Yes, "never forget" how our treasonous executive branch and legislators sent our men to die in order to increase and expand the power of the military industrial complex and the banksters who profit from all of this bloodlust.
Would you please provide a context or historical background to your text. In other words why were they there in the first place? Which dictator or special interest were they protecting? Or what was the failure in diplomacy that created the deaths to ensue? Or is this another case of western amnesia and dumbing down of historical grievances?
Don't forget the 2020 bombing of Beirut, which was most likely done by Israel. Or, the 2020 bombing of Iranian shipyard (also likely done by Israel). And, don't forget that there were two huge radiation spikes on the radmon dot org website corresponding to each of these explosions, indicating that they are likely small nuclear bombs.
I would give it about 99% odds that Israel nuked Beirut and the Iranian shipyard in 2020. Just look at the Beirut blast. It has the bubble-like appearance of a nuclear bomb, plus there was a radiation spike detected. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. probably a duck. Also, before the blast, Netanyahu gave a speech complaining about how Hezbollah had missile sites a few blocks from where the Beirut blast took place.
Look at videos from Vietnam. Large bombs create visible shock waves as the shock moves through humid air. Huge piles of fertilizer are responsible for very large explosions every couple of years. There have been some historic ones on ships in Canada and Texas.
Yes, they will have a shock wave, and there will be projectiles shooting out from it. But, a nuclear blast is perfectly spherical and looks like a bubble, without the projectiles shooting out from it. For instance, here is a picture of Pearl Harbor, which was not nuclear.
Every shock wave is perfectly spherical unless charges are shaped to focus the energy. If the explosive is, say a cube a foot across, by the time the shock wave is 50 feet away it is perfectly spherical. That’s the way it works.
Impact craters are circular unless the impactor strikes the ground at 10 degrees.
The sine qua non of a nuclear blast is shocked quartz. Chemical explosives can’t create high enough pressures to produce that.
Ammonium nitrate explosions don't have corresponding radiation spikes, like that detected on the radmon dot org website in the Sicilian radiation monitor, which corresponded to the Beirut blast. Please don't take my word for it. Please check out the wayback machine archive of the website and see if for yourself. In addition to the radiation spike that corresponds to the Beirut blast, there is another huge radiation spike that happens to correspond exactly to the mysterious Iranian shipyard explosion that happened two weeks prior to the Beirut blast. Remember Trump specifically said that the pentagon told him that the Beirut blast it was a bomb of some sort, and not an ammonium nitrate explosion. Also, remember that this was in the height of COVID lockdowns and no one really paid it as much attention as they should have. And, again the Beirut blast looks just like a nuclear blast. I would be willing to bet $100 that you can not provide a link to a video of a non-nuclear explosion that looks as much like a nuclear explosion as the Beirut blast.
These commenters need to listen to this to hear the history of Judea Samaria, that they call Gaza the West Bank. If you listen to the truth, you won’t write these posts . I know there are some bad Jews, like Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari, and George Soros. I hate the WEF world economic forum and them.
But it is evil for you commenters to try to foment hatred of all Jews and Israel. Jesus was and is a Jewish rabbi and he / the Bible tells that He he looked out over Israel and wept because he saw what would happen in the future in 70 A.D. when the Romans would destroy them and then many times later, and he saw what happened October 7, 2023 and he said, “oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I long to gather you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.“. He said to pray for the peace of Israel ... to pray for anyone who doesn’t believe in him for them to believe in him and ask for forgiveness. That means anyone on earth.
but he’s coming back to the place where he left and ascended to heaven. And that is the Mount of Olives and Israel . and the Bible says when he comes back, and his foot touches down on the mount of olives, the mountain will split open. And he will be coming back to annihilate all those who are attacking his Jewish Hebrew lineage and trying to steal their land.
And I also believe that the whole Covid mRNA synthetic nanoparticle device CRSCAS9 quantum dot DNA editing artificial intelligence platform injections were pushed by the evil satanic world economic forum people and it was in an effort to change the DNA from made in the image of God to made in the image of Satan, which is also FAUCI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. And I believe that God is furious that leaders in Israel forced those shots on their people.
But it still does not mean that you commenters should be fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews. The people there didn’t want to be forced to take that crap Just like we didn’t. I did not take it.
Israel practices merciless collective punishment of Gazans and when polled about the latest mass-slaughters THEY OVERWHELMINGLY APPROVE*. They deserve to receive what they dish out.
*A poll of non-arab Israeli citizens in 2014 showed 92% approving of the slaughter and mass-destruction of 18,000 residences.
I agree. I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry on my dad's side, but none on my mom's side. So, technically I am not Jewish,, though I sort of identify as being part Jew. I've heard that when someone is Jewish on their dad's side only, they are called daywalkers :-)
The Jewish people in Israel are being victimized by Netanyahu and a handful of other Israeli leaders. As was the case with using the Israeli people as human test subjects for Pfizer's COVID vaccine. Nevertheless, I do think that there are a growing number Jewish supremist Israelis citizens who view their Palestinian neighbors as animals.
The worlds's leading expert on Gaza. Norman Finkelstein commenting on the present war and 1983 Lebanese war with Israel. Take the chance to find out the history of Israel's bombing of hospitals.
At 1.20. 00. Norman Finkelstein... Israeli attacks hospitals in Lebanon that started the war in 1983. And Israel routinely has attacked hospitals and ambulances. He also continues to question why doesn't the States release the satellite imagery/video were the hospital was bombed recently. And why didn't the US allow a weapons inspectors.
These commenters need to listen to this to hear the history of Judea Samaria, that they call Gaza the West Bank. If you listen to the truth, you won’t write these posts . I know there are some bad Jews, like Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari, and George Soros. I hate the WEF world economic forum and them.
But it is evil for you commenters to try to foment hatred of all Jews and Israel. Jesus was and is a Jewish rabbi and he / the Bible tells that He he looked out over Israel and wept because he saw what would happen in the future in 70 A.D. when the Romans would destroy them and then many times later, and he saw what happened October 7, 2023 and he said, “oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I long to gather you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.“. He said to pray for the peace of Israel ... to pray for anyone who doesn’t believe in him for them to believe in him and ask for forgiveness. That means anyone on earth.
but he’s coming back to the place where he left and ascended to heaven. And that is the Mount of Olives and Israel . and the Bible says when he comes back, and his foot touches down on the mount of olives, the mountain will split open. And he will be coming back to annihilate all those who are attacking his Jewish Hebrew lineage and trying to steal their land.
And I also believe that the whole Covid mRNA synthetic nanoparticle device CRSCAS9 quantum dot DNA editing artificial intelligence platform injections were pushed by the evil satanic world economic forum people and it was in an effort to change the DNA from made in the image of God to made in the image of Satan, which is also FAUCI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. And I believe that God is furious that leaders in Israel forced those shots on their people.
But it still does not mean that you commenters should be fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews. The people there didn’t want to be forced to take that crap Just like we didn’t. I did not take it.
Nobody has killed more innocent civilians and American military than DoD even without counting those maimed & killed by mandated vaccines from anthrax to mRNA jabs.
We are not going to second-guess Jacob Rothschild. Maybe he was just intent on securing a homeland for the Jewish people, an idealistic return to their documented historical homeland.
It's a beautiful dream. Who wouldn't be charmed by it? And yet, in actual practice, it has been a nightmare from Day One, which occurred many years prior to the declaration of the "State of Israel".
All the backdoor banker discussions that led to the State of Israel, as in one of the United States (ahem), were promoted by and inspired by and pushed by Jacob Rothschild and his cousins at the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.
They were supported in this by the Government of Westminster and the Vatican, albeit, for different and more political and commercial reasons.
In any event, the 99-year lease on the land and soil known as "Israel" and purportedly secured by David ben Gurion in 1948, and agreed to by the British Territorial Corporation Government operating the British Middle East Protectorate -- is due for renegotiation.
So, the rest of the Party Hearties, the true Principals of the Middle East, are backing a highly publicized incursion by "Hamas" forces into Gaza and rattling all the chains and sabers.
You have to realize that Hamas is just a group of mostly-Muslim mercenaries and would not exist without healthy dollops of cash from both sides, keeping them in existence, and paying for their ammo.
So, also, you might wonder -- why all this drama and nastiness, from beginning to end?
There was never anything called "Palestine" in modern times, until the British created it. This was the Roman name for the geography in question, but so what?
Two thousand years after-the-fact, the Balfour Declaration resounds and ta-ta-ta-tah!, we have an ersatz thing called "Palestine" back on the map, and the happy and peaceful inhabitants, a mixture of Christians, Muslims, and Jews from throughout the Levant and North Africa, are now arbitrarily labelled, "Palestinians" --- a label they never sought and did not apply to themselves.
Okay, call that "Team One".
Next, enter Jacob Rothschild, the Bank of England, all the financing that went into the First World War and the Second World War, and what have you got?
Oh, another group of emigres pouring into "Palestine" and displacing the "Palestinians". Call that "Team Two".
Team Two is infinitely better financed and politically connected than Team One, but also has far less legitimate claim to the land and soil in question. So there has to be a war with real bloodshed in order to claim the existence --by conquest-- of the State of Israel.
What nobody knows and what is never explained to the public worldwide is that the State of Israel is literally a British Territorial "State" (actually, State of State) equivalent to the British Territorial State of Tennessee or State of California.
This is why the "State of Israel" receives billions and billions and billions of dollars of money and credit from the United States of America, Incorporated, every year.
It's only since that British Crown Corporation fell on hard times that there has been the least little bit of economic hardship in Israel, and curiously, the butt of that hardship has fallen on Concentration Camp survivors and kibbutzim, the quintessential Poster Boys for the whole Israel-creation-and-conquest narrative.
Did the people of America understand any of this? Did they know that they were financing the Israeli Government and the whole State of Israel? Did they know that the State of Israel was equivalent to the State of Tennessee in the foreign British Territorial system of things?
No. Quite simply, no, the American People didn't know this. They weren't told. They were being "represented" by foreign subcontractors operating out of the District of Columbia, who for their own reasons, didn't see fit to divulge this pregnant fact.
Those Americans who were paying attention to what was happening in Washington, DC, simply attributed all the payola going to Israel to a super-effective and well-financed pro-Israel Jewish Lobby.
But it wasn't just that.
Israel was an investment opportunity in the Middle East for the USA, Inc., one that allowed the British Territorial Government of Westminster to keep its sticky fingers on the empire that Larry of Arabia finagled for them, and all at American expense.
So the American people have been paying through the nuggies all these decades and the Brits have been using Israel as a base of operations in the Middle East to influence and control Middle Eastern economic and social politics, and most important--- Middle Eastern crude oil.
With typical British Raj disdain for the local people and communities who are the end-line recipients of all their "policies" and "prerogatives", they have made themselves hated on all sides, but they don't care, because they misrepresent themselves as "Americans" ---without actually being Americans.
All the blame for this accrues to us as long as they get away with pretending to be us and for as long as they control our military forces as our presumed-to-be proxies.
Yes, proxies, as in shareholder proxies.
And, absent an Act of God, they will try to continue this situation as long as Americans are dumb enough to register as Voters in their private municipal corporation elections.
Meanwhile, real people are really dying, both members of Team One and members of Team Two.
The "war" between Israel and Hamas is as phony and mercenary in nature as the funky "war" these same perpetrators have been staging here in the actual States of the Union. And just as illegal.
Yesterday, the Pope, owner of all these corporations, called Joe Biden, the local municipal corporation CEO functioning as the UNITED STATES Successor, inquiring about the safety of his investments in the State of Israel, Inc.
And Car Jack Joe assured him that he was on top of it and in communication with the commanding generals, blah, blah, blah.
We hope that everyone concerned now realizes that the rest of us are also up to speed now and not at all happy with the performance of our Territorial and Municipal employees.
Thats a big number indeed, but what about the 50k young americans sent to die in a southeast jungle to fight a political system that is ruling now your own country? Have you ever americans asked yourselves in which hands are you? Well better dont ask anything, it caused a POTUS his brains
Yes, "never forget" how our treasonous executive branch and legislators sent our men to die in order to increase and expand the power of the military industrial complex and the banksters who profit from all of this bloodlust.
Would you please provide a context or historical background to your text. In other words why were they there in the first place? Which dictator or special interest were they protecting? Or what was the failure in diplomacy that created the deaths to ensue? Or is this another case of western amnesia and dumbing down of historical grievances?
From Francis Ford Coppola's magnum opus feature film, entitled "Apocalypse Now", this is a line of dialogue by Colonel Kurtz played by Marlon Brando:
“We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t allow them to write “fuck” on their airplanes because it’s obscene!”.
Let's not impugn the moral reasoning of those commanders, Barry. It's the American way.
Americans are giants of moral reasoning, altruistic and self-sacrificing.
Brave people!
Imagine if Americans discovered a truckload of 241 Lebanese uniformed service personnel in the USA.
Would the same thing happen as happened in Beirut?
Would Americans be incensed by the presence of the truckload of foreign service personnel?
In the face of what they perceive to be their enemy, would any American contemplate a kamikaze attack or suicide bombing?
Look to history. What does it suggest?
How many Americans, in such circumstances, would be prepared to lay down their lives in the same way?
Exactly zero?
That's the difference between Americans and arabs?
That can't be right!
It might be similar or different if it was a truckload of civilians?
How many foreign civilians have Americans killed, in Mai Lai, Iraq etc?
Ok, granted, they didn't give their lives when killing civilians.
But, still, the bravery of Americans in the face of the enemy is legendary, isn't it?
Americans have shown repeatedly that they are prepared to die for their government and isn't that the same as dying for their country?
Greetings ANW,
Your sense of irony tonight (10pm where I am) is at red-line; white hot and cutting like a diamond blade against metal. Excellent stuff.
Why do you think it is that there's this blind patriotism for a country that gives your family a flag in exchange for your life lost in battle?
I can't work it out.
It's like helping your ex-business partner, who stole big money from you, with his cynical lawsuit against you.
It's mental illness.
Is the American synonym for what I'm describing "a patriot"?
Don't forget the 2020 bombing of Beirut, which was most likely done by Israel. Or, the 2020 bombing of Iranian shipyard (also likely done by Israel). And, don't forget that there were two huge radiation spikes on the radmon dot org website corresponding to each of these explosions, indicating that they are likely small nuclear bombs.
you think actual nuclear devices?
I would give it about 99% odds that Israel nuked Beirut and the Iranian shipyard in 2020. Just look at the Beirut blast. It has the bubble-like appearance of a nuclear bomb, plus there was a radiation spike detected. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. probably a duck. Also, before the blast, Netanyahu gave a speech complaining about how Hezbollah had missile sites a few blocks from where the Beirut blast took place.
Look at videos from Vietnam. Large bombs create visible shock waves as the shock moves through humid air. Huge piles of fertilizer are responsible for very large explosions every couple of years. There have been some historic ones on ships in Canada and Texas.
Yes, they will have a shock wave, and there will be projectiles shooting out from it. But, a nuclear blast is perfectly spherical and looks like a bubble, without the projectiles shooting out from it. For instance, here is a picture of Pearl Harbor, which was not nuclear.
Here's a pic of a nuclear blast.
And, Here's an image of the Beirut blast:
Every shock wave is perfectly spherical unless charges are shaped to focus the energy. If the explosive is, say a cube a foot across, by the time the shock wave is 50 feet away it is perfectly spherical. That’s the way it works.
Impact craters are circular unless the impactor strikes the ground at 10 degrees.
The sine qua non of a nuclear blast is shocked quartz. Chemical explosives can’t create high enough pressures to produce that.
Ammonium nitrate explosions don't have corresponding radiation spikes, like that detected on the radmon dot org website in the Sicilian radiation monitor, which corresponded to the Beirut blast. Please don't take my word for it. Please check out the wayback machine archive of the website and see if for yourself. In addition to the radiation spike that corresponds to the Beirut blast, there is another huge radiation spike that happens to correspond exactly to the mysterious Iranian shipyard explosion that happened two weeks prior to the Beirut blast. Remember Trump specifically said that the pentagon told him that the Beirut blast it was a bomb of some sort, and not an ammonium nitrate explosion. Also, remember that this was in the height of COVID lockdowns and no one really paid it as much attention as they should have. And, again the Beirut blast looks just like a nuclear blast. I would be willing to bet $100 that you can not provide a link to a video of a non-nuclear explosion that looks as much like a nuclear explosion as the Beirut blast.
These commenters need to listen to this to hear the history of Judea Samaria, that they call Gaza the West Bank. If you listen to the truth, you won’t write these posts . I know there are some bad Jews, like Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari, and George Soros. I hate the WEF world economic forum and them.
But it is evil for you commenters to try to foment hatred of all Jews and Israel. Jesus was and is a Jewish rabbi and he / the Bible tells that He he looked out over Israel and wept because he saw what would happen in the future in 70 A.D. when the Romans would destroy them and then many times later, and he saw what happened October 7, 2023 and he said, “oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I long to gather you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.“. He said to pray for the peace of Israel ... to pray for anyone who doesn’t believe in him for them to believe in him and ask for forgiveness. That means anyone on earth.
but he’s coming back to the place where he left and ascended to heaven. And that is the Mount of Olives and Israel . and the Bible says when he comes back, and his foot touches down on the mount of olives, the mountain will split open. And he will be coming back to annihilate all those who are attacking his Jewish Hebrew lineage and trying to steal their land.
And I also believe that the whole Covid mRNA synthetic nanoparticle device CRSCAS9 quantum dot DNA editing artificial intelligence platform injections were pushed by the evil satanic world economic forum people and it was in an effort to change the DNA from made in the image of God to made in the image of Satan, which is also FAUCI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. And I believe that God is furious that leaders in Israel forced those shots on their people.
But it still does not mean that you commenters should be fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews. The people there didn’t want to be forced to take that crap Just like we didn’t. I did not take it.
Israel practices merciless collective punishment of Gazans and when polled about the latest mass-slaughters THEY OVERWHELMINGLY APPROVE*. They deserve to receive what they dish out.
*A poll of non-arab Israeli citizens in 2014 showed 92% approving of the slaughter and mass-destruction of 18,000 residences.
Israel foments hatred of Israel, and then once they’ve manufactured it, they accuse everyone of being anti-semites.
I agree. I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry on my dad's side, but none on my mom's side. So, technically I am not Jewish,, though I sort of identify as being part Jew. I've heard that when someone is Jewish on their dad's side only, they are called daywalkers :-)
The Jewish people in Israel are being victimized by Netanyahu and a handful of other Israeli leaders. As was the case with using the Israeli people as human test subjects for Pfizer's COVID vaccine. Nevertheless, I do think that there are a growing number Jewish supremist Israelis citizens who view their Palestinian neighbors as animals.
The worlds's leading expert on Gaza. Norman Finkelstein commenting on the present war and 1983 Lebanese war with Israel. Take the chance to find out the history of Israel's bombing of hospitals.
At 1.20. 00. Norman Finkelstein... Israeli attacks hospitals in Lebanon that started the war in 1983. And Israel routinely has attacked hospitals and ambulances. He also continues to question why doesn't the States release the satellite imagery/video were the hospital was bombed recently. And why didn't the US allow a weapons inspectors.
These commenters need to listen to this to hear the history of Judea Samaria, that they call Gaza the West Bank. If you listen to the truth, you won’t write these posts . I know there are some bad Jews, like Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari, and George Soros. I hate the WEF world economic forum and them.
But it is evil for you commenters to try to foment hatred of all Jews and Israel. Jesus was and is a Jewish rabbi and he / the Bible tells that He he looked out over Israel and wept because he saw what would happen in the future in 70 A.D. when the Romans would destroy them and then many times later, and he saw what happened October 7, 2023 and he said, “oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I long to gather you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.“. He said to pray for the peace of Israel ... to pray for anyone who doesn’t believe in him for them to believe in him and ask for forgiveness. That means anyone on earth.
but he’s coming back to the place where he left and ascended to heaven. And that is the Mount of Olives and Israel . and the Bible says when he comes back, and his foot touches down on the mount of olives, the mountain will split open. And he will be coming back to annihilate all those who are attacking his Jewish Hebrew lineage and trying to steal their land.
And I also believe that the whole Covid mRNA synthetic nanoparticle device CRSCAS9 quantum dot DNA editing artificial intelligence platform injections were pushed by the evil satanic world economic forum people and it was in an effort to change the DNA from made in the image of God to made in the image of Satan, which is also FAUCI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. And I believe that God is furious that leaders in Israel forced those shots on their people.
But it still does not mean that you commenters should be fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews. The people there didn’t want to be forced to take that crap Just like we didn’t. I did not take it.
Nobody has killed more innocent civilians and American military than DoD even without counting those maimed & killed by mandated vaccines from anthrax to mRNA jabs.
Don’t blame Israel the Jews for all of the Islamic supremacist terrorist butchering done all over the world since the 600s AD when Islam was invented
We must never forget,God bless our military and keep them safe.
While we are remembering the past ,check out the USS LIBERTY .
Do not forget the USS Liberty ,dead in the water ........
Sharing an interesting article here:
We are not going to second-guess Jacob Rothschild. Maybe he was just intent on securing a homeland for the Jewish people, an idealistic return to their documented historical homeland.
It's a beautiful dream. Who wouldn't be charmed by it? And yet, in actual practice, it has been a nightmare from Day One, which occurred many years prior to the declaration of the "State of Israel".
All the backdoor banker discussions that led to the State of Israel, as in one of the United States (ahem), were promoted by and inspired by and pushed by Jacob Rothschild and his cousins at the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.
They were supported in this by the Government of Westminster and the Vatican, albeit, for different and more political and commercial reasons.
In any event, the 99-year lease on the land and soil known as "Israel" and purportedly secured by David ben Gurion in 1948, and agreed to by the British Territorial Corporation Government operating the British Middle East Protectorate -- is due for renegotiation.
So, the rest of the Party Hearties, the true Principals of the Middle East, are backing a highly publicized incursion by "Hamas" forces into Gaza and rattling all the chains and sabers.
You have to realize that Hamas is just a group of mostly-Muslim mercenaries and would not exist without healthy dollops of cash from both sides, keeping them in existence, and paying for their ammo.
So, also, you might wonder -- why all this drama and nastiness, from beginning to end?
There was never anything called "Palestine" in modern times, until the British created it. This was the Roman name for the geography in question, but so what?
Two thousand years after-the-fact, the Balfour Declaration resounds and ta-ta-ta-tah!, we have an ersatz thing called "Palestine" back on the map, and the happy and peaceful inhabitants, a mixture of Christians, Muslims, and Jews from throughout the Levant and North Africa, are now arbitrarily labelled, "Palestinians" --- a label they never sought and did not apply to themselves.
Okay, call that "Team One".
Next, enter Jacob Rothschild, the Bank of England, all the financing that went into the First World War and the Second World War, and what have you got?
Oh, another group of emigres pouring into "Palestine" and displacing the "Palestinians". Call that "Team Two".
Team Two is infinitely better financed and politically connected than Team One, but also has far less legitimate claim to the land and soil in question. So there has to be a war with real bloodshed in order to claim the existence --by conquest-- of the State of Israel.
What nobody knows and what is never explained to the public worldwide is that the State of Israel is literally a British Territorial "State" (actually, State of State) equivalent to the British Territorial State of Tennessee or State of California.
This is why the "State of Israel" receives billions and billions and billions of dollars of money and credit from the United States of America, Incorporated, every year.
It's only since that British Crown Corporation fell on hard times that there has been the least little bit of economic hardship in Israel, and curiously, the butt of that hardship has fallen on Concentration Camp survivors and kibbutzim, the quintessential Poster Boys for the whole Israel-creation-and-conquest narrative.
Did the people of America understand any of this? Did they know that they were financing the Israeli Government and the whole State of Israel? Did they know that the State of Israel was equivalent to the State of Tennessee in the foreign British Territorial system of things?
No. Quite simply, no, the American People didn't know this. They weren't told. They were being "represented" by foreign subcontractors operating out of the District of Columbia, who for their own reasons, didn't see fit to divulge this pregnant fact.
Those Americans who were paying attention to what was happening in Washington, DC, simply attributed all the payola going to Israel to a super-effective and well-financed pro-Israel Jewish Lobby.
But it wasn't just that.
Israel was an investment opportunity in the Middle East for the USA, Inc., one that allowed the British Territorial Government of Westminster to keep its sticky fingers on the empire that Larry of Arabia finagled for them, and all at American expense.
So the American people have been paying through the nuggies all these decades and the Brits have been using Israel as a base of operations in the Middle East to influence and control Middle Eastern economic and social politics, and most important--- Middle Eastern crude oil.
With typical British Raj disdain for the local people and communities who are the end-line recipients of all their "policies" and "prerogatives", they have made themselves hated on all sides, but they don't care, because they misrepresent themselves as "Americans" ---without actually being Americans.
All the blame for this accrues to us as long as they get away with pretending to be us and for as long as they control our military forces as our presumed-to-be proxies.
Yes, proxies, as in shareholder proxies.
And, absent an Act of God, they will try to continue this situation as long as Americans are dumb enough to register as Voters in their private municipal corporation elections.
Meanwhile, real people are really dying, both members of Team One and members of Team Two.
The "war" between Israel and Hamas is as phony and mercenary in nature as the funky "war" these same perpetrators have been staging here in the actual States of the Union. And just as illegal.
Yesterday, the Pope, owner of all these corporations, called Joe Biden, the local municipal corporation CEO functioning as the UNITED STATES Successor, inquiring about the safety of his investments in the State of Israel, Inc.
And Car Jack Joe assured him that he was on top of it and in communication with the commanding generals, blah, blah, blah.
We hope that everyone concerned now realizes that the rest of us are also up to speed now and not at all happy with the performance of our Territorial and Municipal employees.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Thats a big number indeed, but what about the 50k young americans sent to die in a southeast jungle to fight a political system that is ruling now your own country? Have you ever americans asked yourselves in which hands are you? Well better dont ask anything, it caused a POTUS his brains
It cost I mean
Amen. Unarmed, if I'm not mistaken, as per orders from their Commander in Chief at the time. Not the way Marines prefer to die.