Horrendous.....i really don’t want anyone to suffer even if they so easily gave their (and mine too) rights away....this is awful.....

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Imagine if doctors, nurses amd pharmacists provided this to the public as part of informed consent before getting the jab. There would be billions of unused dosesin warehouses rather than millions.

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Meredith, Duxbury, RN, The Face of Vaccine Injury MA

May 18, 2023 Massachusetts State House

Posted June 6, 2023



MEREDITH DUXBURY: Hi everyone. My name is Meredith or Merry, as I go by, as in Christmas. I'm a 77 year old Duxbury resident, retired registered nurse, and vaccine injured. I've spent a lot of time in public health, in pediatrics and OB.

It has been 2 years, one month, 20 days since I received my second Moderna covid vaccine. I had a mild reaction to the first, so, which disappeared in three days, so I figured, OK, I'll go for my second, being coerced by husband and family.

However, my second resulted in a severe reaction within 12 hours. I awoke at midnight, had my shot at noon, with a severe horrifying burning throughout my whole body from my scalp to my toes. It was a total out of body experience, and that's the way I described it to my husband. I felt I wanted to send him downstairs and I said, go get me a knife, my legs need to be cut open so it'll, otherwise they're going to explode.

The severity lasted 5 days. I could not walk, could not stay awake, I had severe right-sided face, jaw tingling and burning, headaches, blurred vision, brain fog, body aches, nausea, and hot flashes. All of these continue to this day. Not as often, not as intense.

My previous health was excellent. I take no prescriptions. I played pickle ball, golf, cared for grandkids, cared for an elderly mother, and also walked 2 to 3 miles 3 to 6 times a week. Other than arthritis, what can I say for my age?

Many of the symptoms, poisoning, remain 2 years later with the same as I said before, although we've added occasional heart palpitations, more hot flashes, micro clots in my hands which go cold and hot. I can, they, um, and they move all over my body. One day it'll be nausea, three days later it'll be my legs, four days later it'll be a headache and of course fatigue.

The doctors are clueless and basically useless you can find somebody who listens. Nothing shows up in testing. You have to do research yourself and try to find somebody. I've read and read and read.

My husband also ended up with a blood clot after his third. His hematologist at Dana-Farber finally moved over to us after many tests and said, quietly, yes, it's the vaccine, when we asked.

My son passed out at Gillette Stadium with no known reason. Hit the floor, cement steps, on his way to the men's room. He was unconscious and taken to the hospital. Broke his jaw, broke his nose, stitches everywhere.

I have a list of my own, three columns long. [holds up a handwritten document] I am one person who knows all these people who have been affected by their vaccine.

I questioned from the beginning the vaccine safety and the public health misinformation. I am not opposed to vaccines. My biggest regret is taking them.



# # #


This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts https://healthrightsma.org

For more about the event, see co-founder Julie Booras' introductory speech:


See also:

Vaccine injured rally on Beacon Hill

by Doc Pruyne, June 17, 2023


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Another testimony from the same event:

Jef Weisel, Pepperell, Hospice Care, The Faces of Vaccine Injury MA

Posted June 8, 2023



JEF WEISEL: Hi my name is, my name is Jef Weisel, I'm from Pepperell, Massachusetts. I contracted covid 19 in December 2020 while doing hospice care at Summerhill Nursing Home in Peterborough, New Hampshire. My experience was of it was just as a mild flu, lasting just a few days with only my senses of smell and taste being affected ongoingly. Upon returning to work, I was asked if I really needed the vaccine, thinking I should have natural immunity, but I was told it would only last 3 months. And I've often wondered where source of misinformation came from.

I couldn't afford to stop working, so I got my Pfizer shots in February and March 2021, foolishly trusting the safe and effective narrative.

Twenty-five days after my second dose, on April Fool's Day, I woke to excruciating pain in my mid and low back, right hip and right leg. Contractions were turning my muscles into what felt like steel cables and were pulling my bones so severely I had searing nerve pain. Without insurance, I went to urgent care and was treated with prednisone and and Flexeril, which had no effect.

I then developed a host of other symptoms. Chronic Tinnitus 24/7. Severe acid reflux. A tachy-brady heart condition. Hearing loss where I quite suddenly needed closed captioning on the television. Memory loss. Loss of visual acuity. Skin issues. Very low energy. I feel like I'm aging rapidly and I suddenly have an increase in arthritic symptoms that were, prior, they were absent. My taste and smell have not normalized. And I have what I call brain throb when it feels like there are moments of sudden pressure in my skull that are pretty scary and they make me feel like I may suffer a stroke.

I ate literal handfuls of Ibuprofen and use lidocaine patches to survive work but I had to quit within two months. I had no income, so my ex-wife and my son generously took me in. Eventually I found Dr. Sayed Haider* and he prescribed Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, and prednisone, which I supplemented N-acetylcysteine and Z-Stack.** And some acupuncture and chiropractor care which I had to stop due to lack of funds because I had to file for bankruptcy. Those combined treatments brought my pain under control to the point where most days I can survive without over-the-counter painkillers, though not without pain.

Two years later, I'm living with this host of symptoms, still unable to work. I've been forced to start my social security payments seven years earlier than planned, reducing my monthly payments, costing me dearly. So I am unable as yet to move to my own place. I had to apply for SNAP, both humiliating after a lifetime of working.

Without the kindness of my ex-wife and the love of my son and my dog, I am uncertain I would have survived to the present.




# # #


This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts


For more about the event, see co-founder Julie Booras' introductory speech:


See also:

Vaccine injured rally on Beacon Hill

by Doc Pruyne, June 17, 2023


* Dr. Sayed Haider https://drsyedhaider.com/

** Z-Stack contains zinc, quercetin dihydrate, and vitamins C and D.

See https://zstacklife.com/products/z-stack?variant=42139958739110

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Paul, I suspect none of the mRNA 'vaccines' have Baric's gene injection insertion. None. Baric's entire role, when he taught his method (which is so good, reportedly no one can see the mod) was to use Xi and DOD's Wuhan lab to cover up Pharmas' bioweapon. The nanos are causing all the problems as that's what they jabbed into everyone: a military grade bioweapon that ready to respond later on once 5g is used for instructions, if I sorted their flow chart correctly.

btw, this is a pre-programming point. Late 70s early 80 Mork and Mindy TV comedy TV show ran. The Robin William's script used the repetitive words, 'nanu nanu' often thru each show and throughout the series. Today's Shadow Deep State Pedo gov was tried with Trilateral Carter during the 70s but slowed due to American resistance at that time. I suspect the above phrase is linked to nano bioengineering.

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Well folks that is the good news. But the devil, big pharma was on television espousing their continued us of mrna technology in future medications and vaccines. Do I hear any cheering yet??

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The bad news is that mRNAs are in many old time fake vaccines already AND within dental anesthesia. This goes back a few months.

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Dental anesthesia? Please elaborate— yikes!!!

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This info came from Dr. Ana Mihalcea; she works within Dr. Carnicom's sphere, who has been on top of chemtrails-morgellons and nanos, which he labled CDB, cross domain bacteria, early on as at first he failed to sort out that the nanos were pharma made bots. Ana has a substack. Even more bizarre, she said that pet vaccines are ALSO loaded with nanos. So now I have all my furry ones on EDTA stuff. Never knows what's gonna happen around here. : take care

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Keep on keeping on! Do this!

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Is there ANY substantiated and scientifically verified proof that drugs do not murder people in the short or long term?

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I know someone who died from a brain bleed...at least 3 shots, maybe 4.

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this paper seems to dismiss catastrophic effects of these covid drugs. No idea how many subjects. Just introduction dismissal of adverse events reports as only anecdotal and few. Why promote this article uncritically

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