I’m still leaning towards Premeditated murder !


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Thanks for sharing independent journalist Sheryl Attkinson! The more people who resist the bio weapon boosters the better. I’m glad so many people watched Died Suddenly. I know quite a few people that probably died earlier than they should have because of the bio weapon. They were elderly so most people didn’t question it.

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This has been planned for decades. Look up the article written in 1981 by one of our esteemed psychopaths named Jacques Attali. It is entitled “The Idiots Will Go To The Slaughterhouse On Their Own”. And it appears to be happening right now.

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The jabbed have got to be very, very nervous.


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Thank you for bringing up this film again in the light of the statistics you cite. I am glad to know that so many people are skeptical about these vaccines. My sense is many or even most folks have heard the word. Way to go people!

Next step - what the hell are we all going to do about this? World wars (or any wars) simply turn the world to a Hellscape. But this cannot be left to stand. This attempt at world domination must be quickly and effectively stopped.

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I don't personally know anyone who got Covid shots and then died suddenly from cardiac arrest in the past two years since the shots have been available. But I DO personally know or am related to nine previously active stable healthy middle age or younger people whose health just plummeted. One already died of leukemia. One has novel form of lymphoma. One got renal vessel occlusion with clots that eliminated them from eligibility for transplant so they are now sentenced to slow death on dialysis. Another has gone rapidly downhill after fifth dose, now slowly dying in hospital. One is now a cardiac cripple after sepsis, endocarditis and thromboses.

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We need a new acronym, to replace MADS.....Murdered Adult Death Syndrome.....MADS.....

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I hear the same thing from doctors and paramedics from different countries. They know WHY, even if they don't speak for fear of losing their medical license.


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Can't believe CBC actually covered this story: 'My body was burning': Suffering since COVID shots, Gatineau man desperate for relief':


Never mind the mind games of Dr. Tam's video put into the middle of this tragic story.

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There is no doubt this jab is killing many along with the serious health issues. I’ve never seen so many people suffering from strokes in my life. It used to be once in a while you would hear about someone having a stroke and only older people. Now its young people, middle age and the elderly all because the took the jabs! We have a 27 year old in-law who suffered a massive stroke last summer, and then she gave the jabs to her six month old and three year old. She still can’t function and can barely walk without a walker or cane. We had another late twenties janitor in very fit condition suffer a massive stroke. She will never walk again on her own. Another friends husband just had a stroke a week ago. All these people are jabbed! And there has been so many more people tell us about. It’s impossible to keep track now.

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Often, I find myself on the polar extremes! Rather than just knowing some of my jabbed colleagues, friends and family have given their all to show off their Fauci Ouchy on IG and TikTok...I actively wish death upon them ALL! Schadenfreude. NOTHING pleases me more, after having millions of us purebloods savagely de-platformed, fired, and ex-communicated, than seeing two Tweets side by side,

1) Look at my jab, read my vaccine card, see me virtue signal!

2) "We are sad to announce the passing of Leftist Harry. He/she/him/her was only 27, and despite the myocarditis, and blood clots, he/they/zee was happy to have given its life, for Pfizer."

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It would be interesting to see numbers from Canada.

We are a very gullible country unfortunately.

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