How can we ever trust our “Public Health” experts again when it is obvious they allowed our young to be used as Guinea pigs for this experimental product?! More than stupidity, this is sheer evil. I pray this debacle is opening up people’s eyes to the other vaccines forced on our kids!

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Do you think the clowns in the DC understand or care, what you are expressing about the great harm that these injections have done? They are taking their marching orders from big Pharma who is investing billions and billions in making RNA injections, the new solution to disease states! There is no signs that anyone in authority in the medical or political spectrum have the courage to tell everybody to stop and re-examine what they are doing and why!

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What gets me is not that scum act like scum...but that otherwise good and intelligent people put their unwavering faith in scum. The power of mainstream media is hypnotic to most.

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Every sports commissioner was pushing/mandating these vaccines for healthy young athletes. I, for one, have not forgotten. Also, those fearless sports commentators with their brave "hot takes" are actually just wimps, always supporting the Current Thing.


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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

Two glaring facts jump out in this post:

1.) Males and females have biologically different reactions to the Pfizer "vaccine." (This supports the traditional understanding of the intrinsic difference between males and females -- that can not be altered by plastic surgery.)

2.) Pfizer and the CDC lied about the known risks.

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Why did they lie? The father of lies is their ruler.

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Get off the vaccine kick. These mRNA gene altering substances are not drugs or vaccines. They are liquids that might as well contain bleach, mercury and arsenic as they cleanse your body of health.

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