Dr. Paul, you are one of the rare birds out there who have taken a stand and never backed down, no matter what the personal cost. Thank you! There are so many who are despicable sell-outs, these are the people who have enabled the tyranny to march grimly on. These people all now know that they would have driven the cattle cars in Nazi German during WWII rather than courageously doing the right thing. I am with you....I was not in a high profile job, but I did make very good money, and I chose to walk away rather than bow to tyranny...and I have never looked back since. It is very hard to keep taking the high road, and not be furious and completely all done with the cowards and out and out evildoers; you are an admirable person in that you seem to be able to maintain that level of balance. I struggle with it every day.

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No matter where I go, people walk up to me and at first not sure then when we clear it up, they near collapse in my arms and hug me tight and whisper in my ears they just want to hold on, and say hello and tell me that they knew they were not insane and needed to know others felt same and how what I, McCullough, Risch, Tenenbaum says has helped them literally survive for the pressure at times was too great...they whisper 'I WILL NEVER ALLOW THEM TO VACCINE MY CHILD AND WILL DEFEND WITH MY DEATH"...and it surprises me and they then weep, some unconsolably and then I end up crying too...I can't help it for these are people who are so pained and they tell me the sense of hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, vulnerability they felt was too much at times but thank you for standing up.... and then the husbands come up and they try not to but they cry too...and then walk away. I tell you to go to the cafe is an overwhelming situation but now I realize I need it. To go to the mall is so emotional. The human side of what was done is so tragic, so very painful.

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Yes it is, and those who have perpetuated it have sacrified their humanity in the process; it is because of this that they have been able to proceed without any ethical or moral compass. I firmly believe that we are in a spiritual war, of good versus evil....however you want to look at it, whether from a religious viewpoint (Satan) or a cosmic viewpoint (alien intelligence), it comes down to a basic recognition that evil does indeed exist. Humanity has empathy, and what is driving out there right now has none, and is not OF humanity. Unfortunately, a great many people refuse to acknowledge this, and cling to a stubborn insistence that evil simply does not exist. This belief will be their downfall as it has resulted in their alignment with it, as they continue playing Russian Roullette....eventually the chamber containing the bullet will find them. You must be able to identify the enemy which you are up against if you are ever to have any hopes of defeating it.

- Perhaps the biggest tragedy of all is how disempowered people have become....they do not realize that in giving over more and more of their authority into the hands of "experts" they have systematically stripped themselves bare of sovereignty. What we are witnessing right now is the result of a global population that have all become victims. We handed over our responsibility over our childrens' education to a system that has been deliberately dumbing them down, teaching them what to think and not how to think, and conditioning them to become obedient and "compliant". We handed over our responsibility to cultivate and prepare our own food to a system that has been deliberately poisoning us with chemicals, artificial fillers, actual toxins, and bankrupt of any real nutrition. We handed over our responsibility over our own health to doctor god (no offense to you and hopefully you get where I'm coming from in the big picture) and have bought into pharmaceutical poison to mask symptoms rather than prevention, detoxing, nutrition and holistic practices. We handed over our responsibility to self govern to "the state" and now have a full blown police state that has fully enslaved us with fear of their enforcement: fear of the IRS, fear of the police, fear of the courts, fear of the government, fear of the DMV, fear of the truant officer....on and on and on....and we must ask for permission for every aspect of life. We have become voiceless, powerless, in debt and complete slaves to the very system that they thought we wanted. The victim/victimizer paradigym is one of the oldest and most insidious of programs, and it has surely come home to roost right now. But there IS hope. Every time someone casts off the slavery yoke and stands up....many others are inspired, and eventually the tipping point will be reached. Remember, on the scale of consciousness, apathy and fear are the lowest.....once you get to courageousness, you're coming out of force and into power. The higher you go on the consciousness scale, the greater your influence. All it took was one ascended master like Jesus, whose consciousness was at 1000, to bring millions of people stuck in the lower densities of fear, apathy and grief up into courage and above. This is the reason why only a tiny percentage of freedom fighter patriots were able to win the American Revolution; the vast, vast majority of people here in this new country at the time only cared about their own basic survival and/or loyalty to the familiar, old tyrannical system. Keep on speaking out, keep on fighting, and more and more people will find the courage to step up...and the tide will turn. I actually feel like it already has.

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Extremely well stated Kay! You are my sister in Jesus Christ. May He guide you and strengthen you. May God help those who are doing His Will. May we stay on the Path and be children of the Light. Amen

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Thank you for the hope. I myself do not beleive the tide is turning...they are moving very very fast and we are all still asleep. It is not just Covid..that was only a salvo. They want us all to be digital slaves, they are trashing the middle class and the entrepeneurs, they are strangling us every day and pushing more and more. I do not see an exit, I do not see them allowing parallel societies that are self sufficient survive. They are coming after us, the ones who resist.

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Dutchess, hold onto that hope. The true human spirit, that which is a spark of the Divine in each and every one of us, is very powerful. That's why we have been so targeted by the soulless vampyres who are disconnected from Source! I do not buy into any of that "trust the plan" bs....this is just further disempowerment that encourages people to sit back and wait for a savior to rescue them....no, we must all come together in our communities, and help each other. Humanity is at its most powerful in times of extreme adversity; history has shown this to be true over and over again. We will prevail. Be aware that much is happening behind the scenes. Hopefully, you have learned that the pope called all Vatican assets back to base by September 30th; all moneys sitting in commercial banks are to return to the Vatican bank, and all hard assets (gold, silver, art, et al) must return to the the walls of the Vatican. This is a huge confirmation that the entire Western financial system is going down. There will be a bank bail IN coming as a result of the massive death toll from the covid jabs; the insurance companies and the banking industry are tied together, and the fallout from this horrific shot is now coming home to roost. Prepare for bankruptcy filing by the financial institutions....and the corresponding seizure of FRC. If you haven't gotten your hands on any hard assets yet....gold, silver, luxury items for barter....now is a very good time to do so. The whales began dumping their stocks several months ago, on the heels of the announcements of return to the gold standard across the globe; always pay attention to what the smartest financial people in the room are doing. Everyone is dumping fiat-backed assets and replacing them with hard assets. There is a big fall coming, and people need to be prepared. Meanwhile. the states Assemblies are all back in session, and rising to bring forth the original unincorporated republican form of government that we the people originally created here on land and soil juridisdiction. Our Fiduciary, who controls the hard assets of the unincorporated Federation of States of America, has been approached by agents of the U.S. Treasury, who have been trying very hard to convince her to agree to a NEW crypto-type electronic currency...and rest assured she has absolutely rejected these proposals. America will move forward with a new system that is only asset-backed; no more fiat garbage, no more "meet the new boss, same as the old boss." The financial system that we have all gotten used to, thinking it is "normal" is on its last legs, and is holding on by the fingernails trying to hide what is really going on from the people. It is going down. Be prepared. We the people will all help each other...and in the end, we will triumph against evil. Consciousness is rising on this planet as we move away from centralized power structures that the age of pisces was all about...into the age of aquarius, which hallmarks freedom. Things are happening, you just can't rely upon any fakestream media sources to reveal anything truthful. Pay attention to what you see and hear and experience with your own senses....and allow the men and women of your own community to provide sanctuary. This is truly where humanity is going as we move forward into a new world where evil has no place.

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LIke. When I stop being angry, and stop kicking myself for being unable to lie or cheat or steal, I realize there is only one savior for us, and it is Christ.

But honestly, some days I wonder what the hell is wrong with me, that I cannot do these simple things that most humans can do...and I cannot lie to myself or just go along to get along. I can't abide gossip either, which passes in my family for small talk. But I still feel stupid and that most people look on people like me as stupid humans who just can't get a clue.

Thanks for the hope. Part of the problem is I live in a blue state, in a place that is being inundated with liberals trying to find a safe place and they are now ruining it...the small time idyll...and my heart is here.

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I can relate! I'm in the belly of the beast here in the liberal hellhole Massachusetts, surrounded by indoctrinated cult members who wear two muzzles while alone in their cars. Half of my family is right there with them; they cannot even tolerate a suggestion that things might be a bit different than what CNN and NPR are saying. They just are not at the same frequency, and remember.....you can't see what you're not a vibrational match for, so this is the reason why others appear so closed-minded; it's like being the only person born with eyes in an entire population of people who have none trying to describe what seeing is all about. The majority just do not have the capacity for that perspective because it is outside of their experience. This is what we are seeing all around us, but the Divine is working to bring many of these others online. They are finding themselves "switching on" in the most sudden and confusing ways.

- As difficult as it is to be surrounded by such low frequency people, I will never leave, either, and will fight till the end to take back control of this state from the evil that has held it captive for far too long. Anger is good sometimes, because it is the springboard for courage.

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1 million 👍

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Kay I’m on the same page as you. I read between the lines and always think outside the box. Your comment really intrigued me. I’ve also listened to Dowd (ex Black Rock) and Brother Brugnolo, who’s in Italy. I’m all over the place! I agree with you and I’m so confused. Gold/silver is not going up and the dollar is actually holding its’ own. I think fiat will be useful “in the beginning”. Diversifying is good. And I do not think the Pope in charge is the legitimate Pope. Archbishop Vigano is one of my hero’s standing up to evil!

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Yesssss! Archbishop Vigano is another bright light in the darkness next to Dr. Paul; people like this shine so brightly that they completely overpower tens of thousands of dark minions.

- I hear you; it's very confusing and difficult to figure out what is really going on. We just have to go with what we do know, and also remember that a lot of what we are seeing is an illusion being created to sell a lie. The illusion of "safe and effective"....the illusion that the majority is in complete agreement with the tyranny......the matrix itself IS a total illusion. Mainstream media and in some cases also alternative media is only reporting what it wants people to hear. Look at the big picture, rather than what appears on the surface. Silver has been artificially suppressed for generations, and it is a finite resource that is an essential component in electronics and manufacturing. Half of the world has already returned to the gold standard and won't be accepting the fiat dollar for future purchases. The Vatican is one of the largest controllers of assets in the world and they have made an unprecedented move in circling their wagons. Since the beginning of 2022, there has been a massive behind the scenes move into land, gold and silver....while at the same time there has been a big push to steer the general public toward crypto currencies. The dollar APPEARS strong, precious metals weak. What are the implications of all these things, from the 40K foot view?

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I understand Duchess! Try and trust in your Father who is all loving and abhors evil. Take life a day at a time, like I do…and it’s a roller coaster for sure! Some days seem perfect, and other days are depressing and confusing. I try to start every morning with quiet and prayer. It does help!

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By the way, everything you have said is true, what they have done. It is what they are proposing that scares the life out of me. I am still angry, still fighting, but I can smell the evil in the air...and it is getting stronger.

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This is so true and you are a true hero, and so few have emerged during this. I can understand how they feel, I think those of us who have said no and stood up or tried to share information with others have been so isolated because in the end we just had to be quiet as no one wanted to listen. I was able to prevent most of my family from being jabbed, but no friends and lost or almost lost many. I had to hear from you and others that many will be lost and we have to let them go. It is so hard. I hope we are wrong about where this ends, but everyday seems like the those who spoke out and they have tried to silence are being proven correct. I got teary reading about you connecting with others when you are out in public. Thank you for your work!

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Nuremberg2. All assets to wounded kids

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Be very careful.

Their methods are; bribery, blackmail, defamation and murder.

They stop at no evil.

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And with murder they love suicides, car crashes and small private jet crashes if they get the chance their fave because it all burns up.

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Remote control car wrecks. "he was driving 120mph when he lost control". Actually, the person behind the wheel was never in control. Someone else was in control.

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I know! I wonder if this control chip is in every car now! They just take over through satellite or so. To us they tell us its for crime stopping alright. I miss old chipless uncontrolled cars. The electric are even worse. Its all about control. Our business essentially are online now too our communication in google. They know everything about us.

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The social credit system is already here, you just don't know it. They have every search, every website, every purchase, everything about you is known, stored is a warehouse, and has been turned into your Social Credit Score. Ready to roll out.

The covid digital vax passports were just a test to see how many people would comply........without force.

Now they know exactly what they need to do.

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It reminds me of the FICO system which I never agreed with.

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OnStar or the equivalent has been in every car since 2012, which at least tracks position and provides a "kill switch" to shut the car down or put it in a slow speed "catch me police" mode. To actually cause a car to steer, brake or accelerate takes a lot more doing right now, but is getting easier as they gain more "driver assist" technologies.

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My 2003 GMC came with Onstar. Had to work hard to determine the fuse that controlled that and fortunately it wasn't embedded into the CPU like the new cars are.

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Anything after 2003. More modern gives more features and control and of course everything can be controlled via cell network and Starlink. Eventual goal is "self driving" and geo fencing. For your own good, of course.

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Why 2003? Seems early to me, but depends on maker and price range. Maybe early electronic throttle was in 2003 but not much else, right? And without computer network capability the electronic throttle alone is not much of a risk, imho, unless you know something I don't. I removed GPS & telecom package from my recent-model car so I'm kind of up to date on this but interested if you know something specific about the 2003 year. I think earlier than 2008 or even 2010 is mostly ok for US cars. No?

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I was told this was the last year where you still had control by someone in a position to know.

You probably won't find any public info with the now worthless search engines (we apparently don't have any "need to know"). I did remove the fuse for the included Onstar "off switch" on my 2003 GMC to be sure, even though the 3G network was taken down and Onstar service terminated, someone still has this capability to turn off your vehicle.

Capabilities increase every year as full self driving capability will be standard, meaning full remote control. We've seen examples of this abuse with the Michael Hastings crash, a number of fatal crashes of vehicles with Las Vegas mass shooting witnesses and recently with the nurse in LA.

Commercial aircraft already have this, as well. We've seen the effects of this with MH370 and the A320 Germanwings crash in Spain. Hopefully, you never have a high value target on your flight...you and the rest of the crew and passengers will be considered to be expendables.

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Reminds me of Ann Heche…and she was working on a child trafficking film. Hmmmm…

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This is another example. Whenever you see people driving excessively fast in a regular neighborhood and they are not being pursued by cops, it should raise your suspicions.

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I understand medical terrorism when I see it. This has been going on for many decades, but behind the scenes because no one wants to investigate it. Big pharma controls the entire medical parade from the AMA, medical schooling, and labs to the drug agencies and doctors and institutions. This has been over 100 years in the making.

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💯 When you know the Rockefeller Cartel history, then you know the game.

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Still they guys with the snake oil. They never changed really. Only now they create their market by making us sick or making us believe we could get sick without their snakeoil.

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Thank you for standing up to the medical tyranny, Dr.Alexander. You have no idea how much it means to a nurse like me to see you and others do the right thing.

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God bless you, sir for your courage, for your honor and for the truth you bring.

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He was also one of two who voted NO on approval to babies and children. When people in authority have ability to take a stand, I am at least grateful for that. If everyone just steps down because of fear, who will we have left? Is it better he says nothing at all? No.

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I agree with your assessment. I thank him now but he is late but red pilled now is ok, so he has to stand up in full. We have a major battle on our hands.

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He has been utterly complicit in creating the detestable framework of control and medical tyranny that has gotten so big that we are now all in an epic battle against The Empire, and he has NO DAMN BUSINESS attempting to run away from it now. He should be turning around, and joining the fight to bring the system down, accepting his own responsibility for enabling it. There is no excuse for this miserable example of corporate greed and ego, no excuse. Same thing goes for Gruber and Krause; they resigned...have they been loudly speaking out and whistleblowing ever since? (This could be the case, given the amount of censorship....has anyone heard whether this is happening?) Bottom line; walking away from a war that you personally helped to foment and leaving others to fight is not heroic, and it isn't acceptable. The former director of the CDC has only just recently been whistleblowing; better late than never....the rest of the insiders must also add their voices.

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Don't worry: When The Vaccinated understand they will die because they trusted, they'll come looking for folks like Offit, Gruber and Krause... And there will be nowhere on this planet they can hide. Not even on the island of Little St. James... 🤔

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Yes, this is certainly true.....and it will be very ugly.

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Sometimes warriors retreat to take on a different strategy. We NEED to break up the infrastructure, the government bureaucracies, that allowed the poisoning of our medical services industries to occur.

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yes, strip them down to the studs, all of them.

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no studs. zero studs. to the GROUND.

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The corruption goes very deep, it goes back at least a century. Research how the Rockefellers co-opted Orthodox Medicine back in the 1910s and 1920s..

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Smell the fear aka litigation.

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I read that post, forwarded it to my wife and said to her "I would bet good money even now, 85% of humanity is still completely oblivious to this..." Hopefully not for much longer..

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Thank you for your strength, insights and bravery against the behemoth. The puppets are deaf, dumb and blind except to their puppeteers. They cannot hear or see us with any understanding at all. They’re under a spell empowered by the dragon as the time is now short. We may go down but not without fighting for the Truth... We have no other reasonable choice than to declare the Truth. Right now we’re just beating around the bush.

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Is the truth pointing its little nose out of the darkness? somes stitches of the evil fabric are givin'in? when will the whole quilt rip apart soon?...

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I salute you for your bravery and integrity

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander. You All have been a light in the darkness. We are doing our bit locally but it is hard to be out front like you and the others as you are targets for their smears.

You all have an internal moral compass that cannot be compromised. There are many that walked away from security to keep with their morals. You ALL have done a great service to humanity - never forget. We masses are extremely grateful. May our prayers support YOU when you need it ( there are millions of us) May God Bless and Protect you ALL and may honorable opportunities come your way. Amen🙏🙏

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Thank You!!! Many of us here are eternally grateful that you and the others have stood up and fought this battle for all of us and we know of the great losses you all have endured. And we here have fought battles on this as well on a much smaller scale but for the same reasons. When we look at the big picture of where healthcare is going and what it has evolved into, I don't blame you for turning down Pfizer's offer. I know for myself I couldn't stomach working for such a dirty organization. Our healthcare institutions are not the same caring place they used to be, & feel that the jobs we left behind, our careers, we can't do it anymore on those terms. We have been inspired and encouraged by you, Dr's McCullough, Malone, and the rest. We thank you for your leadership.

As for our kids...

I tell my kids, our 2 youngest adopted kids who are teens, they naturally have questions "why" about adoption things, and have asked if we love them the same as there brothers who I gave birth to. And they asked why I didn't let them get the cvd shots. I told them because we love them and want no harm done to them. We have gone to great lengths to protect them from other harms and this is the most critical. They have been extensively educated on the dangers of this gene therapy.

As they have said, we are all in this together.

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I am so proud of you and the others who stood against tyranny and instead stood for life. The ones who folded like a cheap shirt, who took the money and let people die, they will be judged by the Lord Almighty if not on earth, as they should be. I wonder how those doctors and "scientists" sleep at night, I hope the dead children haunt their dreams every night.

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Thank you Dr. Paul!! You all our real heroes. I wish 90% were like you instead of the other way around. You're right! They chose and many still choose to take security and pay over human life. It's despicable!

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Beautiful. I know a man of character such as yourself really had no choice, none of us did. But thank you. Thank you thank you. The money will come and go, but our integrity will not.

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