as the video clip shows, they, dems, Biden INC know what they are doing...they are bringing in the trash...we need DEXTER to take it back out

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Sickening. These beautiful young women and children died horrendous deaths at the hands of illegal devils.

The illegal devils need to be hung along Biden & the evil slime who allow them to enter the country.

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Ya know what amazes me is how these so-called women groups remain silent? Why is that? Is it they really don't care what happens to other women? Are they too stupid to see the danger? Are they just the useful idiots that the Left has used "like forever"? All of the above? To expand on this concept.... the Dems (who are now warmongers) are pushing for women to register with selective service. Are we going to draft women in an age where any gal can sign-up whenever she wants? Is this good for society? I'm not convinced that it is and/or is necessary. Quite frankly, to activate any type of draft is a "political fail" - showing weak leadership. But coming full circle...when are women going to look out for each others physical safety as opposed to giving it lip service? Pax

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yes...they dont care if its a white woman, a jewish woman etc...dont. if its a black or brown male killing (or even female) killing a fair person, they dont...incredible as it seems...

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To put not too fine a point on it, ugly women don't care what happens to beautiful women.

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Where have we come since poor Kate Steinle's death by an illegal alien. NOWHERE. It has just

gotten worse.

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Take them out if you see them in the wild - no license required. It has come to this because of the failure of the O’Biden administration to uphold their oath of office:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” There are also separate oaths for the judiciary, SCOTUS, congress, and federal appointees and employees. All these people need to be held accountable for failure to meet their oaths, from firing up to and including hanging.

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Women like Jaypal are usually far-left extremists because they are angry at biological reality.

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How many more young girls and women have to raped and murdered by those rabid animals before its stopped.

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rabid is the word....good innocent decent people killed and the punishment is nothing and punishment is to send a message...not in these cases...

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It won’t ever stop with this administration. They are pure evil. This is what they want. Just think, if they had one drop of humanity some of them would fight to stop this. They don’t. They think with a demonic hivemind.

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Look at Jayapal’s face. Do you see what I see? It starts with a d and it’s not democrat.

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yes...you are correct....there is lots we see. the issue is in all of us we can 'think' and if you push us to think the way we should, we will tell you the truth...they are trying to tell us do not believe what our eyes see and our ears hear...to pretend

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Who the FOOK is Jayapal ?

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Who is Jaypal?

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Rape is a foreshadow of things to come these enemies sought out and found beautiful prey.

They weren't looking for a simple rape "high" they are our enemies, deliberately aiming to harm us,as a whole.

So we must act as we can to protect our women.

Unfortunately we will soon lose our guns.

When we do, that's when Rome will burn to the ground.

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Until it impacts him directly, he’ll refuse to see the truth.

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This breaks my heart….all these innocent people.😢

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We live in freakin' frightening times!

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We have the same trash up here. Trudope needs to go. He is the enemy of Truth.


Time to go turdie boy, you lying pos, Christophobe, babyaphobe, bigot, hoplophobe. Your legacy will be uglier than your ample assed pictures. You were never ready. I am seeing the fall of the LPC and it is enjoyable not to mention your collapse, as the corrupt spawn of a hippie mother and a commie francoPHONY father with eyes so close he could look through a knothole with both at the same time.

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Ovomit and biDUMB, turdo, macaroni macron, murkel, etc are accessories to murder and need to be trued then executed That is the only logical way to look at the picture. If someone puts a black mamba in a baby's room and it bites the baby, that person is a murderer. All the needs doing to stop this problem is immediate execution. The sole decision of sexual inter-reaction lies ONLY with the woman. It is her decision totally. It is her body. Any who violate her decision need to die. Period.

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Criminal good guys are made not born and the theme I hear a lot not has to do with vigilante justice, NOT LEGAL CYSTEM INJUSTICE..

Tim Laveigh killed hundreds of people. Why? Because FBI murdered an unarmed harmless woman holding a baby. They also massacred many in the Davidian Branch slaughter. So he blew up a building killing hundreds of innocent people. Why did he not plan to focus on a location that would not result in innocent people being killed?

Nobody knows the answer to that least of all me but I do see why he despised the FBI and their use of criminal force.

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