Fantastic post again Dr A!! By the grace of God only, I grew up in the pulp harvesting industry and DMSO was not a secret at all but even though it was sooo beneficial for so many things, most thought it was dangerous because of its classification as a commercial solvent. We used to use it as a hand cleaner and noticed that the older workers who had bad arthritis problems virtually stopped talking about pain. I can go on and on about it but I will just say that I never stopped using it and it's been over 50yrs with no side effects and lots of benefits. It's a great example of the big pharma cartel burying a miracle product through the FDA. DISGRACEFUL!!

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The medical pharma logical complex has been misinforming the world ever since Carnegie and Rockerfella decided to turn health into a profit making industry a hundred.years ago…by outlawing certain health practices and labelling them as mumbo jumbo woo woo….not only are the masses forced into accepting manmade synthetic drugs laden with huge side effects.. we are burned radiated and poisoned to prolong death and misery when all along.. we had and have natural plants and the knowledge of methods to cure without the misery and barbaric interventions disguised as the only way forward.

Even the food industry is poisoning our children .. low fat high sugar processed garbage that lowers intelligence and shortens life… trust me the only path forward is a complete overhaul of the present system.. people are less inclined to visit the doctor or hospital … and rightly so.

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kaboom, excellent response.

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medical pharma logical complex IMO is evil

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Dr Paul BOOM!! good work from MWD regarding DMSO we used to use on patients with sores down to the bone or silver and the patient's and family were happy with the results. I also used the DMSO years ago after the juicing phase along with other applications. I will be adding in DMSO and them homeopathy blue sc to help alleviate the pain from broken up back and many other old injuries. So I can be able to walk like a normal human without the execrating pain when I walk especially the left side.

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thank you for sharing your personal experience, we need that type of feedback...it appears that DMSO is incredible with massive healing properties, I am doing deep study of it.

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I will keep charting on type oral and or topical and how things are going. I will also include supplements and other medications for a more accurate picture. What format would you like word document or spreadsheet. I won't be able to start right now lack of any funds at the moment., dry well.

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Thank you Dr. Paul for this informative article on DMSO. Dr. Mercola, whom I hold in high regard is a proponent of DMSO.

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great sharing

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What's a trusted source of DMSO? What brand?

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I've been using DMSO for many decades. I am delighted to see it finally getting attention, thus it will be able to help many in pain. I can't remember where I read it but I understand it used to be kept in ambulances in NYC to be used immediately after an accident - the magical window of time that is available by using DMSO can stop a possible paralysis. I think it was Julian Whitaker, MD who I learned about its use in ambulances. I recently had a fractured femur and no one mentioned DMSO post op. That physical therapists don't know about it is pathetic. My kids grew up on it - they see it as a normal "go to" for accidents, to reduce swelling and so much more. I normalized it in my life and theirs. Thanks for bringing it into the light.

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exceptional sharing, thank you...again we need this type of feedback, we are all learning

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I read MWD's posts about DMSO with incredible interest as I'd never heard about DMSO, and from what I read, it is incredible what ailments/conditions it can treat. I need to find a local doctor who supports DMSO use ASAP.

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we are all reading and studying up, yes, many knew of it, used it and MWD did a good job here...I wanted to share...I like to share in the hopes good come out of it but in the end it is up to the read to make informed decisions

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It’s present in several brands of CBD topicals for pain. No Rx required. I also have customers that buy horse liniment for their own use - like neuropathy in the legs and chronic back pain. Good luck!

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You have to get interrested in MSM powder too (Methylsulfonylmethane). It's the twin brother of DMSO. And where DMSO is topical (debatable for internal use), MSM you can take internally by the grams even. MSM is described as a metabolite of DMSO. (Where the DMSO molecule has a double bond to one oxygen atom, MSM has a single bond to two oxygen atoms.) I's actually made from DMSO in the manufacturing process I've read. It's completely overlooked. Here's a pubmed link on it (if ok to post links):

Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and Safety of a Novel Dietary Supplement


You know Ivermectin - You're not a horse! I have my brand for MSM for everyday health mix (NOW Solutions). I got curious who all makes it, and discovered it's sold by the bucket for horses! (and dogs and cat on the label!) So that should tell you immediately - it's in very good company! I would bet anything, if you combine it with ivermectin or fenbendazole, it would boost their effectiveness by 30 percent or more. Among the many things it does, it faciliates transfer across the cell membranes - for transport of oxygen and nutrients into the cells, and toxins and waste out of the cells. So it follows it would enhance drug delivery. Just like DMSO facilitates transport across the skin barrier, MSM works safely internally for all cells.

And also topically too. You mentioned ocular in your article above with DMSO. Here's another pubmed article testing MSM with ETDA across the eye cornea (rats), and with methylene blue across intestinal membrane (in vitro). Both with excellent results, as a drug delivery mechanism.

Assessment of methylsulfonylmethane as a permeability enhancer for regional EDTA chelation therapy


In that 1st paper above, it describes the nature cycle for DMSO and MSM. A varient of DMSO forms in the atmosphere, and rains into the soil, where some of it converts to DMSO and MSM, and plants take it up. As a recent experiment, I've even been applying MSM via a hose-end sprayer on my bushes in the backyard. It's still early, but they're showing a richer green and health so far.

I tell you, wherever you talk DMSO, MSM is the overlooked twin brother (till more recently), with no drawbacks. Hope this rambling post with links was ok!

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"people say it cures arthritis, maybe that's why it keeps getting banned" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2M_fQnVqew

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Thank you for this. I sell a CBD crème with DMSO and knew it helped enhance the pain relieving properties of the CBD but had no idea how much it helped all of the conditions you mentioned!

Great article!

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great article, thanks

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thank you

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Wow. Excellent. I am grateful for this info and for you Doc.

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sure...we are grateful you are here informing us

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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boom, what an excellent post, thank you for it is accurate...our doctors are dangerous to us...we knew

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we trusted though

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COVID showed us otherwise

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