For years I have been arguing about this with liberals. I would ask, why are you so solicitous toward people who crossed the border illegally, but act like America's working class who suffer the most because of illegal immigration are nothing but deplorable?

The consistent reply is that I must be a deplorable Trumper and a racist besides, and I should just shut my mouth because immigrants are more important and valuable to the nation than I am.

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Most are ‘naieve’ to the country and will place their x on the ballot where they are told. This is ‘political ego building’ and nothing more!

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Punch them in the mouth so they can’t say that. You just described the impact on middle class and the working poor citizens and they called you a racist. They will stop when you punch them in the mouth. I’ve not had to do that yet as I warn them that they have crossed the line and they rephrase things very quickly and very differently.

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I'm not much of a puncher, but I am quite good at obliterating a dumb ass argument, even if many a liberal is incapable of seeing how dumbass their argument is.

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In 2008/2009, I was housesitting for a friend in the Atlanta area. Two landscaping businesses were on the news, having to fold up shop. Why? Illegals were undercutting them to the point they could no longer exist. One was Black, the other White. So, no discrimination there. The government doesn't seem to understand that legit businesses actually pay taxes, what a concept. Illegals don't. All cash.

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If I were a native born African-American (hope that I got the current phrasing correct) I would be furious at the Dims for putting illegals in front of those who belong here.

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Charity is a virtue, but welfare is theft. Nobody is entitled to welfare. I really don't care where they come from. And - to be honest - I rather suspect that people making a long and difficult journey to seek work (as most immigrants do) are more deserving of charity than many of our "native" inner city dwellers.

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Yeah, like the basement dwellers who spew garbage on line all day long.

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A virus is such a small target and subject to the "professionals" opinions and remedies. While the Wolf is large and targetable and subject only to my discretion. Let the Wolves Arise! I await with no mixed emotions only Cold Fury for All Wolves, domestic or foreign.

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Totally agree!

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As if all of that wasn't enough, this, from Judicial Watch, will make the blood boil even more:


What the HECK are they doing?

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Exactly what they've planned to do. Turn the USA into a 3rd world diktatorship. Let the cartels do the dirty work via drugs, inner city chaos, crime rates beyond anything imaginable. Then

ta da! Gubment to the rescue. Lockdowns, no more guns, digital currency so you can't buy anything, assisted suicide whether or not you wanted it. More 'vaccines' that can track your every move, on and on...

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Unfortunately, this appears to be the game plan.

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I'm in full agreeance with you!

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"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

Muammar Gaddafi Speech (10 April 2006)

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate not to be dominated; to impose its laws upon all nations and to extend its power to the entire world".

Hassan al-Banna, founder Muslim Brotherhood

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With all do respect Dr. Alexander, you have struck a nerve. I'm 65 and I've been hearing about the plight of black Americans since I was in my 20's. We've poured billions of dollars into inner cities, the taxpayers have paid for homes, food, healthcare, and education for the plight of blacks in America. Now we're told by the left and the so called liberals it's not enough. Now they want reparations. We've been warning black Americans that the democrats in our country use them for political gain. Some have listened, many don't. I was raised to judge one by the content of their character not the color of their skin. But apparently that's been flipped on its head.

It isn't just black Americans being effected by the influx of illegals, it's all Americans. Frankly, I'm a little tired of hearing about it. Since the Civil rights movement our government has used and abused all of us for the plight of black Americans. Now they are using the same tactics for illegals. Only this time they doing it in the open and they don't care that we know it.

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...and what I see everywhere is the psychological syndrome of "learned helplessness" on the part of the law-abiding...they don't know what to do about this. They've been almost completely disempowered and disenfranchised, at least as far as they see it.

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Lawbreaking people taking priority over law-abiding citizens, enabled by lawless government. This lawlessness is rapidly metastasizing across the Western world, particularly in the U.S. It's heartbreaking.

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Are hospitals getting higher payment rates for taking illegal aliens ahead of others? sort of like the Corona virus scam of payment? Makes you wonder...

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That's sadly what happens if people are not vetted. Need to separate the grain from the chaff.

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How true!

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