needs to be answered. And without an answer to that, on that basis alone, this trial should be deemed null and void.

So what did the trial show? Well, they defined severe covid as children who had a slightly raised heart rate or a few more breaths per minute. There were six children aged 2 to 4 who had severe covid in the vaccine group but only one in the placebo group. So on that basis, the likelihood that this vaccine is actually causing severe covid is higher than the likelihood that it isn't. There was actually one child who was hospitalized in this trial. They had a fever and a seizure. They had been vaccinated.

So now let's turn to what they defined as any covid. And what they did was to utterly twist the data.

They vaccinated the children and they waited 3 weeks after the first dose before the second dose. In that 3 week period, 34 of the vaccinated children got covid and only 13 in the placebo group, which worked out as a 30% increased chance of catching covid in that 3 week period if you were vaccinated. So they ignored that data.

And then there was an 8 week gap between the second and the third dose, where again, children were getting plenty of covid in the vaccine arm. So they ignored that data.

There was then several weeks after the third dose, which they also ignored, which meant that in the end they had ignored 97% of the covid that occurred during the trial, and they just looked at tiny numbers. So tiny.

In the end they were comparing 3 children in the vaccine arm who had covid with 7 in the placebo arm and they said that this showed the vaccine was effective.

So they measured how many of these children actually managed to catch covid twice in the two month followup period. And there were 12 children who had covid twice and all but one of them were vaccinated, mostly with 3 doses. So you have to wonder what on earth they're thinking when the claim of reduction in covid was only 4 children and here we have 12 children who got covid twice, 11 of them vaccinated.

So let's just recap. They recruited 4,500 children, 3,000 of them dropped out, and in the end they're claiming this vaccine works on the basis of 3 covid cases versus 7, a difference of 4 children only, and all of this on a backdrop of a disease which doesn't affect children, and with no long-term safety data.

We have to ask how an ethics committee could have approved this trial in babies. Babies are not at risk from covid. And now we have Pfizer who are presenting this as evidence to the FDA in order to apply for an Emergency Use Authorization. Emergency Use Authorization is meant for a situation where there's a risk of serious injury or death. Now, children under 5 are not at risk of serious injury or death from covid. In fact, in their own trial, they had to make up other ways of measuring the problem because there was no serious injury or death.

Now originally these products were sold as actually also reducing transmission. Now it would be completely unethical to use young children as a human shield, but we now know that they don't reduce transmission. The WHO have stopped claiming that they reduce transmission, so that argument doesn't apply either.

Now if we just turn to safety, what they did is they followed up the patients for 6 weeks before unblinding them and vaccinating them. So the children who'd had placebo, the control group, were followed up for an average of 6 weeks and then given the vaccine. So that's your safety control gone forever.

The fact that this trial existed at all is unbelievable. There are other issues in there which I haven't highlighted, but those are the key ones.

Parents should be demanding that the decision makers explain themselves.



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Dr Claire is an absolute bloody hero !

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Nothing will be done to stop this mass genocide. The purpose is to kill, period. The soulless elites are in charge. We’re in for a rough ride. The only thing that will stop this is for the masses to wake up and refuse to go along with the plan. Unfortunately, not many people have good common sense anymore.

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I agree. This "vaccine" (bioweapon) works VERY WELL for its INTENDED purpose: to injure and kill and make infertile, those who took it, AND to shed itself into even those smart enough NOT to take it!!! CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

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"Bah! ... Baaahh! Baaahh! Ba-a-a-h-h-hhh!" Go the sheeptards as they're herded off the cliff... 🙄

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Sad. Don’t know the girl or the family, but it happened in my town’s general hospital. Heard about on the radio; they blamed it on “the flu”. My lord, we are in the midst of the Teflon Epidemic. Nothing sticks to it.

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You're here in YVR?

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Guilty as charged.

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We've got some real pharma baddies here. UBC was a real hot spot.

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I worked in that industry (I guess my moniker betrays that, for those in the know) Worked for years on the West Mall, next to Triumph. The company I worked for was a neighbour of "Northern Lipids", a Peter Cullis' (UBC, lipid nanoparticles ) company. I actually have a contraption that is used to make LNPs. Souvenir from the days UBC evicted everybody and built a village at West Mall...

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Indeed. In your bio. So, turncoat or spy? :-) Contraption for LNPs! I only learned of UBC's Arbutus and Acuitas (and Trudeau's investments) from American, David Martin, PhD.

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😜! Maybe I'm controlled opposition! Yes, David Martin was (is) definitely a huge source of condensed information about this crap...

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Dr. Michelle Perro's warning about children and the shots

Chananya Weissman

Published February 9, 2022



DR. MICHELLE PERRO: Hi, I'm Dr. Michelle Perro. I am a physician caring for children for nearly four decades. And I'd like to thank [?] for inviting me to chat with you. I apologize for not being able to be there in person, but I have a work conflict right now. So, but I'd like to share a little bit about my experience.

Briefly, about me, who am I? I've been a pediatric emergency physician, trained at Mt. Sinai, NYU, Bellevue, and then Metropolitan New York Medical College. I've been in California for thirty years where I worked at Oakland Children's Hospital and then I branched out to work in integrative health with a focus on GMOs, pesticides and environmental intoxicants, and how they affect our children. I co-authored a book, WHAT'S MAKING OUR CHILDREN SICK, which looked at the effect of GMOs and pesticides on health. I am cofounder and executive director of GMOscience.org, a nonprofit based on educating, education regarding GMOs, pesticides, and health, with a lens on health. But we've covered many topics over the years.

And why am I here today? I am going to be brief. This is in regard to the effects of Covid on children. And I'd like to share a bit of my experience of the past two years. I've been seeing children with Covid, from CoV-2, and I have to say, in the practice where I work, out of six practitioners, there have been no sick children from Covid. Certainly some fevers, some flu-like illnesses, body aches, etcetera., were the worst that we've seen. And the recovery, the majority of our children, was super quick. Those who took a bit longer, a few days, were usually older teenagers or early, young adults.

Fast-forward to January, February. What have we been seeing, are Covid vaccine reactions. And they are amazingly frequent. They run the gamut of mild, moderate, and severe. We don't tend to see the mild ones because many parents don't even recognize that they are vaccine reactions. Just the moderate and severe ones.

What type of reactions am I seeing? I've seen now, and it's still, I just want to share with you that I work very little clinically at this point in my career, I am mostly teaching and writing, so I'm not seeing a lot of patients, and out of the few patients that I'm seeing, I've seen cardiac issues, breakdown of muscle tissue, seizures. One child lost the ability to speak. One child developed problems with her blood pressure, it's called POTs, postural orthostatic tachycardia, hypertension. She was unable to stand after her booster. She was fourteen. Persistent menstrual bleeding in young women. What else have I seen? Severe reactions at the site of the injection. And two kids with bizarre rashes that looked autoimmune in nature.

And I have been following the data. And it really is quite clear that a child's risk of being injured or dying from the vaccine is actually much, much worse than the virus itself, which has an almost zero morbidity and mortality.

I really am flummoxed as to why we are vaccinating— and it's not a vaccine, by the way— our children with this, I will say it, be frank, bio-weapon.

You have to understand also that the newest research right now in vaccinology is nanovaccinology. And that's the use of these nanoparticles which are extremely small in vaccines. It is clear that these nanoparticles that are encased in lipids, which allow them to enter cells better, because the cell membrane is lipid, and lipids enter lipid cells better, can cross the blood brain barrier in children. And there's no data or studies on this experimental therapy on our children.

When we consider the influence of this technology on children who are already challenged with disorders that have skyrocketed over the past few decades, especially neurocognitive challenges like autism, 1 in 33 now, ADHD, 10% of kids, most of those disorders are more common in boys. Neurosensory disorders, language issues, etcetera. So our children are chronically ill, and now we're superimposing this new technology, not studied, not researched, for no reason that I can possibly understand as a pediatrician.

In addition, we are also seeing a spike in kids who had already had chronic disorders and then flared after these inoculations. What can I say.

So, to the community that I'm speaking to, I believe many of you are rabbis, others, I apologize, I don't know who everyone is listening to this brief but impassioned plea from a pediatrician, that please consider that we are doing more harm than good for reasons that are inexcusable and unexplainable.

And, there's a few last points I'd like to end this conversation with. That to vaccinate— I'll just use that terminology — children for the sake adults is immoral and unconscionable. And I can't wrap around that. It's called coccooning.

Additionally, here in the state of California where I live we want to allow twelve year-old children to give consent for vaccines [without parental consent]. That is shocking! Children cannot give consent for their own vaccines. That is absolutely unacceptable.

[shares contact information]

I thank you for consideration in the protection of our most vulnerable and most precious, our children.



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These are filthy demons . here's another one on video. Difference? We dealt with sicko in video

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Another difference... Fbi, police are in side of murderers

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I’ve no words. A tragedy that could have been avoided. Essential oils for the win, I guess😢 (heavy sarcasm here)

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There are MANY alt healing modalities that are FAR superior to anything offered by the medical cartel.

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That’s my chosen route. All the time.

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Jesus the evil and corruption

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Dr. Paul Alexander: ‘Not One Healthy Child Has Of Died' In US Since Beginning Of Pandemic


June 17, 2022


STEVE BANNON: How can we possibly have the FDA approving—and they seem like they're obsessed— to approve the vaccinations, the vaccines for the babies. Walk me through this. I don't understand how this could happen given all the information that's come out now, and I particularly don't understand the obsession, and it is an obsession they have, to get it into kids under five. Dr. Alexander.

DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Hey Steve, once again, it's a real honor to be here. Look, let me get to the point. When we look at all of the data, we look at data out of Sweden, out of Germany, out of the UK, we look at data by Martin Makary Johns Hopkins, we look at all of the Nordic nations, we see that the risk of death in healthy children, young children, young infants even, is basically zero. In fact Sweden, Germany, and these places record no deaths in healthy children in this age group. Martin Makary's group Johns Hopkins showed us that, I want to be clear how I make this statement, in United States of America since the beginning of this pandemic, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and died.

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: see <https://palexander.substack.com/p/makary-the-flimsy-evidence-behind>

which references this research]

I want to say it again so the public can hear it.

In the United States of America, during covid, from day one to today, that's almost two and a half years, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and passed away. Period.

There is no data that Fauci, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walensky, anyone in the Biden administration, or anyone even in the prior Trump administration, has shown us. There weren't any child. This is reckless, this is dangerous what the FDA and CDC has done.

They have no data, Steve. And what they have done is, they are relying on trials and studies that are very suboptimal and methodologically flawed. They are deliberately undersize, in terms of the sample size being small, and they deliberately shorten the duration of followup. So you, the reader, don't realize that they cannot detect safety signals because the duration of followup is so short, the safety effects can't emerge. So what they are doing is deceiving and misleading the public. And they are using crazy procedures like immunobridging. They are not looking at the patient important outcomes that you as a parent, you as grandparents, need to know.

Does this vaccine, let me be clear, does the Pfizer Moderna vaccine cut the risk of hospitalization or death or ICU? Patient important hard outcomes. There is no study that Pfizer Moderna has done, none, as of this moment, to show that these vaccines are effective in reducing hospitalizations or death. What they have done is they've run studies on antibodies, which means nothing to us because antibodies are not a proxy for immunity. So right now we are being misguided and misled with this flawed, and I actually say fraudulent, studies.

What the FDA has done here and the CDC is wrong. And I want to go on record Steve by saying, this is the hill that parents must battle on. This is the hill that parents must be prepared, must prepared to wage their largest battle. No child should be given these vaccines. Absolutely none. There's no basis. Your child is at zero risk, statistical zero risk, of severe illness or death from covid. You stand up and you say no.


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