
This was an attack not on 45, it is an attack on 'we' the American people, we must elect Trump so via him, we can punish them in courts, in tribunals, we can get justice

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Yes Dr you’re so right! Look at Chicago! IMO, it’s the epicenter of Americas replacement theory!

While Trump is being attacked, which I believe this is all we can call it, I also believe this corrupted government has deliberately created this theater in order to “implode” America!

People will only take so much! Be it the injustice waged against President Trump or the overwhelming flow of illegals in Chicago and the rest of Americas largest cities!

Anarchy at its finest! Anarchy at its worst! It’s only a matter of time before this “implosion” well implodes!

Thank you Dr for keeping Americans eyes open!


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thank you for being here...this FBI issue is very very serious.

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Reminds me of the situation with E Howard Hunt trying not to confess about his involvement with the JFK murder, but just fingering other CIA agents. The Watergate break-in was not about planting phone bugs but retrieving documents they thought were there fingering the CIA's involvement in the JFK murder. So, with Trump they wanted documents on what he had on the Obama/CIA wiretaps.

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boom, the raid was to find the documents he has, or should have...but Biden et al. put him in jeopardy but he is not fool...so they wanted the tomb stone documents to destroy them for it shows their criminality

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Interesting angle on Watergate, it tracks. Absolutely Mar-A-Largo was to recover Crossfire Hurricane.

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Was Nixon CIA?

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Bush was, not Nixon

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agree...senior was China's CIA station lead but was CIA...Bush Sr and Jr. were crooked as hell

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Let's not forget Grandpapa Prescot Bush. Banker and financier....

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I would also recommend the following historically supportive deep dive researchers on the people and events presented here:

Political Moonshine

Dynastic Bush https://open.substack.com/pub/politicalmoonshine/p/dynastic-bush-accurate-history-explains?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1lcdri Joe Lange

The Legacy Of George H.W. Bush


Elizabeth Dove

The Camelot Legacy [Part 1] How blackmail, corruption, espionage, romance, and murder shaped the future of American politics


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Look at Bush's connection to JFK in Dallas and to Dr. West with Jack Ruby. Remember Dorothy Killgallen.

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She was snuffed out.

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The first major female journalist, winner of multiple awards was terminated in the same manner as Marilyn Monroe and nearly erased from history.

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No. The CIA stung Nixion. He definitely was no angel, though.

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I like this but in some sense he was better than many

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Paranoid? Who,me? Only a little bit.

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no Nixon, but a little paranoia is good, I can be at times...

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Judge Cannon is releasing information on the details of the FBI raid and Julie Kelly is reporting it. Hopefully we will have more details soon.

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thank you, I am digging into my sources

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Julie Kelly's Substack with the pertinent information about the deadly force.


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excellent, Julie is superb...

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She is doing an excellent job reporting on judicial terrorism.

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Awesome! 👏🏻 KJ!

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Julie Kelly was on Bannon's Warroom and showed the written words where deadly force was authorized. She does great work especially with exposing the judicial terrorism that is currently going on in the US.

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I love this judge

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I wonder if they were authorized to used deadly force when they recovered the classified documents from Biden too? Did Garland personally approve that too?

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lots of questions, all I want is for it to be returned in kind...whatever they get away it, lets do it to them

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It’s has to be done legally, we cannot become them. This is why I think Trump is going through everything he has. It’s done by the constitution not by following their actions. This way it shows that truth prevails, not the evil they spread.

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Agreed. We must stop this for the sake of the next generation.

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so no accountability?

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UPDATE, PART ONE: Merrick Garland Approved Use of Deadly Force at Mar-a-Lago Raid — Made Plans for Casualties — Brought Medic — And Handed Out Directions to Local Trauma Center:

Part One–

Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday unsealed numerous motions related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump. The documents included evidence that Joe Biden was ready to have his main political rival Donald Trump and his family killed for a publicity stunt!

Of course, if ANY OTHER SH*THOLE COUNTRY did this to a political rival the Biden regime would be lecturing that country about human rights. Joe Biden has single-handedly destroyed all civilized norms for this great nation.

It now looks like our government is now the American people’s number one enemy.

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday afternoon to discuss this shocking development.

The above I cut and pasted from “The Gateway Pundit”. By Jim Hoft.

There’s more to come and my first thought about the day this happened was a “publicity stunt”.

My inclination at that time was how everything happening from that day forward, would and has set the tone for the upcoming election in November.

Oftentimes our intuition is more accurate than reality. The way President Trump has been treated, “nothing short of a banana republic”!

The deep state / cabal of modern times has reached a fever pitch! I’m quite certain, as everything else has ferried out, will produce zero to none, indictment’s!

This is how corrupt and rotten to the core this “ illegitimate administration” has been! How can a Judge in the NY Trump trial not be removed? The federal election commission found “nothing”Eight years ago and now felony charges against Trump? In addition, the prosecution has not given any felony evidence!

These charges are baseless, past the statute of limitations and is a complete sham! We’re not talking about “child’s play”, this case as in the other cases are also been trumped up (no pun intended)! How ironic?

Never in my lifetime would I believe this would happen in America. The way they’ve been disrespecting and disregarding our “constitution” warrants jailing, for all involved!

But unfortunately, the same way the “covid scam”‘was waged against Americans, so too is our judicial systems approach!

This is dangerously bad and more important, showing the world;

America is run and under control by corrupt government! Which is exactly what this is!

Will the American people continue to look the other way?

Will “Death To America”’chanting continue to “rule the roost”? It’s so obvious “We the people” are being strong armed into compliance! Silenced with fear of retaliation and violence!

Something has to give! Our military leadership is laughing at us! While nothing is being done to “STOP THE CRIMINALS” called the “American Government”!

“Fundamentally Transform America”?

I ask everyone this same question and I get the same answer,



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AJR, this is one of the best so far you gave us for it is important, lots to digest for this was criminal IMO what they did...agree, never in my lifetime...this is why we need 45 to clean out the FBI, all the alphabets and get justice. and return it in kind.

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Yes Dr yes yes and yes again! I’m with you and I do worry the way the “flow chart” of law fare objectives is so important to follow.

We’re being attacked from all directions. If This corrupt government group of criminals believes they’re going to win this battle, they better get their heads examined!

This is such a shame to be discussing today. We should be talking / discussing how to help the inner city people who love America and are being decimated and thrown out of their homes by this “corrupt to the core Biden / Obama” administration / criminals!

Thank you again Dr.


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I understand you for you are saying we the people should have not been pushed this far

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And I’m not in any way shape or form calling for anything violent!

The reality is, it takes money and lots of money!

This is why “Washington Bullies” are getting away with, well “bullying”!

The Canadian Truckers protest proves my point. Bank accounts and insurance policies were frozen. Those in power have far too much power!

This is the reason why I’ve been saying, we the people need a patriotic billionaire’ to step up!

Obviously that’s not going to happen. So what can we do?

Write down our list of grievances? Well how’s that going so far?

We know what, we know who and we know why.

Think about how much resistance these bullies have had. None! Not a single resist! Oh writing down or airing out our thoughts and concerns and prayers are fine.

But it won’t stop the bullying!

So what can we do? Inevitably, this “powder keg” will become toxic and quick.

This is why they’re flooding the inner cities. They know the suburban neighborhoods are too busy getting to soccer games and hair salons!

But the inner cities, that’s a different story altogether. That’s where the “ignition switch” is and that’s where these “cowards” are flooding America!

Yes indeed I will say this, “May God Help Us All”!


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Exactly Dr, what has happened to the “backbone” of the American people? the will of the American people? We are being bullied by a group of lying “punks”!

We would never allow our kids to be “bullied” It’s as though people have fallen asleep or burying their heads under the sand hoping tomorrow this all goes away.

Obviously it has only gotten worse. Silence is as much a problem as bullying! We’ve been silent far too long! We’ve emboldened these “punks”!

“Truth is courageous”!

“Bullying is cowardice”!


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Lots of questions and speculation, granted. Let’s rigorously pursue justice rather than revenge or we are no better than those perpetrating injustice and malicious evil activities.

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we dont want revenge, we want justice but it eludes us of late...I have always called for judges and juries first but once guilty, we hang...

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I disagree. There behaviors are too heinous. We are at war, and fighting evil. They don’t understand reason, justice etc. These are beyond evil. I realize this is near impossible for most good people to comprehend. We must use their logic to understand them and their actions to stop them.

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boom, exactly, I love this...

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yes, Garland must be impeached ad he broke laws, jailed!

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I think he has

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we need to get these rumbles out in the public view so the evil ones will see we know and hopefully they will think real hard before acting.

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Agreed, this all needs to see the light of day.

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The "tell" was the FBI having local health emergency people on notice should something have gone sideways. No way the text that the Left claims was just "boiler plate" was just that. Someone actually had to notify local health facilities. So it was purposeful.

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Hard to be surprised anymore.

Except maybe by the continual inability of those among us, "friends" (typically "educated" and "liberal") in particular, to see what absurd proportions things have reached (murderous corruption) in this country. They choose to be "normies", come Hell or high water, apparently.

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oh I love this one...

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Garland is a pos covered with fat ugly maggots. You just gotta know if the ovomit pushed this maggot as a SC member, that he is the enemy of all that is good. Even his name is a panty waisted abomination.

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If true, and we need to be absolutely certain, then this is a serious treasonous action. We have stooped to a new low in our lawless country. We are no better than the banana republic’s that we have so often built in other countries. So sad.

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Dear Doc Paul Alexander:

Everything you ask depends on the right answer to the question:

"Is America a Zionist Country, following the satanic OLD Testament with "An eye for an eye" - or is America a truly CHRISTIAN country - following the TEN COMMANDMENTS from God's son JESUS of NAZARETH as laid out in the NEW Testament, where you do NOT kill, NOT lie & instead PARDON your enemy, so you can teach your enemy, to become a sane person . . . ?

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“Daily marijuana use outpaces daily drinking in the US, a new study says”!

Can this be why nobody’s resisting the “bullies of Wash”?

Far too many conservative people are either to drunk or now worse, too stoned to “stop this madness”? Or they forget about it the next day, which makes this worse. The “Non-Resistance” is why America has fallen so far and so quickly!

Drugs are a wonderful thing! That is if they’re employed correctly and utilized to “Keep the masses” CALM and COMPLIANT!

It’s very clear “We The People” haven’t the backbone to counter these “Washington Bullies”! What else do you call someone or a group of people who, violate all of the laws, disregard our constitution, make up phony charges, constantly lie and lie and lie?

And places a person as President who talks to dead people? What?

I call these people “Democracy Destroyers”! Anti-Constitutional, all while they’re implementing a “Banana Republic” means of government!

Anarchy will soon become the new “Rule”!

Only, “Not for me only for thee”!

It’s already happening people!

Between the day time hacks like Joy “useless” Reid or any of those moronic View pundits,

plus the MSM against the people or as President Trump stated correctly, “Enemy of the People”!

By God Trump hit the nail on the head with that statement, now didn’t he? As the MSM toes the line and are the number one group of “Useful idiots” all the way up to and including this

“Illegitimate government”!

Americans are being forced into compliance! Scared into silence! Or threatened with jail! Not to mention freezing bank accounts when that becomes necessary! Don’t think that can’t happen here in America!

There’s a litany of tactics being employed against the American people! And we haven’t stopped one!

“We The People” haven’t a government working to secure our borders or protect our sovereignty! No no, no, the opposite has happened. The opposite is why! The opposite will be America’s downfall!


“We The People” will not have a country left!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Attack on people who elected you to office Secret squirl centered thought assets along with many other nuts too darned many of them the round them high is destroy their gut put on anti acid with same special effects of inflaming good olzemic effects antimatter creating mess of body attack similar type effects autoimmune dysfunction name that tumb hishmoro thyroids or kid or liver lover oh them plaques eating up brain matter looking like curbs buttermilk with acid gutsera febal bronze ineptus cant get out of own way sometimes does job like slop for fat hogs rresdmiver deadliest of whole bunch of banas no animal survived clinical trial m r a so why use it it will be same effect humans take experimental tests on children low income family forced port install new York children children fought to their deaths every child die experiment azt pushed as a cure killed all people they still at it crystal made in space tustgee men experiment wonder why ppl distrust give disease blanked to first people still slaughter as viciously as before interment camps vaccine schedule water control still not safe many many venues of penetration

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She’s a heroine!

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