I remember as a child, hearing about some children findin a pin in their candy and a razorblade in their apple. I wish people would realize that this is a high day for satanists and real warlocks and witches, and they sacrifice children to satan on this "holiday" Americans need to stop supporting this truly wicked unholy day.

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Too funny! But your "Do not be greedy, take only one" reminds me of the sweetest thing on Halloween a few years ago. I had to work that night, and left a big bowl of candy sitting on a little table outside by the front door. I taped a note on it, "Please leave some for other kids!"

When I returned home, I saw some candy remained in the bowl ... that included a different kind of candy from what I had put out for the kids. Some sweetheart child had thought "please leave some for other kids" meant to leave some of THEIR OWN candy in the bowl, instead of taking some!

It still makes me misty-eyed, thinking of that thoughtful sweetness. I wish I could have known who that child was so I could give him or her a big bag of candy just for them. ❤

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Well, I'm SUS of Nestle...

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We gave out old “Hustler” magazines this year.

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Wife is yet in mask-fear mode so no candy in either direction, yet again. Paul, neighborhood location is the key to a safe Halloween, as you know. NYC, Portland, Chicago, SF, LA, DC and the White Crack House are best off limits. :)

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In case you haven't looked, and it seems you haven't, it is not liberals that are promoting violence and hate as a general philosophy. The one exception to worry about is anti-Muslim hate and those are the people to protect. Stop promoting hate and bigotry. It is not acceptable in any society that seeks peace

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Stay in France

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You're talking to the wrong Paul. :)

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You don't seem to know who you are talking to.

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That’s just sick

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Halloween candy is a ticket to diabetes.

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Not useful post Paul

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Lets get serious how are the kids in Gaza enjoying Halloween.

Just an inconvenient wake up call

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Thank you for a bit of humor during these horrifying, dangerous times in America!

Please Paul get on board with writer, Lex Greene @newswithviews.com in unifying The People behind 2 most critical issues right now…



You have NO rights if you do not know then!

See Lex Greene’s teaching pieces to learn about why these issues are highest priority to get right if America is to survive!

We must UNITE on these 2 issues and fight for all future generations!

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Unify with other VERY patriotic citizens, joining the ONLY Constitutional America First organization…newsletters are the best!


You must unify to get the right things done with strategic planners…ART OF WAR!

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