Thank you so much for calling Malone out for what he is a dirtbag a liar and a murderer he put Dr Jane Ruby through so much hell and she has been fighting for all of our well-being from the beginning silence is compliance to the New World order for him to say he took it is even worse hypocrisy I'm so glad that you call it like it is and say exactly what's going on with the truth he'll get what he deserves God

Had a hot places in hell for that dirt bag with his own personal torture cell

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All these injuries and deaths make me cry. The suffering of so many for profits. The shilling for this nefarious technology is disgusting. The greed & utter lack of humanity on display is shocking. Malone better watch out because he too, is elderly. And soon enough, he’ll be vulnerable to a sociopath Dr. who will inject him with a toxic product for profit. I have a strong sense that his Karma is coming!

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I believe people in Massachusetts were sold this technology in a Cult like Ideology

MIT and Harvard University had to be aware of the dangers, they started indoctrinating people in 2012 .

Another connection is Jeffery Epstein, I believe he was an intricate part in developing and spreading the ideology for MNRA ..

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I think you be right too

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I love the fact you confront him. He totally ignores what you are throwing at his face and that alone makes him look guilty as hell.

I’ve been in the legal aka fraud business all my adult life and they certainly know how to deceive, cheat and lie to get what they want.

Let’s be clear tho…not all attys are scum just 99.9%. Certainly this is my opinion and experience.

If I was innocent I’d sue the shit out of someone making claims like this about me. He hasn’t touched one iota coming after you legally.

If he is innocent he should come out more about it and stop hiding behind his paywall substack and have a one on one discussion with you!

He hasn’t and I doubt he will.

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The Globalists and Death Cults; means of depopulation: wars Military Industrial Complex and medications/vaccinations Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. Land grabbing and profiteering.

It took me quite a while to see thru Dr. R. Malone. Sasha Latypova Due Diligence and Art...

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of course he did, this is nothing but a grifter, a money whore, bench scientist, nothing, knows how to write grants, I refused that as a scientist, not one buck I took, its fraud, research now is fraud...like cancer research, its an industry...a money making industry, like UNAIDS...set up to fatten lazy inept people who hide behind degrees...can't get a real job...Malone did lots of damage and he knows it and hides behind grifters whose job for donor money, and shout outs, is to attack you when you question him...I tell them all the time, fuck you, and I know them all...anytime they want, debate me...COVID revealed all of them running around with big names are nothing but inept incompetent grifters, and the lay person, mom and pop, fly over, blue collar etc are the real people...the people who suffered at their hands...slimy hands. Latypova's stack yesterday was beautiful, schlonging Malone for the liar he is. and poor effort at decency.

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I wonder what Malone thinks of this new bill introduced in the US House by GOP Rep. Mike Lawler and supported by 15 Democratic co-sponsors. It passed with a vote of 320-91, seeing opposition from 70 Democrats and 21Republicans. It looks like the GOP and some Dems are out to criminalize some quotations from the Christian Bible among other major anti free speech provisions. MTG has noted that it "... could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews." Quoting passages of the Bible referring to a "synagogue of Satan" may soon be criminal. Criticising Jewish people or Israel or comparing actions of Nazi Germany may be criminalized. It looks like it is to be made a criminal offense to accuse Israel of genocide Interesting to see if the US will claim extra-territorial jurisdiction and go after prosecutors at the ICJ. This is reminiscent of what the communists in the USSR under Stalin did. The official stance of the Soviet government under Joseph Stalin in 1934 was to oppose antisemitism "anywhere in the world" and claimed to express "fraternal feelings to the Jewish people", praising the Jewish contributions towards international socialism (Skolnik, Fred; Michael Berenbaum, eds. (2007). "Communism". Encyclopaedia Judaica Vol. 5 (2nd ed.). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. p. 96. ISBN 978-0-02-865928-2). Interesting that the GOP appears to have gone after Christians but not muslims. Malone purports to be a defender of free speech. I wonder what he makes of all this.

House GOP Passes Controversial Bill Labeling Certain Christian Scriptures as ‘Antisemitic,’ Sparking Fears of Criminalizing Religious Beliefs


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...could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews."

Thought the Romans did that - they were real big on Crucifixion.

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The passage below is probably among those which the GOP and its allies want censored:

Matthew 27:24–25

24So when Pilate saw that he could do nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took some water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” 25Then the people as a whole answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

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Satanists are probably rather happy.

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