I am amazed that The Atlantic actually published this article! Granted, it contained countless disclaimers are how rare this was and that the benefits of the jabs outweigh the risks for most people, but still.

It boggles my mind that Michel is even considering another shot.

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This is a BIG deal. I don't care how many qualifiers and "rare"s they stick in there, The Atlantic (aka the most covidian of branch covidian publications in Covidstan) even acknowledging the possibility of covid "vaccine" induced cancer is a sea change.

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Not really. They are SOOOO caught up in their narrative that they are blind to the irony of even publishing it, and therefore can't recognize the hypocrisy of someone developing a rapidly advancing cancer soon after the shot but minimizing its significance as just coincidence.

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He is struggling see all the evidence because that would mean his entire life's work might have been all a lie. There is a conclusion here that he does not want to come to.

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It’s too painful for them they can’t come to terms with people are trying to kill them

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Brings to mind the adage regarding scientists' inability to accept career-nullifying changes:

"Science advances one funeral at a time".

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It’s not rare

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Unless that definition has also been changed.

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rare like myocarditis

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I thought the same thing Claudia! The ATLANTIC???? I think it’s getting to the point that people can’t ignore the elephant in the room!

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Yes, they can't ignore the elephant in the room so they will paint stripes on it and call it a zebra instead.

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"Considering another shot" because he has been insulated from real data, undoubtedly. A case of a hard-core Kool-aid drinker.

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The fact that this was published in the Atlantic speaks volumes to me.

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It shows an example of the flaws in his scientific thinking that he would still think getting another covid booster had any value so shortly after he had already had covid. If he can get confused about basics of immmunity like that, he can overlook any number of things.

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deletedSep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022
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the best vax injury articles are the ones involving doctors --- dontcha think :)

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Major cognition dissonance! WOW…

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For months, Ryan Cole has been talking about the rise of fast growing cancers after these shots as well as return of cancers in remission. Whose papers did this doc read?

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Do you have a link for his evidence?

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Dr Cole has been trying to get this message out for over a year. Any of the videos that were posted on Twitter were, as usual, removed. But Bitchute (and possibly Rumble) still have lots of them available: just put his name and cancer in the search bar.



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How stupid can we be? When I read the lymph glands swelling flipped to the side of the booster shot it said it all! I know NHL. I have lived being the caretaker of the one I loved for 10 years! Stop this madness! NHL is growing in cases and now I know why!

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Lots of cancers are increasing

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"Rare unfortunate exception" LOL. I know of 2 who have dropped dead exiting the shot clinic and 5 with lifechanging heart and health issues. The Atlantic doesn't even qualify for "Kemosabe" TP at my hunting lodge anymore.

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In my circle: one glioblastoma, 2 breast cancers and one rhabdomyosarcoma- all under 55 and dx in late winter/early spring of this year. All previously thriving. This needs to be studied ASAP.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Spike proteins attack both T-cells and cancer-identifying Toll-like Receptors. No scientist who understands immunity shoud be surprised about an uptick of cancers as a result!

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This has to be deliberate censorship and coercion otherwise dozens of mainstream studies would be well underway. They don't want to know as it would wipe out every western government's credibility. There are plenty of funds to study things they want to know, politically, like whether baby owls hop across freeways or use animal access overpasses.

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I suspect this is a limited hangout article designed to downplay turbo cancer as a "rare, unfortunate exception." Still, this has the potential to plant the seeds of doubt in those who still have the critical thinking capacity to read between the lines.

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I would think that people who have "critical thinking capacity" are not typically readers of the "Atlantic".

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I have no faith in your hope. In the cracks between consecutive 30 day bans on Facebook over the last 12 months (where all my real life friends and family exist), I posted and discussed as best i could study after study showing clear red flags and potential danger with the injections.

I believe only about 4 people from ~320 on my fb read anything I posted (I was mostly ghosted and ignored, or attacked personally, not one person could or would discuss with me, and 4 of my friends are scientists), and each post I made discussing the risks was surrounded by photos of my friends and family lining up at the injection centres. 😔

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Funny enough?





I continue to:

#holdtheline 🇨🇦

In the off-chance I bump into my true clan & pure-blood kinfolk, somewhere, in real life, not just "on the internet".

Mad Max-like stuff, eh?

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

It is a very sad situation, and we don't know yet how bad this is going to get. What we are pretty sure of, however is that Big Pharma is NOT benevolent. They no way "have our best interests at heart". They are profiteering on people's misery, keeping people sick and suffering greatly, all to pad their bottom lines. Evil. Diabolical.

So in light of that, we can hardly expect the COVID shots to be on the whole beneficial. More believable are the indicators that they are for the greater purpose of carrying out the mass depopulation aims of the Globalists.

From that perspective, it is insanity to see all the Sheeple mindlessly lining up for for what has a high probability of being depopulation drugs. Crazy! But it is their choice. Maybe it's just a good time for them to be exiting here. Maybe within a couple of years autoimmune diseases or cancers or gigantic slowly-growing blood clots will take their tolls. And maybe that will save them from something even worse, like trying to survive and continue civilization in the face of the Mad Max after effects of a prolonged grid-down situation or full scale nuclear war. Who knows? Somebody will have to be brave enough to be part of the rebuilding, but for sure, not everyone will want to go through that chaos.

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Truly. Diabolical.

I'm going to need to find a better word though, as I've beaten that one to death this month too.

How about: "Mephistophelian"? Kinda rolls trippingly off the tongue eh?

Added benefit: most folks will not have ever heard It before.

Less chance "they" will get upset, if you use it in casual Covid conversation.

They'll simply nod, sagely, in agreement.

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Malfeasance or malfeasant can be your new word, and I'll start using diabolical. I think diabolical is actually the perfect word for this particular situation, because it references Diablo (the devil), and even though I'm athiest, this last 18 months I'm starting to wonder: if there can be as much evil in this world as I am witnessing, then doesn't logic suggest there exists the counter to that?

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Evil is just ignorance (of what's true). So in the end, it loses because ignoring what's true means one inevitably makes mistakes. Darkness is a metaphore for Evil, and do remember that dispelling darkness is as simple as switching on the light.

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"... dispelling darkness is as simple as switching on the light."

Imma borrow that, as all the kids say.


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Want to hear malfeasance?

You probably already know.


I've been tied up, what with mum's fretting over Hurricane Fiona (25/7 Hurricane Watch. Canadian TV, obviously...)

And that disaster/tragedy right on the heels of "What is she DOING up there?"

Well, "she" (mum) decided to get up in the middle of the night (middle night=mid-night=midnight. Words are important. 😉)

She stayed up all Sunday night into Monday morning (British Time)

All night & day. In black mourning dress, watching the Queen's funeral... (They were contemporaries.)

But I digressed.

I'm a little late out of the gate on this one Brett:

(Late) "Breaking Trialsite News: Everyone Needs to Know the Truth".


Hope the whistleblower was thoroughly vetted, otherwise she'll be wiping off rotten egg... (Like Mark Crispin Miller who recently forgot to do his homework.)

I'm just tuning in now though, and thought I'd pay it forward to you.

What's your take on the latest (alleged) diabolical malfeasance Brett?

Having only heard 45 seconds thus far, I still want to say that, personally? I always suspected (trusted) that the scoundrel in question (total grifter) would eventually be nailed, by an "insider."

Oopsie: edit. Missed your question.

Yep. Yin Yang.

Ok, back to it!

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Like they say, "Life's a bitch, then you die." Or.."You get what you pay for." ...."You get what you deserve." ???

Tried to read the article. Started getting sick to my stomach with all the self-righteous BS and had to stop.

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I know Bandit. I know.

At least it was published and now? Let the chips fall where they may.

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“Rare, unfortunate exception” hahhahhahaha

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At least this Atlantic (bleck) article may water the seeds of doubt in people's minds. I haven't read the whole thing, but the title is GREAT.

Should I send to my Standford trained neurologist vaxxed brother?

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Or send a check to fda making this article required reading. I hear they will stamp anything for a couple of $ these days. Your brother will then read it end to end.

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YES!!!! Get him the Cliff Notes version. Many refuse to read anything.

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Actually, he's like me, an obsessive compulsive reader - has sent "studies to me for 40 years..........BUT not sure he's ready to go to medical hell for denouncing the god of science.

Or, even more difficult, to get horrified about what's been injected in his body. He's very "health" conscious.

And most important of all, he's my only sibling that still loves me! Even after I raised 5 children who never went near a western medical doctor and I found a CDC doctor who (inadvertently) agreed with me. And, hardest of all for my dear brother is probably the fact I'VE never seen a "doctor".

Any more relationship advice appreciated..........

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Yes. He might even read it, since The Atlantic may be on his "approved reading" list.


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Maybe too anti- "vaccine hesitancy".

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Not sure I understand......?

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I think she means that article takes great pains to make "antivaxers"sound like idiots.

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Ah, got it. Thanks for clarifying.

And she's got a point.....

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I'm an alcoholic.

But I keep on drinking.

My gout flares up.

Still I keep on drinking.

My memory isn't what it used to be.

"Screw it".

I keep on drinking.

My wife says the booze affects my mood swings which seem to be getting worse.

"What does she know?"

I keep on drinking.

My doctor says I must detox and take some time off as my liver is taking serious strain and the work stress is not good for my mental health.

"Thanks Doc."

I keep on drinking.

One evening after a gruelling court trial, I go to a pub with my assistant to unwind and get arseholed.

Despite my assistant's offer to drive me home, I refuse, and get behind the wheel of my super fast John Cooper Works Mini.

The heavens open up and a deluge of monsoon type rainfall floods the road just as I pull out of the parking space.

I don't see a bloke cross the road directly in front of my car - as he comes out of nowhere.

I run him over.

He dies on the tarmac.

"Had I been stone cold sober, I could never have avoided the accident" I tell my wife when she visits me at the local police station.

"I'll win this case, don't worry" I tell her, "correlation doesn't equal causation".

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Long story but the payoff was worth it!

Correlation doesn't equal causation, while true in the scientific qualifier sense, doesn't really apply in the common sense real world. correlation doesn't NECESSARILY equal causation is more accurate, but in reality correlation quite often does equal causation.

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True enough. There are only three possible associations for two correlated phenomena - cause, effect, and random chance. Effect can clearly be ruled out, as NOBODY is getting COVID injections after their cancers, myocarditis, etc flare up to cure them, not to mention temporal associations are injections first in nearly all cases. That leaves cause and random chance, and probabilistic population statistics (such as ACM stats) can and have been used to effectively rule out randomly occurring correlations at million-to-one odds. That leaves........yep, causation.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

His car was "correlated" with the contact injuries of the pedestrian. Correlation doesn't equal causation. So it was just a coincidence that the car and pedestrian tried "to occupy the same space at the same time" and he died. Lol!

Actually, Dr. McCullough also talks about postulates that do prove causation.

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Koch's Postulates have been used in microbiology for decades, but because they were formulated specifically for microorganisms, are of limited use for a "non-culturable" substance like a vaccine. For statistical causation, Hills criteria are useful but also require designed experiments to rule out confounding factors. With enough data, however, and enough information about other possible factors, analysis of variance (ANOVA) can rule out confounding factors. There is easily enough data regarding the COVID injections to perform this, and it has been done for many specific adverse events like miscarriages.

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You nailed it, Jesse!

Nicely put ;))

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I'd be very interested in knowing how the good doctor explains away the "all cause mortality" increases across the board in heavily vaccinated countries, and how he reconciles that with his conclusion of a favorable risk/benefit finding for the vaccines.

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Definitely! Even when the statistics were looking like a benefit from lower COVID deaths in the 80-plus "vaccinated" cohort, the ALL CAUSE MORTALITY DOUBLED the death rate in that group! So there is NO benefit to ANY age group compared to the risk!!!

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How the doctor "explains away the 'all cause mortality' increases" . . .


"All cause mortality? What all cause mortality? I don't see no all cause mortality . . . !"

Oops! He slipped in a double negative and hopes you don't notice! Lol!

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It’s sad how reluctant docs are to blame the untested jabs for causing any adverse effects. Years of brainwashing by medical schools and Big Pharm have reduced most docs to compliant parrots.

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Didn't you know that antibiotics and vaccines are the two "greatest advances" ever of medicine? Of course the people who make that claim are oblivious to the sharp downward trend in deaths by infectious diseases shortly before the vaccine era got well underway, because of dramatic improvements in sanitation and clean water supplies, etc.

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Just another brain dead Doctor Who is convinced the shot is a positive for most people he should rest listen to Ryan Cole. These people aren’t scientist they’re clueless idiots

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Some people just cannot accept reality…

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“Life is stranger than fiction.” I can’t remember who coined that term.

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A good friend of mine, Who was very fit, got her booster last November and within several weeks all of her bones were hurting so badly, she went into the doctor to find out why... after tests the doctor came back and gave her two choices hospice or aggressive chemotherapy, she was diagnosed with stage four bone cancer

At the time in the back of my mind I thought I wonder if the Covid booster caused this cancer to get so aggressive so quickly...

Now I have no doubt....

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That's very sad. So many tragedies. My heart breaks for the innocent victims, but I wish nothing but evil ends to the bastards, like "Michel" and his brother and all their smug colleagues across the globe who are pushing the shot. They should rot in hell.

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The last dinosaur: "Did that damned asteroid wipe out all my friends?"

"Nah, just a rare coincidence."

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I have no doubt it did. My 35 yr old niece was dx w glioblastoma in March after her first booster. This is beyond tragic. Thank you Dr Alexander for all of your hard work. ❤️

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Very sad as your niece would never have been at serious risk of covid. The dam is cracking and once it cracks it’s not going to stop

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Yes! This cancer is so rare. I’m in my late 50’s and only know one other person who’s had this. They were over 50 as well.

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