Do NOT whatever you do, let VP Giggles near the nuclear launch codes for she is liable to launch AT the US...yes you read that right, she is capable of launching AT America...God help us!
Personally, I don't think they were. Granted, some did vote for them, but not enough to actually get them elected. They used Dominion voting machines, mail-in ballots, etc. to place these criminals into the White House. I believe the World Economic Forum is behind all of the election fraud we have been witnessing. It's been going on for years. If you look around, you'll see many politicians with very close ties to the World Econonic Forum....not only in the United States, but globally. Look at the recent presidential elections in Brazil, for instance. Bolsonaro was against the clot shots, so they used election fraud via electronic voting machines to put Lula da Silva, a member of the World Economic Forum, into office. "Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has described as "tyrants" state governors and mayors who have imposed lockdowns to contain the coronavirus outbreak". Look at the Governor of Calidornia, Gavin Newsom. The Governor of Washington State, Jay Inslee. The list goes on, and on, and on. Hell, the Biden / Harris campaign slogan was "Build Back Better", the slogan of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset".
Dr Robert Malone has put together a pretty comprehensive list of U.S. politicians who are members of the World Economic Forum.
Feb 12, 2023 "Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced Tuesday that the COVID-19 shot will be mandatory for children if parents wish to continue receiving government assistance"
Whether or not Dr Malone is controlled opposition or not does not negate the fact that the World Economic Forum has placed politicians into office all over the world in preperation for their "Great Reset"
Were they? How do we know how many idiots actually voted for her???????? I know several people who voted for those two clowns, neither ones are friends, just people I know.
They are corrupt, blackmailed, and bought off by the cabal and were installed. Not voted for. Trump won 80% of the votes. Can we see how serious this is? We HAVE TO WIN!
Hunter used the Willie Brown modeii of merit selection when he picked her for VP. The spies that lied who ran cover for him on the laptop story and the Chinese who the big guy colluded with and who were giving him 10% hacked into the Dominion machines and did the rest. Now America is the laughing stock of the world.
""WEF founder Klaus Schwab at Harvard University in 2017 talking about how Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau's cabinet is made up of people involved in the WEF's Young Global Leaders initiative"
Most people don't realize high-level politicians parrot scripts written by their underlings. Before an interview, the former usually has one or more practice sessions. Maybe Harris' writers have been sabotaging her, or maybe she lacks the memory skills needed to keep different scripts in her head.
We have a corrupt, lifelong-incompetent-now-demented puppet president. A psychotic, corrupt puppet VP. Until recently, we had a corrupt and alcoholic Speaker. Almost 2 dozen corrupt, psychotic and communistic governors. Congress filled with corrupt traitors. Government filled with corrupt, treasonous deep-staters. A federal government that has unconstitutionally seized power, and is now tyrannical and fascist, targeting citizens who oppose their anti-US agendas. The US is being driven off the cliff by these lunatics. But who’s worse? Them, or us citizens by allowing this lunacy to continue?
Joseph! You sound a little embittered and frankly so am I! These “leaders” are representative of the most conniving corrupt and self aggrandizing of us as Americans. They are as slimy as the Clintons but as nasty as the Daleys of Chicago.
Life has been too easy for too long. It's starting to hit the fan, but they won't wake up until it's too late. NO food in the stores. Curfews, 25 hr surveillance via the 5 G now being installed nation wide. The police that will be patrolling are NOT the police we have now. They will shoot to kill, they will do whatever has to be done. No rioting unless they sanction it. I've heard enough stories over the years. And, that was before the present advanced technology. Big difference - no where to go. Glad I'm old.
The Munich speech was given to make the Ho look presidential. She was coached to measure the pace of her oratory. To stop after every few words, speak slowly, emphasize key words, use pregnant pauses. Practiced pomposity.
It’s all orchestrated. Rehearsed. Fake. Giggles is being groomed to take over soon. This was her debut as the oracle of power on the world stage. That it took place in Munich - the site of Hitler’s raging oratorical fury nearly 90 years ago - is no accident.
Everything is planned and rehearsed down to minute details no matter who the president and vice president are. They have underlings who write out what to say for every event. They're coached before attending.
As an attorney, Harris should have a silver tongue, but she does not. No, she's not been groomed to take over. Grooming to handle the job of US president adequately takes at least a decade. We may see more public appearances of her because the media keeps asking Biden tough questions that he doesn't want to answer. I saw two recent interviews with Bill Gates. Both interviewers asked him questions about Epstein. Maybe the tide is turning.
Ok, so she pretty much said, if you're young and running for president, you are assuming you are a strong leader and FJB! isn't a strong leader. But you're putting him down, because he is a strong leader.
While I think you suggest the perfect nickname, alas "Giggles The Clown" is already taken. And as any Dr. Demento fan knows, so is the runner-up, "Kinko The Clown".
Dr. Ed Dutton on his Jolly Heretic stream would refer to Knee Pad Kamala as a "mid-wit." But, that could be a bit too generous. I often wondered if her child like babble was pandering to her base, or a personal lack of intellect, wit and charm. Still wondering, but allowing either a panderer or a dim wit to be one bike ride (Joe, is not the best cyclist we have) away from running our falling nation...might not be a wise choice! Akin to giving The rothschilds control of our money supply in 1913.
I had the same thought in 2001, but did feel "guilty" of it as Initially assumed it was a "foreign" attack, But No Remorse or Regret Now.
DC is Foreign Ruled and Full of Traitorous Scum. (Well a few Patriots are there) Mr Jefferson's tree Will Be Watered, but probably After it has succumbed to the drought of liberty here in the USSA.
The Covid vaccines are a slow kill bio-weapon and people like her are very aware of this fact. Why would she, or any of these other people have taken them?
I think what she is TRYING to not say, but say, is that no one should run against Biden....ever. You know...kind of like a totalitarian dictatorship...but who knows😂
LOL why do you think they picked her in the first place.. Their were black women who had a brain and were strong, but they never ever want that, so not surprised.. She is who she has always been.. That is why they always pick this kind to raise up...
I can’t believe the voters in America were dummied down to this extent!
They weren't. The DEMS fabricated all the votes and ballots they needed. No one really voted for them.
I agree!!!
I agree
Personally, I don't think they were. Granted, some did vote for them, but not enough to actually get them elected. They used Dominion voting machines, mail-in ballots, etc. to place these criminals into the White House. I believe the World Economic Forum is behind all of the election fraud we have been witnessing. It's been going on for years. If you look around, you'll see many politicians with very close ties to the World Econonic Forum....not only in the United States, but globally. Look at the recent presidential elections in Brazil, for instance. Bolsonaro was against the clot shots, so they used election fraud via electronic voting machines to put Lula da Silva, a member of the World Economic Forum, into office. "Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has described as "tyrants" state governors and mayors who have imposed lockdowns to contain the coronavirus outbreak". Look at the Governor of Calidornia, Gavin Newsom. The Governor of Washington State, Jay Inslee. The list goes on, and on, and on. Hell, the Biden / Harris campaign slogan was "Build Back Better", the slogan of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset".
Dr Robert Malone has put together a pretty comprehensive list of U.S. politicians who are members of the World Economic Forum.
You can check out the list here:
Feb 12, 2023 "Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced Tuesday that the COVID-19 shot will be mandatory for children if parents wish to continue receiving government assistance"
Whether or not Dr Malone is controlled opposition or not does not negate the fact that the World Economic Forum has placed politicians into office all over the world in preperation for their "Great Reset"
Were they? How do we know how many idiots actually voted for her???????? I know several people who voted for those two clowns, neither ones are friends, just people I know.
Several? Wow! Be patient. Soon you'll know fewer. The shots have a delayed effect for many..
A WORD Salad...WTHeck!🙈
They are corrupt, blackmailed, and bought off by the cabal and were installed. Not voted for. Trump won 80% of the votes. Can we see how serious this is? We HAVE TO WIN!
Hunter used the Willie Brown modeii of merit selection when he picked her for VP. The spies that lied who ran cover for him on the laptop story and the Chinese who the big guy colluded with and who were giving him 10% hacked into the Dominion machines and did the rest. Now America is the laughing stock of the world.
""WEF founder Klaus Schwab at Harvard University in 2017 talking about how Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau's cabinet is made up of people involved in the WEF's Young Global Leaders initiative"
OMG! Are her script writers deliberately trying to undermine her or are they complete morons, too? 😆
Most people don't realize high-level politicians parrot scripts written by their underlings. Before an interview, the former usually has one or more practice sessions. Maybe Harris' writers have been sabotaging her, or maybe she lacks the memory skills needed to keep different scripts in her head.
Maybe she's just a bimbette. Too stupid to be a full blown bimbow.
Could be. She might have some cognitive function issues from the 💉.🤔
We have a corrupt, lifelong-incompetent-now-demented puppet president. A psychotic, corrupt puppet VP. Until recently, we had a corrupt and alcoholic Speaker. Almost 2 dozen corrupt, psychotic and communistic governors. Congress filled with corrupt traitors. Government filled with corrupt, treasonous deep-staters. A federal government that has unconstitutionally seized power, and is now tyrannical and fascist, targeting citizens who oppose their anti-US agendas. The US is being driven off the cliff by these lunatics. But who’s worse? Them, or us citizens by allowing this lunacy to continue?
Joseph! You sound a little embittered and frankly so am I! These “leaders” are representative of the most conniving corrupt and self aggrandizing of us as Americans. They are as slimy as the Clintons but as nasty as the Daleys of Chicago.
Life has been too easy for too long. It's starting to hit the fan, but they won't wake up until it's too late. NO food in the stores. Curfews, 25 hr surveillance via the 5 G now being installed nation wide. The police that will be patrolling are NOT the police we have now. They will shoot to kill, they will do whatever has to be done. No rioting unless they sanction it. I've heard enough stories over the years. And, that was before the present advanced technology. Big difference - no where to go. Glad I'm old.
The Munich speech was given to make the Ho look presidential. She was coached to measure the pace of her oratory. To stop after every few words, speak slowly, emphasize key words, use pregnant pauses. Practiced pomposity.
It’s all orchestrated. Rehearsed. Fake. Giggles is being groomed to take over soon. This was her debut as the oracle of power on the world stage. That it took place in Munich - the site of Hitler’s raging oratorical fury nearly 90 years ago - is no accident.
Everything is planned and rehearsed down to minute details no matter who the president and vice president are. They have underlings who write out what to say for every event. They're coached before attending.
As an attorney, Harris should have a silver tongue, but she does not. No, she's not been groomed to take over. Grooming to handle the job of US president adequately takes at least a decade. We may see more public appearances of her because the media keeps asking Biden tough questions that he doesn't want to answer. I saw two recent interviews with Bill Gates. Both interviewers asked him questions about Epstein. Maybe the tide is turning.
She’s always high...she has no brain cells left.
Ok, so she pretty much said, if you're young and running for president, you are assuming you are a strong leader and FJB! isn't a strong leader. But you're putting him down, because he is a strong leader.
Still lies and word salad mixed together.
Nice interpretation for the deaf, dumb and blind in her viewing audience. 😆
While I think you suggest the perfect nickname, alas "Giggles The Clown" is already taken. And as any Dr. Demento fan knows, so is the runner-up, "Kinko The Clown".
Blowjobs were and still are the most intelligent thing to come out of her mouth
Thank you. I laughed out loud. Needed the double entendre.
Dr. Ed Dutton on his Jolly Heretic stream would refer to Knee Pad Kamala as a "mid-wit." But, that could be a bit too generous. I often wondered if her child like babble was pandering to her base, or a personal lack of intellect, wit and charm. Still wondering, but allowing either a panderer or a dim wit to be one bike ride (Joe, is not the best cyclist we have) away from running our falling nation...might not be a wise choice! Akin to giving The rothschilds control of our money supply in 1913.
If only DC is targeted, I'd be OK with that.
I had the same thought in 2001, but did feel "guilty" of it as Initially assumed it was a "foreign" attack, But No Remorse or Regret Now.
DC is Foreign Ruled and Full of Traitorous Scum. (Well a few Patriots are there) Mr Jefferson's tree Will Be Watered, but probably After it has succumbed to the drought of liberty here in the USSA.
No one voted for these people. They were "Dominioned" into office.
The jab-based spike prions have destroyed her brain - and his!
They had no brain before the jabs were invented! You are obviously very new to the scene.
bwahaha... whenever I see/hear such stuff, i almost always have the disturbing thought of, 'o crap, i think I've forgotten how to speak English!'
And then it often (though not always!) goes to, 'O no, wait... it's not me. Phew...' 555
That clip makes one wonder if she has been neurologically damaged by the Covid vaccines.
The problem with that theory is she has talked that way for years....
If her speech patterns are indicative of her thought processes......oh, shit
The Covid vaccines are a slow kill bio-weapon and people like her are very aware of this fact. Why would she, or any of these other people have taken them?
I think what she is TRYING to not say, but say, is that no one should run against Biden....ever. You know...kind of like a totalitarian dictatorship...but who knows😂
LOL why do you think they picked her in the first place.. Their were black women who had a brain and were strong, but they never ever want that, so not surprised.. She is who she has always been.. That is why they always pick this kind to raise up...