This is sad news. Sad to know that most of our past 'heroes' were very very bad people.

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and yet the evidence was always there...

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Yes, and fear has cast out Iove for aII the peopIe who feII for vivisectors' cIaim that if they're not aIIowed to torture and "sacrifice" other animaIs, then we aII wiII get a disease and die. Tens of thousands of monkeys put through the machinations of HeII, and the pubIic turned a bIind eye. They get their sad revenge, though, because eviI aIways finds its way to those who approve of it.

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Excellent history of the polio agenda in the 50's. I have read that the subsequent polio vaccine was the cause of the rise in cancer in the next decades.

As a child and young adult we were taught that Jonas Salk was a hero, a scientific genius. But he was just a clever murderer. One of his statements included the term "evolution", which is a dead giveaway that he was a godless luciferian.

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My 82 year old Mom still brings up polio vax , it saved people!, she lived in a farming community and everyone was swimming in the streams with the pesticide runoff.

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Well said (sadly).

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My parents who lived to 85 and 91 did not believe in JABS and never took any!? The big improvements in health were when better sewage/water/housing conditions came along but at around same time the PHARMA COMPANIES then jumped on the band wagon and claimed the JABS did it all!?

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Exactly right and the real unsung hero or heroine was Florence Nightingale!

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Too many people just take what they are told at school/uni etc as fact and do no personal research etc!

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He sure did.

Injected live virus into monkeys, smashed the organs and distilled a live virus “vaccine” that actually spread polio. And as a bonus, there was SV40 contamination so who knows how many cases of cancer he caused?

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As I remember, I had a "polio" vaccine. It was a sugar cube. At the time they implied that this was a big deal. Wonder what harm this might have caused me?

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They have always told you exactly what they want to do in plain sight...back then and today. Isn't it hilarious how well the propaganda worked in that they can broadcast their plans to kill you and the masses still won't believe it???

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Well...all of this vaccine news is like the "good news - bad news" story. The good news is that the shortcomings of vaccines (along with the shody testing) have been exposed. The bad news is that the cure may be worse than the disease. This was made abundantly clear with Covid. Likewise, it demonstrates that SIGNIFICANT new (recurring) research must be done. There definitely is a role for science BUT it must be demonstrably good.

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Actually God set up a balance in nature. Every creature needs a predator. If not, nature goes out of wack. Salk was wrong. Man is needed as predator to insects. Insects are beneficial and also predator. Without man the bugs will destroy the world.

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then god is the devil the way nature is set up. animals tearing each other to pieces every fish gets eaten. man kills each other by the tens of millions. only the devil could devise a world like this

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And Salk was apparently a predator of man.

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And let us recall the problems (to put it mildly) of the early Polio "vaccine".

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As a registered nurse for over 28 years mainly in long term care, ventilator-dependent clients, which were many, were from the polio epidemic time. One Mother told me her son only became paralyzed and suffering from polio once he had had the vaccine. Same with my Mom's cousin in Germany where two out of her 3 children came down with polio after the vaccine. She was almost jailed for refusing the vaccine for her 3rd child.

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As a registered nurse of over 28 years, working with ventilator dependent long term patients, most were post polio syndrome who had had the polio vaccine. One Mother who came to visit her adult son was absolutely convinced her son got polio from the oral vaccine he received. same with my Mom's cousin in Germany whose two children got polio and paralysis after having had the vaccine. She was almost incarcerated there for refusing to have the third child vaccinated in the late 1950s.

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I have come to the assumption that our bodies are not programmed to make antibodies and that means that Virologists, Big Pharma and all who ply their antibody claims - are fake - what happens is that each injection lowers the body's immunity which eventually kills it

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