Dear Dr Alexander: Thank you for the tragic updates. Your work is vital. One thing to mention. After I heard Dr Steven Pelech on the pathophysiology of the jab by design (my terms as he was careful) and recalled Dr. Bhadhi's repeated alarms based on path science, followed by the histology images that have been supported by Steve Kirsh's work...my question became how is this safe at all based on the design that attaches spikes to the body's own cells for the immune system to attack it? How is it safe in any way. This risk and benefit analysis that you close with would make sense IF the design pathophysiology was unclear and you had to just analyze from the dismal, corrupted numbers of adverse events. But, basically this horrible news just confirms what the model suggests would happen. Am I missing something? Do we have any data that indicates a return to wellness status or clearing the spikes based on actual empirical evidence vs just the survival of the patients for a period? I would welcome that. We know the packaging of the mRNA is persistent to some degree and the spike making machinery can just keep going. It's just a matter of time for those in whom it persists. Probably 5G is not helping either. And the other ingredients beyond the spike are doing all manner of harm on a schedule and we know it from pre Covid research in toxicology. Maybe alot of immune systems have passed the worse. I pray it is so. Otherwise, please consider using new language to reflect the actual clarity around the growing problems of the situation. Ordinary risk and harm analysis is like watching a prolonged game of russian roulette that keeps circling through a crowd to predict the risks. Are you or others putting into the risk analysis the persistence of the spike making inserts? Because if you are not, then it's possibly not making the most compelling and accurate model. I say this with great respect for you and for the courage you must have. If you have to put it this way about risk and benefit (certainly the classic analysis for a saner time) to preserve yourself from danger... I get it... but otherwise, let's call it what it is and cry out for remedies for the vaccinated. So many people I love got pulled in and I have only the deepest concern that we face the probabilities that in a true model so we can fight back. I believe there are a million minds in science that would rush to this cause once we can do the kind of clarification Dr Martin is talking about. God bless you and keep you safe. All this is not on you, but I was so struck by the last sentence of your essay, I had to write you.

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And yet countries like Germany with a complete lunatic as a health minister, are sitting on 77 mio doses of vaccine that they would love to distribute... when will they learn?

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Germany had an incredibly cheap gas deal from Russia and threw it away on the whim of a Biden. They effectively destroyed their economy. It wasn't Putin who did it. It was Biden and Germany's own politicians. Why would they do that? What is the agenda?

The lockdowns, the masks stopping humans talking (like in The Hunger Games' books.), the experimental dangerous jabs, the energy crisis and forcing us all to green even though we cannot afford to heat our houses, the apparently deliberate soon to arrive food shortages? It looks like our politicial leaders want us dead?

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Germany's mistake wasn't throwing away their incredibly cheap gas deal with Putin. The mistake was entering into the deal in the first place.

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Would the human rights offenders, head choppers in Saudi Arabia be a more suitable supplier of products.

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Strategically for the EU, yes they would have been a much better option.

PS The current Russian regime is no better on human rights than Saudi Arabia.

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Well, what choice did they have? The US stopped supplying oil, thanks to Biden's first day in office. Tell me this wasn't all a plan from the very beginning of 2021.

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https://youtu.be/pBY89mF7o-k wanting to wake sheeple with this across EU too.

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Within 28 days? How many didnt have 28 days pass (ie. Who just got vaccinated yesterday)? How many were misdiagnosed? How many were diagnosed after 28 days? How many didn't report it? How many were diagnosed at a clinic and probably wouldn't show up in records? How many are still moving through the system trying to get a diagnosis (it took one of my friends 6 months to find a specialist that would take him for an obvious vaccine injury related to his heart)? How many had tachycardia, cardiac arrest, or others due to the vaccines who are not captured under these narrow definitions? How many died that were not captured here? I don't need to read the study to know this is a huge underestimate. I've read enough of these studies. They aren't breaking anymore. They are poorly designed sewage IMO.

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The truth keeps coming out, but does it break through enough to effect change. “They” operate on a 18 month denial delay for all findings counter state narrative, counter BigPharma.

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Hi Brian I prepared a red pill video for the uninitiated. Let me know your thoughts. https://youtu.be/pBY89mF7o-k

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Is it correct that myocarditis usually results in a heart transplant being required within 5 years of initial diagnosis?

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What did the quacks expect with these graphene, AIDS, hep, cancer, nanobot and parasite laden injection/

Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine? By Ricardo Delgado and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, January 19, 2022.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. The mRNA injections HAVE AIDS!

Swedish study 2.28.22 demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Autopsies Prove Vax BioWeapon Caused Autoimmune Attacks And Death. (Based on 70 autopsies done by Germany's top pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt).

Austrian graphene Research Scientist/Med. Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED after he released his evidence of graphene in the 4 mRNA injections, and describing it as ''razor blades in the blood that will kill all who get it''.

Prof Igor Chudov Pfizer vaccine, taken once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells…DNA transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine contains mutant gp130 Cancer Cells. 28,2,22

Journal of Hepatology. Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine.. confirmed.

Brghteon. Dr. Jane Ruby Show. Incredible evidence of cancer diagnoses in the jabbed, exploding cancers in the boosted. 2.15.22.

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Dear Dr Alexander. Thank you for confirming what I have suspected for sometime. My neighbour's late husband died in July last year after many weeks on a ventilator in hospital. I noticed at his funeral that one side of his mouth was drooping. He had been on the ventilator for so long; now I am convinced that his being on the ventilator for all that time was what caused his death. The tragedy of it all is that people who were supposed to be professional medical staff were giving him the wrong treatment all along. So much heartbreak has been caused because of covid. Your articles are very interesting, pertinent and accurate. Thank you for campaigning so hard to try to end this debacle!

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The data is presented in run on sentences, intended to make it difficult to read and interpret.

I see also that adjustments were made with no explanation. Clear tables that allow the numbers to be anylised are not shown. They want to hide the data.

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And if it is worse after the 2nd dose ... what does the 3rd dose do?

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16-24 year old males, eh? Let's see, what do we know about that age group, what do they all have in common? Oh, I know! Highest testosterone levels of all members of the population. Gee, now who might benefit from a product that targets and destroys those with the highest testosterone levels? Perhaps a country or group of people who would like to render a healthy, productive society into a defenseless one that has lower reproduction rates, and fewer young, able-bodied men to create, build, and lead. Such a society would also be more inclined to Socialism, since women in general are much more likely to vote for "cooperative" societal designs, while men prefer independence. Not all women, obviously--the smart ones are all here on Substack... 😏😏😏

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Looking at past data presented in the format given does not reach the mainstream Vaxxed people, readership.


You have to do a forward designed blood marker database that will confirm existing damage with injury and death on the horizon for these Vaxxed people. Today ! Very near future !!

Otherwise. No one is reading or listening to this stuff your putting out.

Got it !

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