I don’t care what they call it….I’m calling it monkeypox….I’m not playing their game.

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Gay African Monkeypox - let’s convey the useful, factual information in the name. It really is just pathetic how little integrity or competence there is left in the scientific community in the face of woke ideological politics.

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It's all so pathetic, isn't it? And, how easily the majority of medicos, and the profession itself, have been compromised... We have a LOT of work ahead of us righting a LOT of wrongs.

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Pretty sure there are monkeys on most continents. Let's call this AnywhereButAntarcticaPox.

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No - they'll find a way to adulterate Antarctica, too... Ugh. Let's call it "New World Order pox" - that's what it really is, I'd bet dollars to donuts on that.

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By the way, Antarctic Monkeys is a great name for a band.

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Yes there are, doesn’t change the fact the monkeypox the virus absolutely originated in Africa - not globally.

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It actually started in a Bio Lab.

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Dr John Campbell, YouTube. I think there is more than one bio lab competing with this latest toy.

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You are correct, this particular strain may have indeed been lab modified, but just like coronavirus wild type came from China before it was weaponized, monkeypox wild type comes from central-east Africa. There isn’t anything racist or bigoted in simply reporting those facts, anymore than that this outbreak reliably tracks back to gay sex orgies. Now, whether the woke medicos want to bury that fact or not, different story. Makes me 🤦🏻‍♂️😑.

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*that monkeypox

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In zoos maybe, but pretty sure wild only in Africa, S. America and Asia. Can possibly call it AAApox

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I’m just going to call it LGBTQ pox. There. Done.

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it's so funny. in the early AIDS epidemic, i said exactly the same thing as Dr. Paul- just don't have sex for a year or two. that was unthinkable and yet, we just closed down virtually the entire world economy for two years, took children out of school for two years and everyone was ok with that

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Everyone was not ok with it. At all.

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They're just following the script. They did the same thing with conjob-19.

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Celebrating gay pride month with spread of a contagion. These are demons straight from hell. Until we cry out to Heaven for salvation, hell on earth will intensify.

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Makes sense, their game plan to "Alinsky every possibility" to inoculate a potential a "death vax", aka "moneyvax"! Yes I just made that up, anyone go ahead and use it!! LOL

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moneyvax has been going around for weeks.

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Thanks, didn't know, probably read it as monkeypox as I scan much quickly, sometimes miss such close spellings..... That's my story actually, sticking with it

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No worries. None of us are CMDR Data (from Star Trek) :o)

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Ha, yes I remember him! Nerdy guy, that! Strangely, I hadn't made the "data" connection until you just pointed it out now. Likewise, I hadn't made the connection of why a neighbor top executive of age 42 in perfect health had died of a heart attack, in "71 until recently when I was reading about the side "adverse effects" of diphtheria vaccine which can over lap with C19 spike protein, and he had just visited a doctor for his pre European trip to many places and likely got a diphtheria vax, pronounced in perfect health, to meet his European division heads as the youngest CEO of a major CLE corporation at that time, and he had offered to mentor me in top management when he got back. His wife died of broken heart about exactly a year later, I had known both well. Now I know what likely happened. A word to the wise, this was stated as. Other things I pick up on before most others, including MDs, on occasion. Thanks again for the "data" reference, IG.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

But, it's NOT limited to gays... I'd seen an article a week or so ago that showed a pic of a 4-yo girl w/ the pustules. No, from all I've learned since "monkeypox" entered our daily language, it takes practically bathing in the pustule junk (major ew) before one contracts it. And, many think (including medicos) that the pustules may actually be severe cases of shingles - and that we're seeing such severe cases now b/c these folks were jabbed and their immune systems are compromised. As another example, weird cancers in weird spots of the body are arising at an alarming rate - in the jabbed. Surprised, anyone?

Check out the work of the Corona Investigative Committee into the Plandemic and bioweapon jabs - here's just one platform they post to regularly (Odysee) - https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5. One video they posted shows the severe pustules and scarring a guy in South Africa has from shingles from the jab - https://odysee.com/@GrandJury:f/Dexter-6---Terrance-Munsamy:a - some look just like "monkeypox" pustules...

Until the puss in EVERY PERSON WITH THE PUSTULES is analyzed and it's found (using reliable, accurate, and repeatable testing) to truly be a separate genome from chicken pox (the source of shingles), then my money's on it not being so. The timing, and "discovery", and "spread", and the whole thing just looks and feels like the next Plandemic, to keep us distracted and afraid, and more pliant to agreeing to their New World Order enslavement.

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No, not limited, but UK health service just announced it is 99% a homosexual, bisexual disease. UK Health Agency: 99% Of Monkeypox Cases Are Gay Men

teaser image 151 out of 152... https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/uk-health-agency-99-monkeypox-cases-are-gay-men

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So, NOW the UK health service is reliable, and accurate, and trustworthy... after forcing the poison jab on millions...? Hunh. Or, do you just want to believe what you want to believe, and they're saying what you want to believe?

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That thread and theme runs through many reports. One ought to look for patterns, and teasing data, from where it appears reasonable to other data. Nothing to do with what I "believe"! I can't see the mechanism for it, yet, but it is the current theme of many data reports I've seen, so far, and it hasn't been observed to pass airborne, particularly, but from close physical contact.

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Well, my own research has brought up MUCH info that it's NOT limited to homosexuals, or bisexuals - which I stated in my original comment to which you're responding. So, is MY research accurate, or is YOUR research accurate? Hmm. Btw, although I'm not a medico, I AM a scientist - I'm extremely familiar and well versed in "looking for patterns, teasing [patterns] from data, from where it appears reasonable to other data". After all I've found so far, my "spidey sense" tells me the entire "monkeypox" narrative - and it IS a narrative, not entirely reality - is part & parcel of the continuing attempt to keep us separated, distracted, and afraid.

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It's interesting to see the original vaccine was literally collecting pus and scabs from pox and rubbing the mixture into cuts made on babies arms and how they deliberately infected orphans with the 'smallpox' in the name of science. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense?s=w monkey pox is indistinguishable from other poxes and is the body detoxing though its largest organ, the skin.


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Latent, dormant viruses are reactivated. Shingles is a retrovirus. Monkey Pox was cooked in one of many labs. Dr John Campbell YouTube. My guess is, two different but similar lots of this going around now. Confuses things and muddies the water.

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Well, Tedros is g@y...

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Really, so he would not want it labeled a gay disease.

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However, AIDS cannot possible be sexually transmitted by 'HIV' as it is only correlated with the frequency of receptive anal sex. AIDS is a disease of oxidation, semen is highly oxidising and the anus is very thin, just one cell thick. please see my small demolition of HIV/AIDs theory here https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom?s=w AIDs indicator diseases KS and PCP are known to be caused by popper inhalation. In Africa starving people with weight loss are catorgised as HIV. The so called 'test' for antibodies (shouldn't that mean immunity??) is for a protein found also in TB, pregnancy and healthy people. The diagnosis is based on history; blood transfusion (though by their own definition a virus would not survive the process), and whether one is a black African or a gay male. This is so far removed from the scientific method as to be a JOKE.


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Maybe they’re waiting for Pride Month to wrap up.

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I would like to know how many monkeypox victims had the jab? My bet 100%.

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Wonderful and priceless, Dr. Paul!

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Please stop saying we need to continue to ENFORCE or further SUPPRESS or CONTROL any aspect of our normal human society. Don't forget that HIV was a concocted disease, created in a lab and vaccines were used to begin the epidemic it developed into for the purpose of alienating gays. I have no problem with gays, as my Mother was, and I defended her regularly. I do, however have a problem with them changing children under the age of consent in any way shape or form. Fight against THAT, please.

IMO Monkeypox is a load of shit and/or even shingles caused by the jabberdoo and we should all collectively IGNORE it, to stop spreading the fear. The more you talk about it, the more the fear spreads. You don't realize you become part of the negative narrative when you don't mean to.

INSTEAD, we need to promote global meditations of LOVE. It has been scientifically proven to raise the LOVE VIBRATION in neighouring cities and towns and reduce crime rates.

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Let them lock down the virtue signalling, antisocial democrats. I don't care what happens to them at this point. As long as I never have to deal with them again.

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The Money Herpe is coming for us

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Dr. Alexander -- thank you for everything! I so appreciate your passion and the cursing! It is entirely apropos!

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If doctors would focus and try to "mobilize" one particular part of population, they would immediately be exposed for segregaytion (oops I mispelled it? ;-) ), and any advice will never pass as outraged pointed communities will rise up. People want "togetherness" for vaxx, well, keep going the "togetherness" way and "togertherness" will pay for it all.

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