Bullshit on anything good about this demon.

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China 🇨🇳 is flying all flags at half mast today (borrowed comment from Zero Hedge reader).

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I read that…..but i will keep my words civil……Peace to you.

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She is back to godhead but will continue to vote Democrat.

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"Dianne Feinstein is dead: Alliance continues to take out world leaders installed by predatory aliens"


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Thank you for inserting this article ... i believe all of it and have for a while though the details I did not really know.....i was listening to this Star Seed who said that earth is a really important planet in the scheme of things because it is a prophet planet which I did not understand....she said that the Reptilians have been here since before the Dinosaur age and went underground when they all died.....i have heard that Reptilians have the greatest DNA knowledge of many races....but correct me if i am wrong......again thank you.....

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If the star seed is Elena Danaan, she works for the reptilians. That aside, what you heard is mostly correct. However, the Draco hired the Anunnaki to create the Committee of 300 and the 13 bloodline families, as they're master geneticists.

I've heard many say that some of Earth's reptilians went underground after the great war (before the Hatona council). However the Draco empire, ruled by the white Alpha Prime, is based in--you guessed it--the Draco constellation, particularly Thuban.


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Thank you I will read this tomorrow as my brain is going into sleep mode … i was just shutting down my iPad…….The Star Seed I was listening to is Elizabeth April….do you know of her…..I am hoping she is a good guy…..LOL…...It appears you are more well versed than I so I do appreciate what you are sharing…….. so i will read your sharing tomorrow…..Kerry Cassidy talks about the Anunnaki a lot….my history is that I lived at an ashram for decades (I am 73)…so when I moved down to Florida and found this wonderful acupuncturist she introduced me to David Icke and these other races and then my PT person was on the same page…..so I am a newbie….but i love David Icke……...i am looking forward to reading your post….thank you and good night and God Bless….

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I'm just gonna add that you're a star-seed (I call them volunteers). I'm surprised you don't know it.

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PS….I have not seen any mention of the Supreme Consciousness which means so much to me as I spent all my life in that type of philosophy …. Well I have not read it all yet…again thank you and God bless.

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So I had no idea of the depth and the many articles included in this link…..i have started reading but it will take time….Thank you so much…..this material is so new to me that I am very slow in comprehending as I don’t even know the vocabulary……..Here is the thing about being a Star Seed…..When I was very young I knew I was not from earth….we are talking 1953, age 3…..there were characteristics I had that were beyond kids of my age….but my incarnation is and was one of extreme abuse so I began to go into hiding….I was told by a light worker about 4 years ago to read Dolores Cannon and that I may be part of the first wave but I could not verify …..Plus now I have this Akashic record reader who says the opposite sort of…..she says I am from another planet but that I have been here for many incarnations and got entangled with karma so that would exclude that First Wave of Dolores….I am confused to say the least….so where do you think the planet is headed?…..Yes about Oprah and that Prince guy….if looking at someone gives me the creeps or makes me want to run away then I know there is not good energy within them…..onward to more reading……thank you….

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She broke a damn sight more than glass celings. Evil witch.

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Maybe she broke her own immmune system with her multiple jabs. What booster number was she up to?

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But also Pelosi was using her.....using Feinstein........her vote in the Senate....Pelosi’s niece had control over Feinstein.....

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It is going to be business as usual. The GOP are working to ensure that the Dems don't lose control. Top NeverTrump RINO senators Cornyn and Thune have said they won’t try to prevent Demsocrats from replacing her on the Judiciary Committee now that the Dems have been left without a majority on the key panel.

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Extremely frustrating that Republican in-fighting prevents them from exercising power where they otherwise should be able to.

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Very true. Righteous outrage on my part….Here in Florida Bongino was very upset with his local supposedly conservative representatives….do you have any answers?….

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Her being dead doesn't cancel the fact that she supported the deaths of the unborn. Or her affiliation with the Chinese. Or what she did to Brett Kavanaugh. Or explain how she had a govt. salary of 7 or 8 million, but ended up worth 94 million. Or the fact that ,at one time, she carried a gun in her purse while trying to strip us of the 2nd amendment.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

Congressional Salaries and Allowances Updated September 19, 2023

The compensation for most Senators is $174,000.

The only exceptions include the Speaker of the House (salary of $223,500) and the President pro

tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate (salary of


In 2018, Feinstein's net worth was nearly $88 million, according to OpenSecrets.org, which noted at the time that her most valuable asset was a $37.5 million stake in San Francisco's Carlton Hotel Properties.

Senator Feinstein, for 20 years, had a Chinese spy embedded in her office, and in fact, who was driving her around probably listening to some very sensitive information and then feeding that right back to the Chinese Communist Party. This has been going on for a long time.

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Pure corruption

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Yes....i knew about the spy driving her around.....that came out when ok...memory failing......so many of these so called representatives of we the people come out millionaires or billionaires.....it’s disgusting....

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Let's not mince words - Feinstein worked mostly for the Dark Side. She will now go to her eternal reward in Hell - justly deserved. I always thought of Feinstein as the evil twin sister of Pelosi. Many shared my view.

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That twin sister seems very correct.....in these last couple of years Pelosi had control over Feinstein and Pelosi put her niece in charge of Feinstein....

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It’s my birthday, the first thing that my family gave me was a box- empty but for the message that she was dead. I’m glad she is gone.

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Considering the consistent threat she posed to individual rights and freedoms, we needn't mourn the passing of this evil, tax-fattened harpy.

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Lets celebrate her being dead.

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She was NOT willing to work with parents of vaccine-injured kids or anyone who objected to mandatory covid jabs. She sure as heck didn't want to work with RFK jr. She was no friend to single mothers, mothers with outside jobs, or mothers and mothers-to-be in general.

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Dianne Feinstein WAS the "shattered glass "and she permeated this country with great precision and treason. She was a bully and a liar. She's the only lawmaker that we KNOW of who had a Chinese spy working for her and had the audacity not to step down after getting caught.

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good riddance. parasite and worthless eater.

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The nicest thing I can say is Meh.

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And THAT is being far too kind.

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I do not what is going on with this computer but the whole beginning is gone. I said I do not understand why anyone is mourning her, she had a CHINESE SPY working as her driver for MANY YEARS and never apologized for it. but she is elite and a demoncrat, right! I just hope that her passing kills shifty schiffs plans of taking her Senate seat. Now Newsome has to appoint the black woman he has been praising. I am GLAD SCHIFF IS GETTING SCREWED!!

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Good F***ing riddance. Nothing personal, beyond objection to the corrupt and criminal element of our government.

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So now what? Newsom appoints someone?

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It’s bad enough that he’ll appoint a Demonrat.

And 1,000 times worse if he picks the pedophile Schiff, who’s running for the seat.

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Right. Just remember it was the House Republicans that voted to keep him in office.

That's why they are all the same.

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Consider the example of your neighbors to the north, as the entire Federal Parliament gave a Nazi War Criminal not one, but TWO, standing ovations... 😳💩

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As a resident and erstwhile prisoner of the great white waste of space now known as Chinada, I can tell you that when we are not being suicided by euthanasia, or dying from the clot shots, the rest of us are dying of shame, thanks to the behavior of the most hated moron who has ever disgraced our country.

BTW, it was installed by yet another rigged ‘election’.

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Don't know what to tell you, except the sickness seems to be everywhere. I used to be a Canadian Nationalist. Now? The conservative provinces and the red states can unite as a new and better country, and it can't happen fast enough!

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An excellent solution, thanks for giving us hope!

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I saw that. Can't wrap my head around that one. Castro Trudeau is a


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Nazi.. Communist... what's the difference.. 🙄 Oh.. yeah.. The Nazis are accused of murdering 6 million.. The Communists murdered 11 times that many.

Personally as a Canadian this has utterly and permanently discredited my government(s) and any politician to me. Anywhere.

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My husband can relate. He escaped Communist Hungary after losing everything. He and his Mother became US Citizens.

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100% agree, but with the same degree of disdain for all pols, with the occasional exception.

The fact that the deputy PM’s grandfather was a verified SS Nazi participant in WW 2, and that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree in her and her entire family’s case, explains a lot about the latest disgrace, I think. She also froze the bank accounts of the truckers and their supporters, as I’m sure you know.

Both of these specimens were hand picked by Schwab and his masters. As you must also be aware of!

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Gavin Newsom for President! Gretchen Whitmer for Veep! Tell me how we can do any worse than THIS?!

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M. Obama and Jerry "the waddler" Naddler?

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YES....and wonder who?

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Someone from LA. Mayor maybe.

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Pencil Neck :-(

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He doesn’t identify as a black woman.

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Yes......it is a Black woman who has no credentials except the woke race ones.....

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Dear Lord, we all know her record. She knows her record. She thought she could take all that Chinese money with her but, oh well. I pray for your mercy on her tormented soul.

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I'm sorry. Bur, she and all the Leftists would never pray for the mercy on our souls.

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Very true...🌹

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t is okay after all she is elite! I hate to puy it this way but I am glad she is dead, now shifty schiff cannot take her Senate seat. Governor idiot Newsome has to appoint the black lady who he says is qualified.

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Must be great to be BLACK these days. You mean that Communist Mayor that was in the

US Congress? You mean Karen Bass? She's a Communist!

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Qualified my you know what!!!!!

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Who is that?

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I do not know her name, but newsome has been singing her praises.

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Just remember that Feinstein had a Chinese man working for her.

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