The m RNA injections, reprogram cellular function, and there is no way to control the dysfunctional outcome that is created by this messenger, viral like particle that reprograms cellular composition! The creators and pushers of this medical travesty need to be reined in and prosecuted for the crimes against humanity!

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BOOM! huge love and respects

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All true, but I do not expect the same corrupt system that allowed all this to hand out any punishment. Individuals must recognise the criminals for themselves, call them out and cut them out of their lives.

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Perhaps lethal mRNA injection might be appropriate from the bad batches.

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It would now be incredulous to believe that the increase in excess deaths, severe side effects, multiple diseases and global infertility was not intended, especially when viewed in the leaked documents, secrecy, censorship and original trials. This is heavy handed, ruthless murder and mayhem perpetrated by those leaders at the top as well as their Brownshirt minions.

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I bounced back and forth between believing the deaths and reduction in birth rate in developed countries are the actual goals here, and the idea that it was all about the billions and the deaths are just collateral damage.

Arguing for the latter is the idea that they had no problem killing millions in needless wars in the last several decades over money and power. Arguing for the former is how widespread this was done globally yet the underdeveloped part of the world that usually bears the brunt of their moves was largely left alone.

It leads to a question I have yet to get answered by someone who is politically liberal and pro-vaccination, which makes me in the end agree with you. Where is the uproar over Africa and other developing areas not getting full access to the vax? If it was so wonderful wouldn't there be an uproar over how racist it is that developed nations are getting huge supplies while developing countries can't afford it?

The only explanation is that they had the long term goal to reduce the population in the developed world to lessen its impact on the environment, with the short term goal of killing off a disproportionate number of old people to lessen liability for that population's retirement and health care (which will free up money for their transformation of the economy).

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So many have had their minds programmed into believing the CV shots alone have been causing what's been happening starting in 2021. Nothing occurred before this or from anything else. They've been obsessing over relatively small numbers in certain areas and tiny blips on long-term trend lines.

US fertility rates have been falling off a cliff since the early 1800s except for the baby boomer birth years.


They have been below minimum replacement for almost the entire last 50 years.


American men's T-levels and sperm count have been falling drastically since 1920. Existing, rare, and previously non-existent conditions started rising at very alarming rates since the 1800s. Deaths have been rising since 2009.


I haven't checked all countries. Of the several reviewed, they also share the same long-term trend lines with different starting dates. It appears prior vaccines are partially or entirely responsible. The first one was rolled out in the early 1800s in at least the US and some European countries.

The West, China, and some other places have sent poorer countries CV shots for free or at discounted prices. People there endured harsh punishment or harassment for not taking them. Latin Americans have been trained already to be much more submissive to their government than Africans.

Keep in mind western scientists regularly experiment in these places. They've seen polio shots cause polio in some. They've seen the Ebola shots cause worse outcomes in some than having Ebola. Probably everywhere would be far happier and healthier if all westerners disappeared. All of us aren't bad people, but we haven't taken corrective actions against those who are.

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I've noticed in recent comments on other platforms that vaxed individuals are grasping at straws in an effort to justify their colossal error in judgment with regard to the "vaccine".

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The Japanese biodistrubution study was a critical piece of information in revealing the likelihood of potential harms. It made a lot of sense as explained by Dr Bridle back in May 2021. He was forthright, logical, compelling and did not deserve the attacks he received as a result. He should instead be regarded as a hero - not someone who sought to be a hero, rather someone who only sought to do the right thing and share truth on a subject awash in deception and corruption. History will remember him well, he helped save many lives by speaking out.

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I agree - I was able to take the fact sheet Dr Bridle provided on his web site and share it with the local school board superintendent - Much thanks to him and others who spoke out early.

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Thanks for noting the date. I remember this as being early on. Beyond reprehensible the way Dr. B was ( and remains) treated. This alone should have shut the whole thing down.

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How do we go broke? As Hemingway once said "Gradually and then all at once." That is how fascism and tyranny work also.

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Like the frog in the progressively hotter, then boiling water.

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Exactly. Lipid package also the main catalyst of autoimmune reaction, including towards nerves and brain (myelin).

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May 28, 2021

Alex Pierson interviews Dr. Byram Bridle


Dr. Byram Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph


DR. BYRAM BRIDLE: I am very much pro-vaccine, but always making sure that the science is done properly, and that we follow the science carefully before going into a public roll-out of vaccines.

I hope you'll let me run with this a little bit, Alex. I'll forewarn you and your listeners, that the story I'm about to tell is a bit of a scary one. This is cutting-edge science, there's a couple of key pieces of scientific information that I have become privy to just within the past few days that has made the final link so we understand now, myself and some key international collaborators, we understand exactly why these problems are happening. And many others associated with these vaccines.

And the story is a bit of scary one, so just to brace you for this. But I'm going to walk you through this. The science that I'm going to be talking about, I don't have the time here to describe exactly the scientific data, but let me assure you that everything that I am stating here, that I'm going to state right now, is completely backed up by peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-known and well-respected scientific journals. I have all of this information in hand, I am in the process [?] put it all into a document that I can hopefully circulate widely.

So your listeners are going to be the first to hear the public release of this conclusion. And I can back it up with science.

ALEX PIERSON: That's very ominous [laughs]


DR. BYRAM BRIDLE: This is what it is. The SARS Corona virus 2 has a spike protein on its surface, that spike protein is what allows it to infect our bodies. That is why we've been using the spike protein in our vaccines. The vaccines we're using get our cells in our body to manufacture that protein. If we can mount an immune response against that protein, in theory we can prevent this virus from infecting the body. That's the theory behind the vaccine.

However, when studying the disease, severe Covid-19, everything that you just described, heart problems, lots of problems with the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting, is all associated with severe Covid-19. And looking, doing that research, what has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system if it gets into circulation. Indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals they get all kinds of damage to cardiovascular system and it can get cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.


Now at first glance, that doesn't seem too concerning because we're injecting these vaccines into the shoulder muscle. The assumption, all up until now, has been that these vaccines behave like all of our traditional vaccines, that they don't go anywhere other than the injection site. So they stay in our shoulder. Some of the protein will go to the local draining lymph node in order to activate the immune system.

However, this is where the cutting-edge science comes in, and this is where it gets scary.

Through a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency, myself and several international collaborators have been able to get access to what's called a biodistribution study. It's the first time ever that scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA vaccines go after vaccination. In other words, is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle?


The short answer is, absolutely not. It's very disconcerting.

The spike proteins gets into the blood, circulates through the blood, in individuals over several days post-vaccination. It accumulates, once it gets to the blood, it accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, the bone marrow, the liver, the adrenal glands, one that's of particular concern for me is, it accumulates at quite high concentrations in the ovaries.


And then also a publication that was just accepted for, a scientific paper just accepted for publication that backs this up, looked at 13 young healthcare workers that had received the Moderna vaccine, which is the other messenger RNA-based vaccine we have in Canada, and they confirmed this. They found the spike protein in circulation, so in the blood of 11 of those 13 healthcare workers that had received the vaccine.

What this means is, so we have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein, it is a toxin, it can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation.

Now we have clearcut evidence that the vaccines that make our bodies, or the muscles, or the cells in our deltoid muscles, right, manufacture this protein, the vaccine itself plus the protein gets into blood circulation.

When in circulation the spike protein combined to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels, when that happens it can do one of two things. It can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting, that's exactly why we've been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding. And of course, the heart's involved, it's actually part of the cardiovascular system, that's why we're seeing heart problems. The protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage, that's why also in the fatal cases of blood clots, many times it's seen in the brain.


And also of concern is, there is also evidence of a study— this has not yet been accepted for publication yet, this one, they were trying to show that the antibodies from the vaccine get transferred through breast milk and the idea was, this may be a good thing because this would confer some passive protection to babies. However, what they found inadvertently was that the vaccines, the messenger RNA vaccines actually get transferred through the breast milk, so delivering the vaccine vector itself into infants that are breast-feeding.

Also what this, now that we know spike protein gets into circulation, any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk. Looking into the adverse event data base [VAERS] in the United States we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. So—

ALEX PIERSON: Let me pause you there because I've only got 45 seconds left. I mean, the bottom line, this is scary, this will freak a lot of people out.

DR. BYRAN BRIDLE: This message, yes. So this has implications for blood donation, right now Canadian Blood Services is saying that people that have been vaccinated can donate. We don't want transfer of these pathogenic spike proteins to fragile patients who are being transfused with that blood. This has implications for infants that are suckling. And this has serious implications for people for whom SARS Corona Virus-2 not a high-risk pathogen, and that includes all of our children.

In short, the conclusion is, we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now, we thought the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin. Some people, this gets into circulation and when that happens in some people it can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system.

And I have many other, I don't have time, but many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety therefore of this vaccine. For example, with it accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions is, will we be rendering young people infertile? Some of them infertile? So I'll stop there, I know it's heavy hitting.


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TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: For more up-to-date information from Dr Byram W. Bridle, see his Substack blog:


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Wow, Transcriber! And that was 18 months ago.

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Also see this excellent article by Arkmedic on vaxx dangers to the female reproductive system. The comments too. These dangers were predictable and, in fact, predicted.


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Dear Paul,

I appreciate your messages so much. They are so voluminous that they are taking up my entire email reception. Is there a way to put your information on a website? Maybe you do and I need to switch to that way to get your notices.

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You can unsubscribe from his substack and just go directly to his substack to see his articles.

In case that wasn’t clear, I’m trying to explain that it already is on a website called substack and you can choose whether or not to get emails each time he posts a new article.


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Thanks for this. I, too, couldn’t let an email escape my attention. Now, I can go there to catch up.😘

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The Japanese study is Pfizer 2.4/2.6.5B (PFE PreClinical #185350) with text translated into Japanese. The study was not repeated.


R. Chandler MD

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Thanks for Sharing oblivious to the fact Clinical trial data Pfzier didn't want you to know about anything about mRNA was it 75 year's ?

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FDA wanted 75 years, Pfizer wanted 50 or 55.

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Why has Dr Breggin disagreement on Dr Desmit’s Mass Psychosis viewpoint generate a law suit from Dr Malone that will financially destroy Dr Breggin even if he wins? Covid generated a mass psychosis that was preplanned by man and 35% of all Americans believe that the injections saved their lives. Is the CDC/DARPA/CIA consortium so strong and manipulative that they are planning to use this mass psychosis theory as the root cause of the 7.7% ADR rate. Does Dr Malone still believe that the mRNA injections have the ability to fix genetic defects that account for less than 5% of ill health. Covid from the beginning didn’t fit the definition of a pandemic based on the true medical statistics. Where is the dialog to examine these issues to determine the truth. What bio weapons does CDC have in the frig that has the ability to wipe out 90% of humans. Happened to the Black birds from road kill? Will suppression of medical honesty continue ad nuseum?

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totally kills all the eggs in every female that gets these jabs and that is why the birth rate has fallen so far so fast, but it is about to get even worse with shedding and geoengineering so we all get infected with their bioweapons.

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