Dr M... master of non culpability... slight of helpful advice ... clever with words and arse covering techniques... ever the helpful hero... to a fire his box of matches started.

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Like those pyromaniacs who join the Fire Departments...

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Apr 8, 2023
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It makes me wonder if Ed Dowd is legitimate because Malone brought him in too. I heard someone mention he likes to short the market and if you listen to his predictions about the financial collapse it would make sense that he'd make a lot of money off of fear.

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Dowd, however, isn't make a lot of money off of fear--almost nobody really makes much money selling books. I've written 16 and some hit all the bestseller lists, and the revenue is almost worthless, though books are a good way to establish credibility and get a message out there. Dowd CLAIMS his hedge fund is NOT pushing people to go long on life insurance companies. Someone should investigate that.

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Apr 8, 2023
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I really hope Peter was ignorant throughout this because I really like the guy and want to believe he's good. They can't all be bad but God only knows.

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Unless Trump used his recycling bad judgment, my guess is he didn't get 'vaxed' either, or had saline. Either way, traitors to humanity is a larger club than ever imagined.

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The persons commenting here are dead on about Diana’s serious background and an excellent writer because she does the research to back whatever she says.

If you haven’t spoken to her…you should!

Malone isn’t suing Diana? He suing people in a group who are presenting evidence to grow the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION! This is a necessity for The People to win if they can get to the next step…UNITY!

My continuing message of UNITY…

We MUST unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!

Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…



Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years…America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Apr 8, 2023
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Malone’s handlers carefully chose the ones being sued as they all covered heavy territory highlighting important evidence that would wake people up…Malone’s background, junk Mass Formation Theory psychologist, nanotechnology, WHO whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger interview, etc

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Apr 8, 2023
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Thank you for sharing these!!!!!!

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Apr 8, 2023Edited
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I followed George Webb in 2016 and I can tell you that he's not legit. There's something very off about him. He is almost in himself a limited hangout. He gives information but then distorts it and it never comes to a crescendo. I almost feel like he's a chaos agent.

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Tons of red flags!!

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Personally I’ve ‘felt’ red flags about Dr Malone for some time. All of these glaring posts from Dr A, confirms my gut instinct. Read what Malone writes but be critical.

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Well, better late than never. Did you see WHEN Diana West wrote this analysis? January 2022, that's right, over a year ago! I am glad you found her article, but this information is not new to those of us who not only paid attention to researchers like Diana West, but the likes of Drs. Breggin, Fleming, Tenpenny, Ruby, Goddek,, Bakhdi, Martin, Yeadon, Mikovits, Katherine Watt, RFK, Karen Kingston and others. Once you see his lovey dovey relationship with DARPA/CIA, the patents from the 90s with Malone's name on them and read the content, there is no doubt that he is far from being a medical freedom fighter or a truth teller. Not to nention malone's own article on Research Gate published in January 2020, yep, before the so called vaxx rollout. I don't believe for one second that he took the actual poison injection, just like the perpetrators of this crime including "the world leaders" or dementia Joe. It's malone's own words that mrna platform is too dangerous and should not be implemented even for experimental human use. So let's stop giving him the benefit of a doubt, or a sorry excuse. He is complicit in this crime against humanity.

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Excellent, excellent article. She straightened out my thoughts and added some more to them. Thank-you, Dr. Alexander for posting it here for us.

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Here are Dr. Malone's musings on his plans for the future, as reported in his latest substack, jut out:

Should I just try to sell vitamins and supplements like most of the “medical freedom” fighters now seem content to do? Should I go into politics (as Bannon seems to want me to do) and find myself back immersed in a deeply corrupt and corrupting Washington DC culture? Just to be clear, the answer to both of those is a hard no.

I, and I suspect all of us, crave a worthy opponent, a cause worth getting up in the morning to fight. Something big and meaningful. And as I look back over the last three years and try to imagine the next three, I think that the worthy opponent for me is deeply corrupted corporate and social media and their enablers. If corporate MSM and the social media/tech giants had acted with integrity, the corruption of my profession (medicine, clinical and regulatory affairs) could never have become this bad. I cannot “fix” the US Government. I cannot “fix” the WHO. I cannot even “fix” the deep corruption of the medical enterprise. But I think I just might be able to participate in enabling an alternative media ecosystem where mainstream people can go to access accurate information, as well as intelligent and insightful interpretation.

The deployment of military grade propaganda psy-ops and government sponsored and facilitated social media censorship on the citizens of a representative republic (or really any political organization which purports to derive legitimacy from the will of the governed) is grossly unethical. It makes a mockery of the concept of individual liberty or sovereignty. State-sponsored media and propaganda is wrong, on so many levels, and it is antithetical to any society seeking to foster competent problem solving and innovation.

Working to break the stranglehold of the modern administrative state and its Uniparty facilitators on media and information is the worthy opponent that I choose. “Medical freedom” is a meaningless aphorism in a world in which the administrative state seeks to deploy its awesome power to control your

very thoughts and emotions. This is the nature of fifth generation warfare technology, and this is what the western nations have deployed on their own citizens over the last three years. All in the name of the “Noble Lies” told to us for our own good and that of society by the Golden overlords.


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I'd like to punch him in his face when it comes to his so-called Noble lie. There is nothing Noble about murdering people for profit.

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It sounds like he agrees with you. He is critiquing the misinterpretations of the "noble lie" in the context of his attacks on the global predators:

Just to re-cap, the Noble Lie is a concept attributed to Socrates and discussed in Book III of Plato’s “The Republic”, which holds that the use of noble lies by the ruling caste is necessary to uphold social cohesion within an ideal society (The Republic). In many ways, this is the root of the internal justification employed by the various bureaucrat/administrative state actors that have authorized and funded (using taxpayer funds) the fearporn and pro-vax propaganda campaigns. Few recognize that the Noble Lie is one component of a core Platonic myth designed to justify a permanent class system, with the allegory of the cave being another. Both are derived from the Myth of Three Metals.

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He's the one that coined the term in the beginning of the pandemic. It was his excuse. He always referred to the noble lie as being just. I know what you're saying and it's been around but he brought it back.

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I haven't paid great attention to him. He was influential in me making the decision not to get the stabs. I read and watched a few videos about what his objections were and about how the jab contents don't stay at the injection site. The fact that he had worked on the technology gave him more credibility with me, in the same way that Mike Yeadon's background with Pfizer gave him credibility.

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As igor Chudov recently pointed out, there are 2 polar opposite camps, or factions, in the Medical Freedom Movement.

One camp, represented by people such as Eugyppius and Steve Kirsch, believes that the tyranny can be explained by bureaucratic incompetence, profit motives, and so forth and that conspiratorial thinking about DARPA/DTC and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab depopulation agendas, PsyOps and "controlled opposition" is misguided and discredits the Medical Freedom Movement, making it harder to overcome tyranny by enabling the tyrants and their propagandists to label all opponents of coercion, malfeasance and use of dangerous and ineffective mRNA gene injection fraud shots as tinfoil hat wearing whack jobs.

They point to how the peace and love, anti-war movement of the 1960s attracted dangerous psychopaths such as Charles Manson and his acolytes, and say that, similarly, there are elements within the Medical Freedom Movement that have hijacked it and who are not unlike those who mandated the shots and that many within the movement show signs of paranoid schizophrenia, paranoid and schizotypal personality disorders and conspiratorial delusional disorders.

Dr. Malone started out in the first camp. He now presents as if he is somewhere in between the 2 diametrically opposed camps.

I have never met him so can make no personal observations about him.

All I have, like most of the other people here, is an opinion.

Opinions are not facts. They are like assholes.

Everyone has one and they are frequently full of shit.

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His wife's connections are troubling

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I know nothing about her except that a lot of people hate her.

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Apr 8, 2023
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" ... in my opinion" being the key terms at any rate, nobody is immortal and he knows it. Trump could drop dead any day due to endocrinological and immunological reactions beyond his control. Dr. Malone has had a fairly typical career trajectory for a biological scientist of his ability and accomplishments. I doubt he would find much to appeal to him in such a pursuit at this time in his life. He seems very stable and well grounded. Some have acvused him of being narcissistic but there is such a thing as "benign narcissism." I don't know that it's anything more than that. Many of the commenters on these stacks exhibit signs of malignant narcissism, IMO.

Dr. Malone dies not appear to exhibit the same signs. He may be a little paranoid but who wouldn't be in his positiin, subject to attack by TBTB and MSM as well as from others. However, he has his millions of followere who love and admire him and who are eternally grateful that he influenced them not to take the jabs. I think he will probably be content to do exactly what he said he intends to do which is to fight corruption and wrong doing by the elites, in his private capacity.

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Apr 8, 2023
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Thanks for the links. I'm very wary of vaccines these days, especially prophylactic ones.

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Apr 8, 2023
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If it's safe and effective and goes through years of safety trials and is not an mRNA vaccine that would be great. But I personally will not be taking any mRNA prophylactic vaccine. It would have to be a therapeutic vaccine and I'd need to be in a pretty bad way with few other options.

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Apr 8, 2023
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Thanks. I'd only conceivably take the therapeutic type, e.g., a cancer vaccine for people who already have cancer, and only if not taking them was going to be even worse.

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Attractive and essential but driven by a lot of paranoia and full of interpretations and assumptions.

I come to sit on the fence with Dr Malone. I liked him; he saved my sanity when he first spoke out. I was a paid subscriber but recently unsubscribed because of the following reasons, in that order:

1. I have only so much money and found other writers I prefer to support

2. His stronger and stronger alliance with Trump. I think Trump would be the wrong choice and a disaster for America, mainly because it is a proven fact that he doesn't have the skill set to defeat "the swamp". See my article "How Trump was played", which cost me a few subscribers, but I don't care because this blindness about Trump will end badly for the USA and the world, I think:


3. I think he has strong personal ambitions and doesn't disclose them and uses the movement partly for these personal ambitions

The main accusation in this article that Malone is managed or covert opposition is simply speculative. I can use the exact words and quotes to prove the opposite. I could also easily accuse the writer of this article of the same: Being paid opposition to undermine and divide the Malone movement. Like it or not, radical enough, Malone is one of, if not the biggest fish in the anti-movement. So the writer of this article could easily be accused of the same: Being managed or covert opposition.

There are some ridiculous conclusions in this article, like the list of Linked contacts of his wife. I am signed up to WEF and other organisations I oppose because if you don't study your enemy, you can't win against him.

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I am grateful Dr. Alexander continues to share his instincts about Malone.

Are the doctors in the health freedom movement who are defending him AFRAID of him?

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Malone is controlled opposition!

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Apr 8, 2023
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Hi: Thanks for sharing the links. I'll take a look in the morning.

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Took a minute, but I found Diana West.

I'd never heard of her before today, but this author had serious creds prior to 2017.

She now owns a website where you can find her blog posts.

Could not find her Twitter or Substack, but did find her here as well:


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Diana is typically the smartest person in the room. "American Betrayal" should be required reading for every American. Peace. :-)

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She is a very good writer.

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I wrote yesterday that Diana West was a former Intel asset and I was mistaken so I wanted to correct the record and apologize. With so much misinformation out there I don't want to contribute. She is, however, highly respected and provides in depth analysis most cannot compete with.

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Paul and all,

Wake up and step around Malone! His lawsuit is a distraction so YOU do not focus on what is most important at this most dangerous time in America’s history!

His shameful, garbage lawsuit is to silence/censor heavy hitter American patriots who have helped wake up Americans, growing the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION against every aspect of the worst government on earth!

Yes…Our government is ground zero for ALL the pain and suffering of ALL humanity! Who is supposed to hold politicians accountable at every level?

The O’Biden Communist regime created, ignited, funds and arms the proxy war against Russia. Who should have prevented it?

Need I ask any more questions except the most important one?

IS FREEDOM YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY as it is for those being sued by Malone?

If it is..the following message that I repeat EVERYDAY is for you!

The buck stops with us…The People!!!

We can help those being sued to censor their Truthful messages if we unite doing the right productive things ASAP!

UNITY is critical to the survival of humanity and winning this war for future generations.

We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!

Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…



Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years…America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!


Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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You are correct. Far more decent steadfast people than the one you discussed strengthen and focus the health freedom movement. I hate to say "leaders," because as soon as that word gets over-discussed, the average citizens believe they can go back to relaxing on issue of their basic civil liberties. Which we see time and again is a huge mistake, and is how they lose their liberties to those who negotiate them away in secret deals behind closed doors.

Still of those who do focus and strengthen the health freedom movement, prominent places belong to Drs Nass, McCullough, Gold, Kory and many of us in private practice advocating for our patients, writing medical exemptions, protecting them as much as we can from the predatory practices of the pharma machine.

And certainly articulate non-physicians such as RFK, Jr, yourself, Jeff Childers, Naomi Wolf, Toby Rogers. "You will know them by their works."

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100% Happy Easter Dr Huber! Peace. :-)

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Same to you, Steve!

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Jonathan Couhy, teaching immunology and virology @ Gigaohm Biology on Twitch, is worth listening to. He presents a credible case for re-examining the belief that the military/medical/industrial complex has pushed on the world for decades - that we are in danger from viruses that will jump species and cause human pandemics. And that laboratory researchers are capable of creating a pandemic with their gain of function research. In real life, says Couhy, viruses do not work this way. But making us believe that they do feeds the industry. Malone comes out of that world and while he may now see the negative repercussions, his basic scientific beliefs are still embedded in it.

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I agree. J Couey is a truth-teller. It's a big NO-GO on Malone. Peace. :-)

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