“Severe COVID-19 VRM including SCD should be carefully monitored as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination, especially in individuals who are aged under 45 years and receiving mRNA vaccines.” What a stupid conclusion. No suggestion except to “monitor” while young people are maimed and die of sudden death. Worldwide ☠️ culture.

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Myocarditis isvery important Dr. Alexander but so is cancer. Why did this woman die? She was a professor of epidemiology. She called the unjabbed selfish. Shortly after her first booster she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. What a coincidence! A few days ago she died.


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So tragic for those affected.

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The truth is being revealed. The more time passes, the worse it will get.

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Because we know of the crimes and I'm sure the criminals know, how much longer can they keep the population from knowing? Thank the creators for doctors like Dr. Paul Alexander and others researching and documenting the discoveries of the harms and deaths from the gene therapy being called a vaccine. All who produced, administered, and pushed the gene therapy need to be exposed and made to pay with the harshest penalties possible depend on the role they played in the crippling and murder of millions.

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