Something tells me Dr Alexander nobody will take your “get out of jail card” and the simple reason is, they’ve made so much money in the process it wouldn’t make a difference! If you’re asking for these types of people to have a conscience, forget that too. Otherwise you wouldn’t have to be calling them out. It’s the double edge sword that keeps on cutting, the only problem is, we’re be cut and cut-up into little tiny pieces. There was so much forethought that went into this attack, it’s as though the enemy thought of everything! In a sense they have now haven’t they? Nothing has changed nor has anyone been brought to justice. These shots are still being advertised and administered, people are still dying and the rest of us are trying to make sense of a nonsensical, deliberate and directed bioweapon attack! When you think about the who’s and the why’s of this entire situation, even if the lowest level individual was brought to justice, that would be all the enemy would need to insulate themselves even further. It’s almost a no win / loss! Actually, that’s exactly what this is. We can’t bring the dead back, the disabled and future injections by unsuspecting people are all we can try to educate and prevent from further harm at this juncture. Does anyone really believe Gates or Schwab or Soros or the CDC / FDA will have any repercussions? Or that little “evil man” FaFaFauci? Nope! I want to believe justice will prevail as most do but the stark reality is how well orchestrated this evil war on humanity was. Finding the “hole in the armor” is like saying the shot is “safe and effective” more than 3 years later! WOW, how despicable! How evil and how deadly!


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Something has changed AJR. Only 3 months ago Kariko snd Weissman were awarded the Nobel Prize for the clot shots. Before then, Big Pharma boss Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer was honored with the Genesis Prize, also known as the Jewish Nobel Prize. Also, Fauci received an Italian Knighthood. New mRNA nasal vaxxs and self-distributing mRNA vaxxs are under development. You've come a long way, baby!

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Good God ANW the more I think about it the more I realize how these monstrous individuals are! By awarding such prizes and awards, whatever you want to call them give the MSM all the ammunition they need to continue driving the narrative forward and forever! At least for those people who haven’t a clue. It makes sense now as I read your post and as you mentioned all the awards collectively. It goes without saying, the more deadly something or someone is the more positive recognition they receive. How as backwards but how true. Starting more recently with George Floyd BS and the complete lie entirely the shame was. Now an officer doing his job is wrongly convicted, gets stab by a BLM sympathizer while in jail and the Floyd family receives millions! Each and every similar scenario plays out the same way which tells me how stupid these people are! But how wealthy those people driving the entire world towards war and division are! The only way to stop this madness is to literally fight fire with fire! Those wealthy people who actually want to do good and want to undo this destructive evil must step up, even if silently. Somehow I believe this is the only way to critically injure and then cut the head of the snake off! Teaching moments are BS! Will not work! Agreeing to disagree, will not work! The only way is to literally “sever the head” or with a “stake to the heart”! Anything less, is a complete waste of time and money! Thanks for your input ANW! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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So what have we here?

There's a Communist Secret Police asset (Kariko), a couple of people with Japanese sounding names, acouple with whitey sounding names, and a Jew (Weissman).

Kariko and Weissman's work makes big dollars for two other Jewish people, the Big Pharma bosses, Bourla and Bancel, who are CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna.

What's the point?

An antisemite walks into a bar and takes a seat.

Pretty quickly, he notices a Jew across the room and he thinks to himself “I’m gonna show him!”

He calls the bartender over and says “Give everyone a beer on me except that Jew over there!” The bartender does exactly that.

As soon as everyone gets their beer, they look at the antisemite, lift their cups and say cheers. The antisemite looks at the Jew who then also lifts his cup and says cheers to the antisemite. He is very confused.

Why is the Jew doing that after I bought everyone a beer except him?

So he ups his game.

He calls over the bartender and says to give out a very nice shot of whiskey to everyone but that Jew..

The bartender does exactly that.

They all lift their cups to the antisemite as does the Jew.

Again, the antisemite is confused and frustrated.

He calls over the bartender again and says “Give everyone your most expensive drink on me but don’t give it to that Jew!”

And so he does.

Again, the Jew lifts his cup and says cheers to the antisemite.

At this point, the antisemite is fuming.

He calls over the bartender and asks “Why does that Jew keep thanking me for buying everyone drinks even though I didn’t buy him one?”

The bartender looks at the antisemite confused and says “Him? He owns the bar!”

Next, the antisemite walks into a jabbatoir ...

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So smart example.

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“Transcription errors can mimic mutations. DNA replication errors are a powerful source of human disease. The mutations that are generated by these errors give rise to mutant proteins that drive the pathology of countless genetic diseases”.

After a quick search and brief look at why pseudouridine would be part of these, modified injections and or synthetic, non-vaccine, gene therapies otherwise known as the infamous “Covid Shot”, it seems as though an endless amount of genetic diseases will occur! Intentional? Maybe, who really knows? IMO, I would say most certainly it was intentional! By doing so would cause an endless supply of test subjects otherwise known as human beings! Good God if I’m remotely correct the

“Pharma-Frankenstein”scientists are more evil than anyone knows. There’s so many variables and unknowns when the world’s population are these evil people’s “test subjects”! Not to mention what will happen to the offspring of those people who survive these horrific injections! Dr Alexander please if you can, shed light on this horrific thought! It seems as though two things have happened, 1. An endless supply of sick patients and 2. An endless supply of new genetic diseases! My God how incredibly sinister and murderous the world has become! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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“However, in this case, the correlation between speed of synthesis and protein expression with synthesis errors, as well as the mechanism that could affect the translation of the sequence remain obscure, many trials have not yet been performed.”

This Vendetta is where I believe the rubber meets the road! I copied the statement above from the link you posted and I have to ask, how can anyone in their right mind, “roll the dice” by injecting the world population knowing the potentiality of mistranslation? Possibly the “risks outweigh the benefits”? Possibly? But when the outcome has shown through many datasets to have caused catastrophic consequences, this could have been avoided! Experimental means just that, we don’t know the outcome and the world is our guinea pig! There seems to be an endless amount of evidence and speculation regarding why this was forced upon the masses. I don’t have to look any further as to why, IMO, those people who succumbed to this, untested, experimental injection, should have restitution!. Removal of informed consent and illegal mandates IMO, was and still is, madness! Or there was an ulterior motive! we are living in a world today where evil is rewarded and good is punished! Nothing good has come from this entire planned military operation as I call it except if you’re trying to eliminate the “useless feeders”! Such a sick and demented way to think and live life! Unfortunately, this is the new world order happening before our eyes! I could list a myriad of things working in unison to divide and conquer the masses! So could anyone who has a heartbeat! It’s more than obvious and possibly the masses will awaken and begin to fight back, metaphorically without violence! Thanks again Vendetta, I appreciate your posting.


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I think a good watch of “CIVIL WAR” is in order. It is a new twist for our time. The consensus has always been that “AGENDA 21” or “NEW WORLD ORDER”, etc. will preview the plans of action and reaction (the way they see it, in the movies. Watch Civil War to get a taste of what “they” say is coming. I believe this. I also believe that you can’t steal a man’s job, repo his transportation, repo his abode, be cause for his children becoming hungry.

Side note: Many of these children figure out that drugs and alcohol numb the hunger pains and put the brain in a stupor so they can get off the merry go round for a time.

Leaving these children in this state too long to pass the next school shooting, tent cities, panhandlers, car thieves and all the other life lessons they will need to learn in an effort of survival mode at best.

Put enough of these like people together for a note comparing session or two and view what steps out of those note comparison meetings.

The one void that has not been filled to date is “The Leader of the Pack”

I trust in the Lord that a leader will appear to gel this thing together.

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Thank you Vendetta, one of two things I believe has occurred,

1. Mistakes were made and God only knows what will happen to millions of people from these injections or 2. This was not a mistake and those responsible for modifying these “bioweapons of injection” deliberately modified them to potentially cause an anomaly of problems. IMO, the second is what has occurred, though I am not a scientist or biologist or virologist, reading the information you suggested tells me these people knew this was a possibility. When millions are injected with, “this may occur” anything, you don’t give it to the world! I’ll say it again, there’s an all out effort to sicken and maim and murder millions! How else can anyone read the information and say, oh this sounds like a great idea? It shouldn’t happen, it has happened and my belief is, this was intentional! Maybe I’m wrong but the amount of people I know and have close relationships with have suffered greatly, 6 have died! IMO, this is NO MISTAKE! The information in the link seems damming to say the least! I appreciate you sending me the link and I’ll say it again; May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Dr. Paul, no longer are crimes investigated in order to connect to people. On the contrary, people are investigated to find crimes. If your on the team your exempt from examination. Since Malone is a deep state asset you can bet he and others won't be investigated.

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Dear Doctor Alexander,

I'm sorry to say that I'm very disappointed in your post.

First of all, no one can claim to have invented an "mRNA-based technology"; mRNA exists organically, on a par with DNA, while possible applications of it in the medical-clinical field are uncountable, not to say hypothetically infinite, and every researcher or team has studied on in-depth investigations of one or more types of applications that could be defined precisely as "mRNA technology."

One thinks of research in the field of "drug targeting", where mRNA and other factors are implicated in aiming at the perfect receptor center with its ligands and hormones or neurotransmitters, so as to create individually tailored therapies on the basis of a well-determined pathology with precise genesis and symptomatology, with excellent results in controlling the clinical affection. These studies are still in an almost embryonic stage, nothing concrete exists, but these are therapeutic techniques based on mRNA and other gene elements, as well as biochemical elements.

Not to mention the whole branch of epigenetics in general, with the myriad varied facets and implications in pharmacology, theory, and clinical practice.

It should also be pointed out that Dr. Robert Malone has NEVER claimed to be the inventor of anything, but he is popularly considered the "founding father" of early mRNA-based applications in treatments and vaccines. For that matter, he has studies on his back not in 2008, like the meaningless article you mention, but since the 1980s, when he and his study team initiated a process that was as innovative as it was potentially hazardous, based on the usage implications. And we know full well that Pfizer & Co. would have had no qualms about exploiting precursor research and studies of any application vaguely related to vaccine development, given the extremely juicy situation for their wallets.

Please, reflect well on what you have stated and made public, for you may not lack, if anything, opportunities to meet...in court, very unpleasant!

All certainly not on my part, but jackals are everywhere ... just as I did not expect such strong criticism among like-minded fine scholars.

I would leave envy and various hostilities alone in this case, as it would be wise to join all together, including Dr. Malone, who has always warned of the potential health risks from the practice of Big Pharma that we all know about, but none better than Malone himself, the former or one of the earliest researchers involved, despite his own best efforts, in this controversial field.

A great farewell, take care!

Dr. Kira Smith

MD, MSc in Experimental Medicine and Forensic Pathology

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Where is Waldo/Malone..... too busy suing people.... but too busy showing up everywhere ....not saying much but sounding because he is an 'expert"...that's how it works now..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1999129572

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Kudos for calling out this jerk but he’ll miss the opportunity, word has it he’s too busy gazing at his reflection

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