This common problem is more and more apparent in the main stream. In my circle we are burying the 9th family/friend who died I expectedly. “In his sleep”, since the jab was rolled out.
I and my immediate family are not jabbed but unable to convince others against their “medical professional’s advice”.
I think the numbers will mount as well as the disabilities which are also out of control in the form of turbo cancers, autoimmune disorders, stokes, visual and other impairment.
This will remain out of the mainstream media. Most avoid autopsies, I think they probably wonder or even suspect the jab is to blame. Too much pain in knowing .
God help us all. Humanity hangs in the balance. 😢🙏
I’m so sorry for your immense loss. I too am losing so many coworkers and personally lost 2 cousins, a brother to a sudden turbo cancer, and my mom who just happened to die suddenly with a heart attack.
I am so sorry for your loss. I too have experienced the same with family, friends and neighbors dying and having serious adverse events due to the shot and hospital protocols. Unfortunately the slow killing will continue. All we can do is warn them and pray for wisdom and that they and others will become aware.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts as they have helped me understand I am not alone in this battle. May God bless you and keep you and may His Light shine upon you.
John , thank you for your kind thoughts . I’m sorry also for your losses. You are correct we are in this battle between good and evil , God bless us all and give us the courage to wake those who are still anesthetized to the truth. Unfortunately I believe there is something in those jabs which further impairs people’s ability to think critically and fear drives their compliance to continue to get vaccinated.
For me and me immediate family who have not succumbed to the pressure , we will never take a vaccine if any kind and I’m also suspect of prescription drugs and some hospitals. .
Thanks for your kind reply. I agree with you about people not acting right especially after the jab’s. My wife and I have both noticed how irrational people in our family and circle of friends have become.
As I have learned more about what is really going on I don’t trust the medical establishment anymore either and I too will never take a vaccine or any medication as I believe they have become compromised as well.
As we walk through the shadow of the valley of death we will fear no evil for the Lord is with us. Let’s put on the full armor of God and battle on until he calls us home.
Covid-19 whether via infection or shots seems to be a biological nerve agent that among other things short circuits the heart’s Bundle of HIS. Tachycardia is a common outward symptom. Inwardly things are more insidious. We killed Saddam Hussein for allegedly harboring chemical weapons of mass destruction. Nerve agents. Yet they claimed none were found.
If he died because of a heart condition exacerbated by covid then he must have been unjabbed because horselady of the covid apocalyse, Rochelle Walensky, said the jabs are very effective at protecting against severe covid and death. Even if he was jabbed and that caused his heart condition in the first place and even if being jabbed contributed to or caused him to get covid, like might have happened to the Cleveland Clinic staff in the Shrestha et al. study, and even if the covid was too much for his vaccinated heart it could have been a lot worse ifhe wasn't jabbed. He still would have died if he wasn't jabbed although probably of old age. It's much better this way, in fact it's merciful, because now he doesn't have to suffer through the remainder of Biden's first term.
I'm not suggesting Windham would have been better off smoking crack than taking the shots..However, it's amazing how athletes and sports men and women in the prime of their lives think it's a good idea to get shot up with novel substances that were rolled out at warp speed when even hardened illicit drug users think it's safer to puff on a crack pipe all day or inject meth. They don't have a problem with doing that but draw the line at taking substances that woud make their bodies produce spike protein.
"Most participants had not received the COVID-19 vaccine and were not planning on or were unsure about receiving it. Participants were mistrustful of the rapid COVID-19 vaccine development process, the agencies involved in the development, and vaccines in general."
COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Concerns Among People Who Use Drugs in Oregon
The never ending story that keeps playing, as they roll out the carpets for the coming sequel they've already announced.
Sequels are always flops in my experience...
So I'll never attend!!
The show must go on.
This common problem is more and more apparent in the main stream. In my circle we are burying the 9th family/friend who died I expectedly. “In his sleep”, since the jab was rolled out.
I and my immediate family are not jabbed but unable to convince others against their “medical professional’s advice”.
I think the numbers will mount as well as the disabilities which are also out of control in the form of turbo cancers, autoimmune disorders, stokes, visual and other impairment.
This will remain out of the mainstream media. Most avoid autopsies, I think they probably wonder or even suspect the jab is to blame. Too much pain in knowing .
God help us all. Humanity hangs in the balance. 😢🙏
I’m so sorry for your immense loss. I too am losing so many coworkers and personally lost 2 cousins, a brother to a sudden turbo cancer, and my mom who just happened to die suddenly with a heart attack.
Christine. I am so sorry for your losses as well.
There are no words for what we are experiencing now.
Evil surrounds us. God give us the strength and courage to fight against the tyranny.
I am so sorry for your loss. I too have experienced the same with family, friends and neighbors dying and having serious adverse events due to the shot and hospital protocols. Unfortunately the slow killing will continue. All we can do is warn them and pray for wisdom and that they and others will become aware.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts as they have helped me understand I am not alone in this battle. May God bless you and keep you and may His Light shine upon you.
John , thank you for your kind thoughts . I’m sorry also for your losses. You are correct we are in this battle between good and evil , God bless us all and give us the courage to wake those who are still anesthetized to the truth. Unfortunately I believe there is something in those jabs which further impairs people’s ability to think critically and fear drives their compliance to continue to get vaccinated.
For me and me immediate family who have not succumbed to the pressure , we will never take a vaccine if any kind and I’m also suspect of prescription drugs and some hospitals. .
Thanks for your kind reply. I agree with you about people not acting right especially after the jab’s. My wife and I have both noticed how irrational people in our family and circle of friends have become.
As I have learned more about what is really going on I don’t trust the medical establishment anymore either and I too will never take a vaccine or any medication as I believe they have become compromised as well.
As we walk through the shadow of the valley of death we will fear no evil for the Lord is with us. Let’s put on the full armor of God and battle on until he calls us home.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me.
Covid-19 whether via infection or shots seems to be a biological nerve agent that among other things short circuits the heart’s Bundle of HIS. Tachycardia is a common outward symptom. Inwardly things are more insidious. We killed Saddam Hussein for allegedly harboring chemical weapons of mass destruction. Nerve agents. Yet they claimed none were found.
I believe we can assume with 99% accuracy that if no mention is made of vaxed status such is likely!
If he died because of a heart condition exacerbated by covid then he must have been unjabbed because horselady of the covid apocalyse, Rochelle Walensky, said the jabs are very effective at protecting against severe covid and death. Even if he was jabbed and that caused his heart condition in the first place and even if being jabbed contributed to or caused him to get covid, like might have happened to the Cleveland Clinic staff in the Shrestha et al. study, and even if the covid was too much for his vaccinated heart it could have been a lot worse ifhe wasn't jabbed. He still would have died if he wasn't jabbed although probably of old age. It's much better this way, in fact it's merciful, because now he doesn't have to suffer through the remainder of Biden's first term.
In the case of youngsters (anybody below 38-40), Covid Vaccinations is almost certainly the cause.
I'm not suggesting Windham would have been better off smoking crack than taking the shots..However, it's amazing how athletes and sports men and women in the prime of their lives think it's a good idea to get shot up with novel substances that were rolled out at warp speed when even hardened illicit drug users think it's safer to puff on a crack pipe all day or inject meth. They don't have a problem with doing that but draw the line at taking substances that woud make their bodies produce spike protein.
"Most participants had not received the COVID-19 vaccine and were not planning on or were unsure about receiving it. Participants were mistrustful of the rapid COVID-19 vaccine development process, the agencies involved in the development, and vaccines in general."
COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Concerns Among People Who Use Drugs in Oregon