Dr.Malone: With all due respect… (actually: is there any respect due for Malone? ) True doctors, they have a certain DNA, which Malone lacks, they CARE for their patients daily and go the extra mile to help them. If a TRUE Doctor had invented the mRNA technology - he wouldn’t have taken any shots in the first place, he would have warned everybody against them in the second place, and he would have, seeing the harm done: dived into finding a cure, would have risked getting in opposition to DARPA, DOD, CDC, FDA and used his fame to come on TV and warn people, in the third place… True doctors first do no harm, it’s in our DNA!

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He once called Dr. Jane a drug sales rep and recently called her just a nurse, ignoring her actual 2 PhDs. Pathetic.

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People with 2 PhDs are unusual. The late Dr Savitri Devi had 2 PhDs and she concluded that Adolph Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu (i.e., God Incarnate).

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I don’t really trust anyone with facial hair. I know, I have sported beards during periods of my life. I have also done extensive research on the subject. I earned my living by selling insurance and investments. I’ve backed my belief and assertion with empirical evidence. Added to the psychological research done by others it’s a fairly clear indicator that people who make money selling ANYTHING should probably be clean shaven.

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Maloney Baloney

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Cause he doesn’t want to challenge a real warrior! You doctor are the real thing😄

I think it’s so funny!

He goes after the weak!

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Paul, you may be interested in the 2-part article I wrote about Malone.



Here's an excerpt from Part 2:

Turns out it isn’t mere coincidence that Malone has discovered these men (Belgians Vanden Bossche and Desmet) and their dismal theories—at least not in the case of Vanden Bossche. Here’s what Malone said in an interview he did on Stew Peters’ show on January 28th, 2022 regarding Bossche:

“… I’m compelled by my friend and colleague and former co-worker from Solvay Vaccines, Geert Vanden Bossche, that his reasoning about the development of escape mutants under the pressure of universal vaccination is dead on!”

Later in the same 2022 interview, apparently echoing Bossche’s theory, Malone says: “We are basically breeding superbugs.”

And just days before this interview, during Senator Johnson’s round table discussion: Covid-19: A Second Opinion, after stating we don’t need any more fearmongering, Malone reintroduced Bossche’s alarming theory, warning the panel about deadly new variants emerging as a result of universal vaccination.

* * *

And here's another tell from my article:

By the way, in one of his posts on his Substack, Malone lists the goals of Agenda 2030—the elite cabal’s dystopian plan for the next seven years—and concludes this way: “Now, many of the above are legitimate goals - BUT for a nation, not as a world governance.” While it’s reassuring to see Malone argue against “world governance,” one might wonder why these communistic, Green New Deal, Great Reset, top-down authoritarian goals would be legitimate for any nation, other than, say, China and North Korea.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

Paul, Heritage foundation appears to link the CIA with mRNA data coverup, and is challenging this rogue fake Paperclip Agency. If they secure information with unredacted names by overcoming NSA's fake national security stonewalls, my hunch is that Malone will be linked by CIA funding. At this point, with a Heritage case against the CIA for information, my guess it will take awhile. Pompeo may know something on the topic, but he was only there for just over a year, if I recall.

The serendipity/coincidence of Heritage's legal filing with myself running across Malone mRNA research look at his time frame while I was running through MKULTRA prostitute victims by their ages. THEN one of the spook MDs of that period was working on vaccines for various forms of enhancements targeting the prostitutes for memory recall with increased IQ and using vaccines to disable 'others.'

The entire WWII, start to Vatican Rat lines/Paperclip fake finish is still in process: hunch is that the entire UN/NWO/Church of Rome/CFR/Trilateral/ bureaucrat deep state is one organized slow boil by the damn Paperclip Nazis and their fake American sympathizers. Over generalized, but we know for a fact that once the DC airhead pols agreed with the establishment of the UN, one world government, treason was the crime at that very moment.

Heritage link:


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I follow your logic.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

It looks like genomic integration may soon be proven but it hasn't been proven yet and Malone was smart to not jump the gun on that. "Antivaxxers" already have a reputation for being psychotic whack jobs. Why give the jab enthusiasts ammunition? However, I want to see the evidence that the shots have saved millions of lives. What was the methodology used in the research that purports to demonstrate this?

Evidence of mRNA vaccine genomic integration? A rapid response to emerging research, from three leading voices


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Dr. Alexander, you have some legitimate complaints about what Dr. Malone has posted/said in the past. OK, but stick to the particulars. Say what needs to be said, and leave it at that. Continuing this internecine battle is a waste of time or worse.

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"The Life of Robert Malone."

"Just a Guy in The Clown Car."

Be looking forward to Malone in Clown Car Center Ring this January.

Ringling Brothers tours Florida until February.. then Malone will shift to Federal Properties in North Carolina.

Naturally funny, Malone brings the spontaneous humor of Rob Williams to the International Drug Trade.

With investments on seven continents and off-planet out to Alpha Centauri, Malone has joked his way towards Billionairedom.

Malone will have you choking on your own vomit as you laugh yourself silly. What a comic genius.! What a gift to all mankind.!

Remember to invest in Health-Life Insurance at the ticket counter. Many laugh themselves to death when Malone speaks.

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Don’t you remember, way over a year ago, I pointed out that the main critics of the viral RNA products were as SILENT AS COVID INC about the products’ primary mechanism of action.

That is, all those guys in white coats in hearings were silent about Covid Inc deliberately infecting healthy human cells with viral genes in multiple organ systems and that those compromised cells were causing the innate immune system to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks on those cells in those tissues and organ systems to destroy them? This is something that no actual viral protein vaccine did as part of its primary mechanism of action.

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