I’m a non-clinical hospital worker in a SF Bay Area hospital in the Mother Baby Unit. Even I have observed an increase in post partum bleeding. So much so that protocols have recently changed in my hospital in the care of c-section patients. ALL c-section patients are now considered high-risk for bleeding for the first 12 hours post-partum. During this period the maternity nurse is assigned 4 fewer patients in her assignment in order to accommodate the increased observation time/vitals for these now high-risk moms.

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How any doctor can promote these for pregnant women or anyone is beyond belief.

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There is a definite problem with hemorrhaging after childbirth even after 2 nd jab..noticed by a family member who works on labor and delivery floor in Manitoba..

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Those women must have never heard of Thalidomide.

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They’re likely too young to be aware of it or to know of someone who was affected by it.

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People probably spend more time researching a new car.

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OBGYN here. I’ve been seeing this for the last year. More post partum hemorrhages in the last year than my whole career of 28 years. I have mentioned this in several interviews/podcasts. And my pregnant population has a 60% mRNA uptake not 20%.

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for the first time in history, pregnant woman are prodded into getting something that hasn't been tested on pregnant woman with false assurances that taking it is better than not taking it. a humble vitamin has a caution, herbs have a warning, seafood. but no, this is absolutely safe for pregnant women, trust us, we know.

at my doctor's office, early on in the roll out they saw two miscarriages and a post-menopausal woman who's period resurfaced. that was enough for them. not that they were ever considering giving it out. but the health coach told me "these shots are messing with women's hormones." still waiting for all those highly paid, highly credentialed "experts" to catch up with her.

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I might suggest you unvaxxed ladies give birth at home with a professional. You will never know what is administered at the hospital to you or your infant. Same with schooling, home school.

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Absolutely! I’ve read that if you need surgery & are unv@xed, it’s likely they will v@x you whether you know it or not.

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Very true. They are also mixing the tech in with other ‘anything’ they administer. I’ll die at home naturally, not put down in a hospital.

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In FOI-3727 Pfizer reports to 15 April 2022

196 different "Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions" including cases:

Postpartum haemorrhage 26

Intrapartum haemorrhage 4

Peripartum haemorrhage 4

Postpartum disorder 2

Postpartum state 2

Postpartum venous thrombosis 2

Third stage postpartum haemorrhage 1

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Wrap it if your with these "woman."

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Off topic but this may interest you Dr. Alexander:

Loss of immunity due to lockdowns behind spike in NSW gastro cases, diseases expert suggests


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