Absolutely! I saw it first hand by working in skilled nursing/long term care facilities for the past 20 years. The lockdowns were the worst. When patients are begging you to let them sign a piece of paper, so that they can see their family and that they don’t care if they get Covid or not, but they just want to see their families, -and not through a closed window,-we all just knew something was terribly wrong. We spoke out about it to administration, but they claimed they had to follow “the guidelines”. We would even argue that we come and go every day to work, so how is that any different from family members visiting. It was all just so wrong. You could feel it in your heart and soul. And anyone who is a Christian or has even an ounce of morality in their body knew that locking these people down was just pure evil.!!!!

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Hospitals were just as bad for us seniors. I allegedly had Covid pneumonia and I was in a huge room, all alone, with a window that faced a brick wall. No visitors allowed. Doctors pestered me to take remdesivir, but I refused. Good thing I had my cellphone to talk or text with family and friends.

I decided to be friendly with the nurses and whomever else came into my room. That’s not easy when you’re so sick and on oxygen, but I did my best. One night nurse in particular was wonderful during my 8 day stay. She even came to say goodbye and wish me well on my last night there.

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Nothing personal, but at what point does selling your soul to these monsters does it become unbearable?

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I walked away from it all a year and a half ago.....

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How bad does it have to get before you just say: ENOUGH. I'M DONE

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The parents of Janice Dean (weather on FoxNews) were murdered in a nursing home by Andrew Cuomo, then governor of New York. He's accountable.

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We had a granny killing governor in Pennsylvania also.

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Gaslighting about "KILLING GRANDMA" when THEY'RE the REAL KILLERS!!

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Saw a recent interview with Dr. Ardis, the doctor who educated all of us about the deadly drug Remdesivir.

Apparently the hospital administrators are still using the death drug but are directing the medical staff to call it by its brand name Veklury.

If you are in the hospital, or have a loved one in the hospital, this is a warning that the medical staff will try to fool you by using the brand name of Remdesivir.

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Modern stone age medicine and its butchering facilities, hospitals, are extremely destructive to the health and well-being of man. On one hand, government wants you gone so they don't have to pay you benefits and yet big pharma wants to drug you to death while they rape your pocketbook.

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I believe in my heart that these "care homes" and hospitals killed off the elderly so that the gov't wouldn't have to pay out social security to these people. More money for them to send off to Ukraine for their laundering. It's sickening what's happened in these past 3 years. But I am a devout believer in Christ, and He is the One who has led me through this mess of lies and deception. His wisdom and discernment were with me throughout this scam-demic. His thoughts in my mind were, "don't believe the lies, and don't take the poison." I listened to His words/thoughts in my mind, body and soul, and I believe that saved me and mine from being poisoned. I don't know how many more Christians there are out there that had the same discernment like I did. But it would be interesting to know how many more people had this experience as well, and are doing well today because of it. Thank you Jesus for Your love, Your grace and mercy, Your wisdom and discernment. Maranatha!!!

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The politicians got their marching orders from Fauci, who was and is the Pied Piper leading humanity into oblivion! The goals of the DOD, CDC, big Pharma, gates, and gang and WEF were in alignment on this preplanned Covid con! Opening up the door, in using injections as a new form of treating disease states for huge profits! It is full speed ahead and creating new injections to be delivered to the masses that believe the injections are their life insurance policy! The great harm done and will be done is ignored by the amoral people that have embraced this Consensus science.

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It's much deeper than this though you are on target. These people are merely puppets of the Club of Rome which I believe to be controlled by demonic/satanic entities which now inhabit our planet. This may make for a big leap to grasp such a concept. Once you grasp this concept all will begin to make sense that our planet is being terror-formed for something other than humanity. Start with David Icke's most recent book...best of luck to us all as time frame is fast disappearing for action and change.

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With some of the bizzare crap being pushed, I'm starting to believe there is real evil in this world.

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Yes, I am familiar with a case of dehydration-to-death during COVID as well as a likely hospice-supervised, opioid "euthanasia" for an mRNA-Jab victim.

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I saw this both of these things you mention happen as a nurse in a skilled nursing facility.

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Dr. Alexander, I am a horrible speller, even of words that I know how to spell. Somehow, the signal gets contaminated between one brain part and another brain part before being shipped down to my fingers. This is why I try to use the dictionary as much as possible. Even then, my mechanism of perceptual completion is so strong that I am virtually unable to spot an error upon proof reading a just-written piece. You need a better self editor or a third-party editor. I hate saying this as much as you probably hate hearing it, but it matters.

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Yes, I believe it's true.

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