Ok. I’m just going to come out and say it. This is just plain murder. It’s fucking outrageous. We The People in the United States have to stop being so nice & be Brazil. How long are we going on allow this to continue & just sit here & play nice?

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Given this is being run by the DOD ... there's not much anyone can do without ending up shot dead or dumped into a dungeon.

There are anti-terrorist units standing by if anyone gets any ideas....

They give us Substack to vent anger and frustration ... and reduce the chances of anyone turning to violence.

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Feeling impotent much. It’s getting very difficult to keep one’s sanity.

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Don't feel impotent. Look for workarounds instead. Things like buying food from local farmers and gardeners or planting your own garden, seeking out alternative health care, developing bartering networks; anything that reduces our dependency on multinational corporations and governments is the most powerful statement we can make.

There's something to be said for non-violent resistance. Not passive resistance, mind you. There's nothing passive about it.

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They should change the name to the DOO or DOM. Department of Offense or Department of Murder.

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In the end all we can do is continue to remain vigilant and battle against tyranny and injustice right? I'm sure you all share my convictions in that I prefer to go down fighting if it comes to that. Let the chips fall where they may but take solace in that we do the thing thing ethically and honorably.

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That all depends on if one sides with all the leaders of the world believing extermination is the least bad option

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Fair counterpoint. I will push back slightly in that I sometimes I have often reflected (discussions amongst some of my colleagues as well) whether or not this grand experiment is merely a test to identify critical thinkers and those with true virtuous characters or not versus the ignorant, selfish and feeble minded. Forgive me if I'm frustrated or insensitive to the plight of everyone (I have impacted my career and livelihood supporting others for many years in a selfless manner just because I always feel compelled to adhere to a certain code of ethics. behavior and to denounce wrongdoings), but I'm sure yourself and many others have been making attempts over the years in vain to teach, present and show the general populace what was happening and forthcoming and in my own regretful situation was met with nothing but derision and ridicule. And at this time as everything now unfolds and finally begins to manifest beyond all reasonable doubt I try my best to maintain my composure despite many maintaining their delusions and denial.

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I will add to my statement with the whole Elon Musk twitter situation. We know that ultimately Elon is a technocrat. In my view has no interest in any real transparency nor democratic ideals but simply following through on his grandfather's vision Joshua N. Haldeman-whom Kissinger(whom mentored Klaus) also shared. Now I'm not supportive of this inevitable transition, but I know what's forthcoming, and in some respects I can comprehend why some may feel these types of initiatives would be beneficial overall for society. If we are to be honest we have clearly failed as a species, have allowed ourselves to be corrupted by greed, selfishness and materialism. Long gone are core values, principles, ethics, integrity. Society is corrupted to the core. This is the tragic reality. Where if you're a Batman fan, the League of Shadows/The Joker films showcase our failed state. It's ultimately not Fauci or politicians whom have failed us, it's ourselves who fell asleep at the wheel and remained silent and continue to cower as our families and livelihoods are subject to these atrocities. So, as I said, whether my neighborhood stands united with me, or whether I'm the only individual facing an army-I will stand tall until the end.

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The odds of meeting someone who is not a complete MORE-ON captured by the BBCCNN in real life -- is very close to 0. Every time I've found myself giving someone the benefit of the doubt I end up disappointed.

This has lead me to have a massive superiority complex --- but I am able to conceal it and generally get along quite well with the MORE-ONS.... I just nod and smile at them and never attempt to discuss anything that will trigger their MOREONISM.

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Even given it is very difficult for most people to grasp the nature of the depravity of the Global Controllers -- it's taken me nearly 30 years of continuous study -- well... Br. Alexis Bugnolo put it better than anyone: What we're experiencing at this point is beyond evil, it is Satanic. Humanity, right now, is under sustained attack by demonic entities. Literally. And most people will laugh in your face, dismiss you with contempt for even advancing such a notion. It's almost impossible to make them see it.

I think of examples from History, the closest corollaries are from Bolshevik Russia; the Holodomor in Ukraine and "Cannibal Island"... and the witch Craze of Europe: Some villages and towns were depopulated of their women. Not even the Nazis were this depraved, as what we're experiencing.

The only advice I can give you Leslie, is do all you can to hang onto your humanity, and make whatever attempt you can, to make others see reality.

May God be with you.

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Right on!!!!

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And they’re still requiring the jab for new hire health care workers and students in Wisconsin.🤬🤔😵‍💫😩

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And yet the military mandate “died suddenly” (and silently) yesterday. Interesting, no? Sad for those in my Navy that bent the knee. Those of us who resisted know that God is sovereign and evil never triumphs, in the end. Ever.

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Is the mandate is silent but deadly or silently dead? Either way, the whole mRNA debacle stinks!

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It doesn’t make sense.🤔😩

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Clot Shot for the 87,000 new IRS agents too?

We can only hope!

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So sad. These thieves are killing people. That kid would have had no prob even if he got covid. As we know the vax does nothing to protect anyone from anything. I wonder if we select a high level vax supporter to lose their life for every innocent that lost theirs to the vax if this nightmare would stop. How can they even think of doing more vax meetings? The whole thing has just become a method to kill and maim.

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This is pretty sad and horrific. Prayers for the family. When is the outrage coming for these needless deaths?

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I wonder if the jab really did lobodomize the jabbed just in the right part if the brain ala the one which gets angry. Between cash bribes, censoring and a mild lobotomy there is no real anger... I mean a small lobotomy doesn't show as any intellectual deficit just an emotional one. I used to read about this out of curiosity how parents could do this to their kids in the 50s and now I know they could quite easily...anybody interested read about lobotomies and their effects on otherwise healthy smart people. They got lobotomized because they were unruly...

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The jab didn't lobotomize.

TV "PROGRAMMING" has been lobotomizing tens of millions for decades.

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Yes that too but there is a real effect i am talking here because of blood flow deficiencies in the capillaries of the brain according to Dr. Bhakti. Just subtle issues unless of course you get a stroke...

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It may not literally be a lobotomy in the clinical sense of what a lobotomy is, which is literally to sever the nerves in the brain, causing irreversible brain damage. In 1946 Freeman used a hammer to drive an ice pick into his patients’ brains through their eye sockets. He literally wiggled the ice pick around, severing the nerves connecting the prefrontal cortex to the thalamus. This adapted procedure, no longer requiring the scull to be drilled open, became known as an “ice pick lobotomy.” I call it unscientific, uncontrolled assault leading to brain damage. In the end, unsurprisingly, a patient died of a brain haemorrhage.

The not-a-vaccine causes brain damage by random loss of oxygen, (ischemia) caused by mini strokes as the blood vessels get blocked by the dangerous contents of the injection or reactions to its effects. I believe all this was fully intentional and part of the plan to exterminate the majority of humankind.

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Well that falls into the category that 'mild' brain damage causes the damaged person to be easier controllable. Doesn't really matter how the damage is caused, can be electricity, insulin, an icepick, or a blood clot causing serum. Maybe they even have a way to target a certain brain area for better precision and the nano particles tend to accumulate there. I wondered if in the pcr tests up the nose are magnets so these magnets attract the injected nanoparticles into the forehead area.

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There absolutely is. Reiner Fuellmich has a entire podcast on this subject where Amy Wolfe appears and they discuss this very thing where there is a study that shows for the first time thrombosis occurring in the brain and affecting the frontal lobe. It's interesting because my wife is a piano teacher and she has noticed a behavioral changes in her vaccinated students.

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Well, we've learned that the spike protein doesn't stay in one place, it can get into any and all organs....and that would include the brain.

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Prions can be introduced into the brain with the covid death shots.

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The first time I read this comment I thought it said needles death, which is exactly what they are.

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The big problem right now is that we who know enough to be reading on Substack, or watching Fox or Newsmax, or reading a number of other conservatives sites, we all KNOW about these things. The obstinate left-leaning people who refuse to watch or read anything other than MSM or left wing outlets JUST DON'T KNOW this is happening. I mentioned all the deaths to my very leftie brother and he claimed it wasn't happening or he would have read about it.

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Fox and Newsmax took money from the corrupt Biden regime to push the covid death shots.

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Not surprised. They are not the media darlings they act like they are. They have obviously been told to toe the line or else. Watching Kilmead start to let out his heart-felt opinions was wonderful. You just knew the producers were going ballistic in his ear. Their fox doctors all pushed the vaccines, including for children. Pushed the damn masks as well. I remember in the very beginning of covid Dr Marc Seigel instructing everyone to take Tylenol and that is what he has always taken, etc. Well, hell must have reigned down on his head because that advice stopped. Newsmax...lol. They have their diehard vaccine pushers, too. Don't be fooled by either of those news organization.

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Oddjob, a Bull Terrier

You prepare for one sorrow,

but another comes.

It is not like the weather,

you cannot brace yourself,

the unreadiness is all.

Your companion, the woman,

the friend next to you,

the child at your side,

and the dog,

we tremble for them,

we look seaward and muse

it will rain.

We shall get ready for rain;

you do not connect

the sunlight altering

the darkening oleanders

in the sea-garden,

the gold going out of the palms.

You do not connect this,

the fleck of the drizzle

on your flesh,

with the dog’s whimper,

the thunder doesn’t frighten,

the readiness is all;

what follows at your feet

is trying to tell you

the silence is all:

it is deeper than the readiness,

it is sea-deep,



The silence

is stronger than thunder,

we are stricken dumb and deep

as the animals who never utter love

as we do, except

it becomes unutterable

and must be said,

in a whimper,

in tears,

in the drizzle that comes to our eyes

not uttering the loved thing’s name,

the silence of the dead,

the silence of the deepest buried love is

the one silence,

and whether we bear it for beast,

for child, for woman, or friend,

it is the one love, it is the same,

and it is blest

deepest by loss

it is blest, it is blest.

Derek Walcott, St. Lucian poet and playwright, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1992

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The families of those young people who are dying must demand autopsies and make the results public. Nothing will happen unless the victims and their families start speaking out, threatening to sue and demanding answers. Hopefully Damar will start demanding answers -- unless they succeed in bribing him to keep quiet.

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He was vaxxed. All un-vaxxed cadets were kicked out.

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Sad to say that unless immediate relatives like parents would seek to find out the cause whether caused by jab or not, no one will ever know.

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This is a travesty. Please, someone, STOP THIS!

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Who we say we are: "If you see something, say something."

Who we truly are: "If you see something, shut the hell up — or else."

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my BF's daughter went to a memorial for her friend over the weekend. his obit reads:

"XXXX, Witty and empathetic friend to all. Age 34, of XXX, XX passed away suddenly, on December 19 of unknown causes."

just like that!

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The depopulation agenda has been devised and executed for over a century. The current bioweapon genocide is the vile product of this demonic scheme. Those complicit will face judgement, possibly after their last breath.

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That's not a possibility, that's a certainty. I wouldn't want to be them.

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Since I believe the mainstream narrative, my go-to diagnosis for all these tragic situations is commotio cordis.

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they will have to make something else up as he was WALKING calmly to class and wasn't struck in the chest.

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Climate change.

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True, especially since we're all made out carbon...

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Perhaps he was struck be the thought that mRNA jabs are safe and effective.

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