
no sane nation would do this, what Biden and Obama have done, USA is near destroyed if we cannot deport the illegals and close the border. its that simple. there are many BAD people in them illegals...you will remember my substacks in time...for they will act up...I wish I am proven wrong but if we could wager on it, I will be a rich man...

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They could be UN soldiers infiltrating like ilegals.

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Blue Helmets = S.O.S.

and that’s not a distress call

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I am glad you are on this. Keep it clean to keep it credible. You write of the fears we internalize and “should” bring forth, but are afraid to. You are brave and I (we) appreciate and value your voice.

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thank you...clean, I am so upset these days, I cant promise

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I am with you. I can’t sleep. I am appreciative that you are such a warrior. Be a king.

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They are Men dehumanized by the system and these man just follow instructions. They are like all American docs implementing the instructions to vaccinate entire population - would you csll them NEANDERTHALS, medieval beasts? They acted this way having opportunity to vaccinate people for profit, and kill.

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hhhmmm, interesting, I DONT disagree

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Everybody's got a choice.

Be armed or be a victim.

Some things never change.

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It’s a plan of communist China and the Democrat Party (who in exchange was promised to be kept in perennial authority) to replace and destroy us. This is what’s going on.

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This is the invasion you're having when you're not having an invasion....

And it's happening throughout the western white Christian world......

Odd coincidence that....

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Paul, Sage Hana has put out several stacks today. Your name was mentioned in the comments on the latest one.

Seems RFK Jr. is "pro vaccine". I guess he hasn't learned anything after all.

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RFK is pro vaccine. not good. SAGE mentioned me? good or bad? SAGE has issues at times, at times behaved, at times off his or her rocker...I have no issue with them, as long as people respect me, I will respect them, if they hit me, I hit back, I am like Trump. that way...SAGE and me are on same page...different approaches but overall I respect their work...

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and I know SAGE loves the island boy...ha ha ha

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Yes, said "Paul enjoys this Substack very much!"

His/her stack has a different style of writing, and does make one think.

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they seem to have fetish for me...hhhmmm

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No, they are not animals, they are human beings but they still shouldn’t be coming to North America unless they are genuine refugees. And they are all male without the modulating influence of women and elders.

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they are not genuine refugees and there are animals among them, beasts who we must put down the moment the look to rape and kill...we defend our lives by taking theirs. our daughters must defend their lives...I guess you did not see this...https://nypost.com/2024/02/28/us-news/illegal-immigrant-charged-with-murder-in-tragic-shooting-of-2-year-old-boy/...there are many stories like this...hope you read them...Illegal immigrant from El Salvador charged with murder in shootout that killed 2-year-old boy, injured teen mom

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Many of them are killing Americans with Fentanyl, which is lower than most animals as animals usually take down prey for food. https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/fentanyl-smuggled-into-us-at-highest-rates-ever/ar-BB1mmp17

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They are being brought here illegally by the illegitimate Biden admin, to be used for nefarious purposes, such as voter fraud and rioting. This is a treasonous action, and all these so-called immigrants who have invaded our country need to be deported, all of them.

Yes, they are human beings, but many are murderers and rapists and act like animals, and will need to be treated as such.

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The problem with a range war is you offten can't tell the bad guys from the good guys. As the situation continues to deterate wealthy land owners will have to hire mercinaries to keep their land. As this grows we will see land and water wars just like in the Southwest of the 1870s. Even with 45 in office, this will take decades to unravel.

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Read RFK’s book. He is NOT pro vaxx.

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Sage's stack has RFK Jr on video stating he is PRO-VACCINE.

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It’s all just part of the plan 😏, fear not but be aware and prepared, I think it’s the author intention when presenting this information. Thanks for sharing.

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It's happening here In the UK as well, we've got fighting age men arriving by boat pretending to be 15 yrs of age & younger. Just the other day three men were arrested for suspected terrorism, they were planning to plant a bomb/s, ages vary from 50 down to their twenties , no mention of race or colour & meanwhile yet another man was arrested for suspected terrorist links. Its the same plan in Europe as well & our governments are behind thus. Weak woke leadership will be our downfall, defund the police force, give important jobs to woke retards & take away your guns, here in the UK were defenceless, its illegal to own any form of weapon that you could use to defend yourself with. When & if trump wins the presidency & starts removing the illegals, that's when the millions of illegal aliens start there purge of the American citizens. These are hardened, fit, killers & most Americans are obese, woke, just stop oil, suit & tie, transgenda sheep to the slaughter. The police is non existent, the armed forces are woke, so if I was you, I'd start carrying a gun everywhere, I'd also stock on on food, water, ammo etc & if possible I'd leave the cities

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Since the "covid" was announced and the UK was locked down, and the boats kept arriving (aided by the RNLI) I was trying to tell my Facebook friends that all of these men were exempt from the Boris Johnson Anthony Fauci jabs. All of them. They were exempt because not being UK citizens it meant that they would be able to sue for any damages and any deaths caused by the jabs. It fell on deaf ears of course as the pathologically brainwashed were all complaining that these men were contributing to the "covid" problem. They weren't. They did not fall ill from any "covid" either (if they had they fallen ill or died their deaths would have been used to ramp up the hysteria caused by the mainstream media.) No. These men did not fall ill or die. The globalists friend Boris Johnson deliberately let these men into the country, put them up in luxury accommodations and treated like royalty. Forgive me for being a cynic, but if you were a young man being treated like royalty you would no doubt be very happy to do the bidding of those who were taking such extra special care of you. It has been rumoured that these hotels are getting more than just food delivered. If you think otherwise you might be in for a bit of a shock. These places are not heavily guarded for no reason. It is to keep you out, not to keep these fit young men in. All previous staff have been let go and the hotels are now staffed mainly by the migrants themselves. Migrant security who, if you watch my You Tube saved videos, you will see are unnaturally aggressive towards anyone making enquiries. As you are no doubt aware these young migrant men come and go as they please with absolute ease and with police protection too. Mark Zuckerberg has drastically limited the amount of people who get to see my posts. He cannot fact check them as false, he just hopes that you never read them. Anyway, those well cared for young men...


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The link isnt working. I will have done something wrong. I only have a mobile phone. The article is on my Gab page in the meanwhile. BBS.

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