Saturated fat does not contribute to high cholesterol or metabolic syndrome but whole grains do. The food pyramid is a scam.

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I believe the Mayo Clinic’s dietary guidelines about as much as I believe the “food pyramid”, which is to say not at all. The whole cholesterol/dietary fat thing was based on “science” that was every bit as sound as “Covid”. In other words, credible diet advice is a little thin on the ground. The best you can do is get exercise, give up the Coke (HFCS) and refined sugar, restrict carbohydrates and reduce your exposure to chemicals.

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The declining health of our fellow humans is most likely linked to the fact each of us lives in a toxic world filled with chemicals in what we breathe, eat, and drink. Some of us have a larger toxic burden through our work, environment, and lifestyle choices. Some of us detoxify efficiently and others do not.

Our metabolism is damaged at the mitochondrial level due to oxidative stress toxins produce resulting in decreased energy production and, therefore, less caloric utilization. Burning of fact becomes sacrosanct due to insulin resistance and as a consequence of the body avoiding the release of toxins that are locked up in fat storage.

To improve health is linked to decreasing our toxicity.

As the food industry has captured its regulators one must be wise in food choices. Fast food abounds. Ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup are forbidden in the EU yet are ubiquitous on this side of the pond.

The same dark forces that have been years molding the pharmaceutical industry to the general population’s demise have done the same in the agricultural and food realm.

We are literally in a fight for our lives.

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Just stop eating glucose and fructose. The human body can tolerate toxins if it is healthy.

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Disease X is pure fantasy. As all pandemics are.

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yes...but take time to read this, it is a critical PSA

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I take the time to read your bullshit. And sir thats all I see from you is bullshit and lies. You just do not want accountability for whats gone on worldwide for over 4 years. Where were you people speaking out in the 90's and 2000's as you should've been if you cared for the people?

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Not to these paid actors you know. They have the cure. They are our heroes lmfao

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Let me tell you a story about an Uncle. He was mid seventies and doc said his glucose levels were whatever and said you have type 2 diabetes so said no sugar just splenda and a new pill. Uncle died of bladder cancer. Another case of my Mom told her cholesterol high so took statins then later [long story] died. Junk science.

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Limit Saturated fat ? Salt ? Isn’t it quite the opposite? It seems like Dr Paul’s account is hacked ...

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You'd better come up with another reference other than Mayo Clinic. Covid exposed them all.

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Speaking to me. Would never take deathjabs of any kind nor take any big pharma. Infact have the proper detox for the folks in substack aswell talker. Take a hike

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Prevention: Avoid taking "mood stabilizers" and "antipsychotics". Deadly and useless toxins and everyone who takes them long-term packs on weight and develops MS. The best way to lose weight is to adopt the Gaza Diet - no food or water forever

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Deathjab has triggered all this

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I feel sympathy for you. 1.You live in Nazi Canada , I would get out of Canada immediately. 2. Are you vax injured? You need to get on a good detox regimen. You’re obviously suffering, there’s help ya know. Attacking others is self destructive and non productive.... God Bless

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God bless. Fuck off. God is stepping this one out. Where was God as so many children died ffs. Keep praying you pussies. Believe in that manmade religion of yours and a punishing God lmfao

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I have no sympathy for you whomever you are. You can fuck way off as far as I am concerned. No time for sheeple and talkers. Do not like the aggressive approach. Blame yourselves out there for being so complacent and calling our team nuts 3 years ago. If many wouldve listened we could've ended this sept 21st 2021. Many ignored the evidence. Blame not only your government. The complacent fucking sheeple out there not willing to take any proper actions. Go storm streets. I will laugh when arrested and beat down in front of the children that shouldn't even be there. I do not pity stupidity and stupid people

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I am just fuckin RELENTLESS and your intimidated as all you paid actors should be. Now you know what citizens have gone through as all these variants and fear tactics and many family and friends being dead and gone. You know now what its like to have pressure from WE THE PEOPLE. Hard one to chew on huh. I am goin no where until all who are accountable are behind bars

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Stop trying to live off of processed foods. Eat real food. Move around more. Enough said.

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They call me THE MOST RELENTLESS CANADIEN ALIVE for obvious reasons.

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Access body weight. Thats great. Having a problem with obesity or whatnot then put the fucking fork down. Best solution. Stop taking big pharma and water pills or whatever nonsense they try to prescribe to you folks. Wake up. The pharma is what makes you ill. Then you must rely on their pharma or so you think to get healed. Hahaha. Fuck way off.

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These fear tactics have to stop. Disease x rotfl. What about Megatron or r2d2 variants coming to a theatre near all of us righttttt. Sure thing. Omicron and delta and JN.1 and EG.5 and all these other variants that have been stated to exist. All nonsense to keep so many in fear. Don't worry though they have a deathjab or some kinda pharma that will save you lmfao

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Bottom line- the TRUST in our medical community is broken. What our typical physician has been preaching has been lies and based on how to improve their incomes. So now it’s time to become your own health advocate. Do your research. Implement your own plan for health and tweak as you go along. Many of you seem surprised at Williams hostility. This is what we can expect as the masses awake from their high fructose corn syrup and seed oil sleep. Several movies out and one coming about civil war. They want our country in chaos especially around election time. Take care of local, get involved in community and spread the smile. This is our country. If you want to keep it, act like it. Let’s go.

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