Seems Walensky has lied to congress and this should be re-examined, she lied about a critical Cochrane review showing COVID masks did not and do not work; Demasi raises a valid question, see stack
Walensky intentionally COMMITTED PERJURY and must be severely punished for this CRIME - along with Fauci, Birx, Baric and all the other complicit collaborators in this worldwide campaign of DEMOCIDE ‼️
Followed by trials for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ‼️😡🤬
She lied in their faces to avoid punishment for the truth. CDC has no legitimacy because their staff has no morality. It's corrupt to the point of complete uselessness and no power or authority they lay claim to deserves compliance.
Walensky is the poster child face of why we cannot trust the CDC. You have to ask why someone would rather lie and hurt people when it is easier to just tell the truth and help them. Why do you want to tell people something is safe and effective when you know it is not? Why do you want to tell pregnant women that it is better to take the vax when you know it is not? Why do you want to tell them masking works when you know it doesn't? Why do you want to tell people ivermectin does not work for covid and is dangerous to take when you know it is not? It just goes on and on, the entire time she was in there. What a horrible person. She will have to answer for the lies she told and the lives that were lost and the suffering that has occurred because of her lies.
Not only did she lie numerous times, she never answered or gave the Senators the info they requested, I don’t have those numbers with me, I heard her say a number of times!
Not “gave misleading testimony”.
Walensky intentionally COMMITTED PERJURY and must be severely punished for this CRIME - along with Fauci, Birx, Baric and all the other complicit collaborators in this worldwide campaign of DEMOCIDE ‼️
Followed by trials for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ‼️😡🤬
They're all psychopathic narcissistic turd-weasels. 😑
We must purge these dipshits!
Yes. If video evidence is still permitted, she did do many, many times.
Walensky is a tool, same as Fauci.
She lied in their faces to avoid punishment for the truth. CDC has no legitimacy because their staff has no morality. It's corrupt to the point of complete uselessness and no power or authority they lay claim to deserves compliance.
They know congress will just rollover and do nothing
I Am Vaccinated.
And I Don't Want To Hear Another Word
About Sudden Vaccine Deaths.
They're Dead.
What Difference Does It Make ?
You're Scaring Me.
I am Terrified Enough Already Of Breathing Air.
I Don't Care How Many People Die From The Vaccine.
We Are Running The Risk Of Scaring Children
From Getting Injected And Giving Me Covid.
Walensky is in the club so she walks .For now .
None of these folks will be charged with anything. They will only pay for crimes against humanity once they enter the afterlife.
Walensky is the poster child face of why we cannot trust the CDC. You have to ask why someone would rather lie and hurt people when it is easier to just tell the truth and help them. Why do you want to tell people something is safe and effective when you know it is not? Why do you want to tell pregnant women that it is better to take the vax when you know it is not? Why do you want to tell them masking works when you know it doesn't? Why do you want to tell people ivermectin does not work for covid and is dangerous to take when you know it is not? It just goes on and on, the entire time she was in there. What a horrible person. She will have to answer for the lies she told and the lives that were lost and the suffering that has occurred because of her lies.
Misleading congress? Since when are they even half as important as they think they are?
LIED? Yep.
I thought she was in prison?
She is nothing but a greedy, pathological liar
Profit before patients.
Not only did she lie numerous times, she never answered or gave the Senators the info they requested, I don’t have those numbers with me, I heard her say a number of times!