People are going to be hung for this. People are going to hell in huge numbers.

Grave sin to just freaken maim yourself or maim your child.

Invincible ignorance is an excuse. Culpable ignorance is NOT AN EXCUSE BEFORE GOD.

It's subjective.. But I don't see how most ate going to claim invincible ignorance.

Laziness, cowardice

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So sad! It’s not these kids’ faults. This will likely plague them for the rest of their lives. And all for nothing. A disease that for their age group is little more than a cold. No words.

Edit: Actually, one word— Evil

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One of the Biggest things to learn from this study is that a young person that had myocarditis (realize the vaccine was transferred in the Breast Milk and they knew it) from the vaccines and even if they feel well 6-8 months after the onset with their ECHO, blood work, and ECG all being normal, that almost 70% are still with subclinical Myocarditis. Subclinical Myocarditis can and will lead to lethal arrhythmias with exercise (as documented in over 1000 athletes worldwide) and it can and will lead to Diastolic Hearth Dysfunction, Heart Failure, and even Pulmonary Hypertension as they get older.

They have lied about everything from the beginning and this is no different. Remember when COVID started and they said it was unlikely to spread via airborne mechanism? They sold a lot of hand sanitizer didn't they.

They lied about this Myocarditis in the young as being rare, mild, and short term.

I would be happy to serve on a Tribunal for those responsible.

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See how they keep hitting on the disease in the titles of these articles, when it is the ephing jabs!?

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They need to hold on for dear life to the false narrative it was that deadly virus that is going to kill grandma, because they are trying to save their own butts. They all look like idiots because of the fact they fell for the lies they were being told, were too cowardly to stand up to the bureaucrats who sold them a crock of bull crap and didn't want to get fired.

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Hear HEAR!

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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It goes on. The unnecessary, cruel premature deaths from the state and employer mandated democide are happening in vast numbers every day. How many more must die because of the culpable actions of those who, out of ignorance or for gain, pushed the jab?

Charles Manson didn't personally kill anyone but he was still a serial killer.

20-Year-Old Nursing Student Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest One Day After Being Forced to Get COVID-19 Shot


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This is so devastating , I know kids who were jabbed, what the hell do their parents do when the kids die.

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At least they had their holiday. Many I know who got their kids jabbed for a holiday. Sickening

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Whilst I recognize that a (so-called) scientific paper must present the findings in a neutral and logical manner, I find the lack of outrage and sorrow indicative of a grotesque lack of humane ethics.

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As a parent this is horrifying news. I did not allow the pediatrician to inject this poison into my kids, healthy teens, athletic. Now look where we are! I wonder if our pediatric groups around the country read this article? Or bothered to look at the data, provided TRUE informed consent to parents wanting to jab their kids. The disgusting Fauci crime family and company are continuing to push boosters on healthy children. I pray they are all prosecuted for crimes against humanity. How are these parents dealing with the fact that they jabbed their kids with poison and their kids lives are forever changed, possibly ruined.

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It is horrifying. I failed to persuade my adult kids to look or listen to me or read anything I sent them. They were under no pressure from employment either. One had already been ill too! They think I have been sucked in to the conspiracy theory hole and requested that if I want to continue any contact then I must never speak of this ever again. Luckily none had any immediate adverse reactions. However, from being generally fit and well, they seem to get infections, throat, ear, colds which are bad. I cannot say or do anything. I firmly believe those who got them don't want to listen. I often think about kids losing one or both parents now and in next few years. I'm going to switch off my internet for next two weeks and give my mind a rest. I just want this all to come out on mainstream and be front page news so then it might be believed. Irony is that those same outfits lied all the way through this. I live in hope it will be soon.

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Same with my oldest son and his wife. She is a teacher so she was early out the gate to get the shots, and my son and husband went together to get the J&J. With out telling me because they knew what my thoughts were on the shots. They caved to the fear porn. Thanking the good Lord they didn’t have a reaction. But we all had Covid more than once mind you. And they were sicker than the rest, & 2 with risk factors had milder symptoms. I started with the supplements before they came out with the early treatment protocols. As we used much of these same supplements to boost the immune system in our wound healing protocols in our clinic for patients with chronic wounds. Vitamin D3 wasn’t part of our nutritional supplements though. Then 5 years ago I learned of a study done on members in a group home. Some were given the flu vaccine and some were given vitamin D. The recipients of the vitamin D group fared much better than the flu shot group, some only had mild symptoms and some never got sick. So I teach these to everyone I can but you know there are those who let it go in 1 ear and out the other.

**I will say I don’t blame you for switching this off for a couple weeks. When you look at the big picture it’s overwhelming. I have to take breaks from it as well and I’ve stopped watching the news. Can’t trust anything you hear now.

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All I do now is worry about the vaccinated, I go out of my way to be nice to them, wish I could do more.

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Nothing a transplant won't cure. Nothing to see here, move along.

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#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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If this is published in the Journal of Pediatrics, does this mean that the American Academy of Pediatrics will begin to advise against these shots?

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The new age of extreme torture before you kill them all outright. Then lets turn them all into agricultural fertilizer? Do you really understand that the world is doomed and providing more proof is not stopping the carnage. We have all the proof there needs to be already and the world is dying! When good men do nothing...

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What I'd like to know is how they're getting these mri's done? My twin boys, 17, have cardiac injury (I suspect they were shed on) and we can't even get belief from the local hospitals, even with raised troponin, d-dimer and crp.

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Mass Formation Psychosis explains much...humanity is far more vulnerable than we ever imagined...

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Oct 1, 2022
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