The shots are like the Hotel California, “ You can check out any time you like,But you can never leave”

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

I am afraid the drug companies will use these results to push for boosters every 90 days.

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Unfortunately people will be lining up for them.

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And good riddance. At this point they are irretrievable.

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Unfortunately people, even professionals, fail to take the time to look at data and will skip to read the conclusion. The conclusion is supposed to be unbiased and based upon the findings, but with science now politicized, conclusions are now tainted with bias. It is important in reading research to always go to the published paper to recheck references because authors often misrepresent references. Logic, statistics, and critical thinking is not taught in school anymore as it is being replaced with CRT and the woke agenda.

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I'm beyond baffled how Israel can simply look the other way when people are dying and severely ill from the shots, I thought they would care, especially after what happened in nazi Germany with the concentration camps, but it seems they've forgotten about all that and now money is their new god.

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They love a good holocaust. Perpetrators of the abortion slaughter and now gladly participating in the plandemic. Money makes the world go round.

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How can you say something like "they love a good holocaust"?

Do you even appreciate what you've just said?

Abominable comment.

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Barry. Don’t get me wrong. I am a pro Israel Christian. Many American secular Jews were the founders of organizations like NARAL(Bernard Nathanson) and Planned Parenthood. RU-486 was developed in France by pharma company Rousell Uclaf, Parent company Hoechst which was one of three resulting from the break up of IG Farben which manufactured Zyklon B. RU HAD TO MOVE TO A MORE ABORTION FRIENDLY STATE: Israel. Plenty of blame to go around in the goy community. Bill Gates Sr was a co founder of Planned Parenthood. His son is PP’s biggest donor and the perpetrator of the plandemic slaughter currently. You’ve got plenty to look up to educate yourself on this subject so I’ll sign off for now. Live action.org has a great article on this by. Carol Novietti. G’day.

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i couldn't BELIEVE they fell for this scam psyop

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well, i also wondered why a population with the holocaust as history would comply with experimental nano injections with the contents redacted and NO LIABILITY FOR THE FELON MANUFACTURERS!?!?! It sounds like they were given a pre dose of AMNESIA dust

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Evil continues, it may not be as horrid as the holocaust, nonetheless the plandemic and abortion has taken the lives of the least among us. All evil that kills innocents is an abomination. Comments pale to the reality so take a deep breath and acknowledge reality my friend.

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These results are a distraction because IgG antibodies don’t prevent infection because the shots can’t create mucosal antibodies (sIgA) where the infection grows and takes root.


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Yes, and how is it that vaccine approval hinges on a rise in antibodies in the trials as proof of effectiveness of a vaccine? It should be proven to be preventive beyond a rise in antibody titer.

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I appreciate the good investigative journalism that you do to provide us with these study results.

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Looking at this, I think the most important point is that all Original Antigenic Sin was removed from the study because only those who had not had Covid were in the study.

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Most CovIDIOTS would support a monthly booster. No questions asked.

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Are these 4th shot people hard to find?

Check the cemeteries.

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Endless boosters every 3-4 months? Let's see....2.7 billion people (35% of the world) boosted 3 times a year at a cost of $121/injection and suddenly big pharma has a 1 trillion dollar payday...every year for eternity. This is of course courtesy of the many governments who will gladly prepay for billions of doses.

We already know that there are infinite covid variants, so they will never run out of those and they can ramp up production to meet the "demand" in a heartbeat. Conclusion...load up on big pharma stocks, I guess, and hope the hopeless will keep getting their scheduled injections.

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Some of our fellows MDs are proud to not think. Proud to say BS. Proud to recommend bad things to people. We’ve been living in very strange and dark times.

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Antibodies are suppose to wane after virus infection or vaccine. That doesn’t mean there isn’t long term immunity.

Every few months antibodies drop off and they call for a booster. It’s a bad way to check long term immunity. In the case of the mRNA shots we know they give no immunity. So what’s the point of constant boosters? Money. And they get to keep the experiment going a little longer. They get to keep controlling us longer. And they get to now study individuals with 2 shots versus 3 and so on.

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This is a Satanic Extinction Level Event- more in tune to call it an ethnic genocide but really it is a Spiritual Battle of the Ages. Talking about the facts to those who are to blind to see or too deaf to hear is casting your pearls before swine in this matter. It is the Mark of the Beast and the system is getting ready t switch off and back on. No amount of repertoire, although I commend your tenacity seems to be working here. Vaccines they are not, effective only for technology implant and experimentation on the human biology for the globalist end game, which does not include you or me right now. Thank you for your work sir.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

I continue to have three main objections to Covid mRNA “vaccines”:

1. They focus on too narrow of a set of viral proteins, usually only one

2. mRNA technology is woefully under-tested.

3. We’ve had no or at best limited success with vaccines for corona and influenza viruses, and the repeated use of them may have the opposite of the desired effect. They may be acting like allergy shots and train the immune system to ignore the virus.

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