I read this, and it makes me sad because I know someday in the future, I will know how those parents feel over the death of their daughter. I have two adult children, a 26-year-old son, and a 22-year-old daughter, that ignored my advice NOT to take the COVID-19 jabs. They said I was ignorant, their Chiropractic mother (ex-wife) approved, and she was more intelligent than me. My son said all of them got their jabs, including boosters, and they are fine. I even spoke with their grandmother, my ex-mother-in-law, whose in her 80s, and she got all jabs plus booster too. But one day, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in my ex-wife's house as one of them will die prematurely from the toxic jabs they took based on their mother's advice and approval.

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I just can’t understand young people taking the shot. Their chances of serious repercussions from Covid are minuscule. And they call you ignorant. I am sorry you had to deal with it. Young people are so brainwashed it is really scary. They are the new “good Germans” and they don’t even know it. So who are the ignorant ones? God bless.

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I remember Professor Bhakdi saying more than a year ago to a worried journalist who was interviewing him and who had already had one jab that not all who had one jab or even two jabs would necessarily die prematurely. He thought the jabs would "decimate" the human species and "decimate" refers to one in ten. Prof Bhakdi advised those who had had two jabs that, although it was best to have no jabs at all, they could still be lucky and survive what was effectively Russian Roulette even after two jabs "but whatever you do, when they start rolling out third jabs and fourth jabs, don't have another." The booster may be the deadliest jab of all. If they listen to you at all, see if you can motivate them to detox with natto:

Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2


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Thanks for the link.

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You are welcome.

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Thanks for the link. I will send the link to my ex-mother-in-law but I am sure my ex-wife will tell her mother that I am nuts and have no degree or training in health.

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Ugh. What a heavy burden you carry knowing all this about your beloved children. Pray that they will be spared. It is possible that some will not succumb to severe damage. All these jabs were subject to different people who formulated them, different environments, etc...One vax injured M.D. studied the "how bad is my batch" website - there are a LOT of discrepancies between batches. And it appears that some of the worst jabs were given in areas of Kentucky and Tennessee (who knows why). I wish you the best.

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Very, very sad!😥

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I’m surprised that a Chiropractor who is trained holistically and has studied how the human body is capable of healing itself, bought into this deception, but a Naturopath/Acupuncture Physician I used to go to and take my children to when they were young also did! Shocking how easily these natural health people have been deceived! The same happened in a yoga community I used to belong too. The Ivy League educated yogis threw the body is a temple and self sovereignty out the window when the fear of death was thrown in their face 24/7 by the media. I sent the Naturopath several articles when I found out and hopefully planted a seed. So sorry, Christian. I had a similar thing happen with 3 of my 4 daughters. My former husband, who is a business attorney, was deemed more intelligent on health issues than me, even though I’ve spent 44 years studying natural health and that’s how I raised them. He, and TV and social media indoctrination campaigns won out!

Two of the three finally listened to me and never got more than two shots. One of them, I cannot even speak to about this situation, because I would be breaching her boundaries. It’s heartbreaking.

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My ex-wife would laugh at other chiropractors that were against vaccinating their children. I am a criminal investigator and was ignorant of vaccines but not anymore, especially after reading Turtles All The Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth. It opened my eyes to all the fraudulent vaccine research and junk vaccine science.

I relied on my ex-wife regarding vaccines and health as she had her Bachelor's degree in human biology and her doctorate in Chiropractic. Sadly, she gave her blessings (curses) to our young adult children to get the jabs and her mother. I am sure she got them too as she loves to travel. Unfortunately, all of them have been deceived and did not bother to read COVID-19 informed consent form. That said, the COVID-19 vaccine does NOT provide immunity, does NOT prevent transmission, is under an emergency use authorization, and undergoing clinical trials, which means it's an experimental jab. I am persona-non-grata with my adult children, which pleases my ex-wife. I understand your pain, Myriam

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I am awaiting that book, Turtles All The Way Down. I ordered it after hearing Steve Kirsch speak about it this past Thursday on his VSRF Zoom call, but have read many articles, watched several documentaries on the harms of childhood vaccines since the early 90's.

And it's not just junk vaccine science, most of conventional medicine is NOT evidence based. Most is Junk PHARMA science! I experienced this with my mother and ended up throwing all her meds away. They were killing her. Her father was an Orthopedic Surgeon who she adored, so she blindly trusted MDs and the entire system.

I have known of the dangers of childhood vaccines for 30 years, since having my 2nd daughter. I raised my children holistically, gave birth to the last 3 without an MD. I was the one in charge of everyone's health in our home, while we were married. When we divorced, I was then deemed wrong about everything.

Things may turn around with your children. Do not lose hope. Your former wife may get a rude awakening if any are harmed by the shots. Have you shared that book with her?

I have regained credibility with 3 of my 4 daughters and continue to send them information. I pray for all young people who were indoctrinated by the mainstream media. They are our future.

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Fauci is a murderer

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Read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci". The man is in fact, a mass-murderer, responsible for the deaths of millions of people world wide.

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Absolutely! I don’t not know how he is walking free with millions of dollars in his name. Where are the prosecutors, the attorneys, the government officials who should be prosecuting and sending this this evil creature to prison for the rest of his short remaining life.

Where is the outrage?! Only in a small minority of us.

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All compromised and corrupted.

Need the Elizabethan remedy for treason...Hang, then draw and quarter, publicly.

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You think you're being hyperbolic...

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Correction: Fauci is a mass murderer

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Just horrible. But, we must not forget these victims, so thanks.

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"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

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Sadly, she won’t be the last.

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The college should be responsible for the death

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I agree. They will say they were just following orders. Sound familiar?

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Hopefully some will wake up and start to take notice that this is happening far too often! Maybe her family will speak out. I cannot imagine losing a child to this criminal madness.

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I sure hope the family speaks up and is not in the trance as so many still are.


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What you're witnessing with these headlines Myriam, are the first ripples of the oncoming megatsunami of death and destruction that's been prepared for humanity. The likelihood is quite high, the only survivors of this abomination in 3 - 5 years will be "The Purebloods."

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I realize that, Capt. Roy, as much as I wasn't sure the predictions were accurate. I have been following the truth tellers since mid-2020. I know what the globalists have planned for us, or at least the Covid vaccine/depopulation part of it.

In 2020 or 2021, I heard in a Clubhouse room, that the UK had purchased 400,000 child sized coffins several years ago, from someone who shared a visual of the procurement. It was shocking and honestly unbelievable. I tried to put it out of my mind.

I thought last winter was going to be the pinnacle of deaths, but it seems the one to come may be it.

Not sure I want to be around in 3-5 years. Most of my family and friends will be gone, if what you say, which I have also heard, comes true.

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It's getting hard for me to even imagine the future. So much corruption and chaos and sudden shifts.... I'm just trying to keep focused on gratitude wherever possible. More and more challenging during such times and with instances such as this!

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Same here, Kelly. I feel we will have nothing to look forward to, unless we have a Divine Intervention soon.

I certainly do not want to live in the dystopian world that’s being created.

I feel traumatized just from what I am reading that’s happening to others and what great harms have been done in the past under the guise of medicine.

God help us🙏🏼🙏🏼

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I share your views Myriam. 😞 I find myself being triggered to long past memories from glimpses of views or mere daily triggers in my environment....fond memories, only to find myself sighing afterwards with sadness, as if it were a loss. Well, it feels like a loss on several levels, one being loss of trust---feeling deceived, one of loss of dreams for the potential future events I previously had been eagerly anticipating...also a loss of youthful naievity. I've been feeling so much more serious and hardened.... weathered. I look back to those times that now seem ignorant....but miss that " blind trust" I held.

It's gone. Perhaps it's a gift...feeling made sturdier? Life sure isn't an easy ride. Gotta buckle up. (Hard being sensitive.) I keep holding on to the gratitude for the good times had. Those are always there, although in recollections.🙏

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I am right there with you, Kelly. Everything you wrote above, describes me too.

This quote may give you hope. I just learned of Alan Watt through someone on a Substack thread. At first I though it was a misspelling of Alan Watts.

"When you can break through this System with all of the sciences behind it and the Wisdom of the Ages that's meant to keep you in a mental straitjacket from birth 'til death -- When you've overcome that, you've overcome the world, and you can go on from there."

- Alan Watt


Many days I am angry at what has happened to the world, especially since I chose to bring 4 children into it. I feel for them and their generation. I had no idea we'd been so deceived and lied to since well before I was even born.

Let's overcome the world and go on from there! Shall we?

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Myriam, here's something to look forward to: https://lifeforcecanada.ca/


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Thank you, D.K.

I am in the States but always wanted to visit Canada and thought it was an option to move to, since the USA has been headed in the wrong direction for several decades. But, I’ve followed the dictatorial, dystopian measures taking place in Canada and Australia, since 2020.

I belong to a similar group here, but am not sure the monsters who are running things will allow us to live peacefully and freely, outside of the matrix.

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:'( I've been to Kearney numerous times as my grandparents lived there. They were spared the Times we live in now. Dear God.........

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How many have to die, before the Powers-that-Be are satisfied? If the MSM provided true CV "Jab" figures to people worldwide, unnecessary deaths would end. People would have awakened. Many went off course to find answers...and learn about the agenda of the ultra rich who rule the world; and believe they are the only ones who should survive. Money does not guarantee intelligence. I learned as a child...a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. These cretans will bring disaster on their own heads, because of there very evil agenda to wipe out most of humanity.

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I believe that the majority who believe the government spiel will literally have to see people dropping dead in the street, block after block, before they get a clue. I’m done trying to get those I know to understand how dangerous vaccines are. Take control of your immune system and you will be able to withstand the onslaught of disease

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They make people get these darn jabs and when they die there is nothing. No apologies, nothing! So very wrong.

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She took a hit for the team. That's what they always said about the kids who were autistic by injection. Those fuckers.

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Lord God "Bring your wrath upon these soulless scum of the earth Devils spawn "

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God bless her, please.

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There is no excuse for allowing this to happen in the name of science. It is not worth surrendering ONE human life to these medical butchers.

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It is now time for legal experts to use their arsenal and sue every university mandating these dangerous poisons. This most likely will get their attention. RIP💕

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Coincidence. 20 yo healthy girls have heart attacks all the time. It is so common that it is not news.

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We had all been indoctrinated/brainwashed over the years by the Pharmass. And then one day a light went on & we with CS (common sense) decided to question the heavily-held narrative - what a wonderful day. Pray, hope & stand for truth, not unity.

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