im not a dr. but imo i think it enters the brain and messes with people and i wonder if that is the cause of some of these killings. people have gone nuts and some of them have never had any interactions with the law before. its just a thought but i have been thinking about it for awhile now.

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Various mental illnesses, new or worse, are a common adverse reaction. Neurological problems are common. A chronic pain sufferer can develop hard to control explosive anger over something very minor.

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Agree 100%

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It looks like pretty good evidence to me. I'm pleased you posted it. I needed to read this to take my mind off the revelations in Gateway Pundit of Mitt Romney's corrupt conduct and his fellow traveller Hunter Biden's corrupt conduct in relation to Burisma. No wonder Romney was so desperate to impeach Trump as his enquiries got closer and closer to the truth. No wonder other corrupt RINOs such as Kinzinger and Liz Cheney were also determined to bring him down. These people are deeply unethical with no oral compass. No wonder they all support the mRNA jabs.

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No doubt that they are corrupted by the Davos Boys. The complete list of traitors is at www.maloneinstitute.org

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Oh shucks. There is a typo in my post. I meant to say moral compass, not oral compass. I think RINOs do have an oral compass. Zipper sounds and sucking noises when they meet with Lindsey Graham if you get my drift.

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I urge you all to check out Walter Chesnut’s ( no “t” in Chesnut). He has reviewed enormous amounts of data. He has posited, weeks ago, that the spike is throughout the body. He’s also proposed POSSIBLE spike protein destroying therapies.

Walter Chesnut is the real deal.

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I forgot this: his substack is WMC Research

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Isn't he great!!!

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Yikes ! No T.. I've been posting his substack name to many that way and just rechecked! You are right!:)

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My understanding is this vaccine allows access to blood brain barrier, I did hear that nicotine prohibits it from crossing, is that why they want everyone to stop smoking???

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Does this explain the week-long, debilitating, intolerable, unresponsive-to-advil-or-tylenol head pain I experienced with covid in mid-February 2020 that inspired me to hand-write a new will with final instructions for my estate and the care of my child? I indicated in the introduction that I may be suffering and dying from an aneurysm or a rare disease.

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Kathleen, as per the post by Steve C above, please check out Walter Chesnut’s WMC Research substack including back issues. We really don't know enough about covid. It's too new to be able to safely conclude that it's just a harmless respiratory virus. Hopefully it is but that doesn't seem to be what the data are showing. I read some of the pro-vaxxer sites too, although I'm not provax. I've found interesting links from some guy at Oxford at: @1goodtern. He seems really neurotic but I don't want to have a confirmatory hypothesis testing set where I can't see my biases. I just got back from a Freedom seminar in the rainforest with anti-vax groups. I went with two ladies, one of whom is really dogmatic about covid being harmless. She's just as dogmatic as the pro-vaxxers. Check out Walter Chesnut's substack, self-monitor and don't ignore concerning things. Hopefully they'll be harmless but there is more and more evidence that covid gets into every organ including the brain and is HIV like. I believe I had it in early 2020 and I'm now going through multiple medical tests. It's best to catch cancer early. I believe the vax causes cancer but I'm also not convinced that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't. Be prudent and stay on the safe side.

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AwakeNotWoke: Thank you for your kind concern and advice.

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You are very welcome. I get the sense from your posts that you are someone who tries to treat others well. There is an old saying to the effect that the evil that people do lives after them. The good is too often interred with their bones. Although like everyone else, I am just a sinner and don't always achieve what I aspire to do, and although it may be a cliche, I do try to practise random acts of kindness, and sometimes senseless acts of beauty.

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As long as the brainwashed sheeple kneel before the altar of the germ theory and all of its ridiculous iterations, the world will constantly be fed stories of “gain of function”, “pathogenic viruses”, “mutating viruses”, “barbaric jabs being safe and effective”, and will do whatever they’re told to do by “experts” who know what’s good for them.

Until the shift in knowledge eradicates the belief in that antiquated story, we will continue to see this horror show repeated and repeated and repeated.

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MusicMan: I'm sincerely curious to know what you believe the alternative is.

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No, no, no, no. Big pharma promised us that the mRNA gene altering injections stay in your arm and will never zip off to explore other parts of the body. Trust us they said. After 60 years of life saving scientifically invented drugs by the thousands, you are in good hands with the likes of pfizer. Their drugs are so good that they are immune from ever telling a lie.

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Since my wife and I had severe but not hospitalized SARS-CoV-2, she has been diagnosed with kidney staghorn calculus (in both kidneys) and liver portal vein thrombosis... Her temperament has also gotten weird and weird.

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What a great idea it is/was to induce endogenous production of the spike by way of an mRNA injection! Debating the existence, let alone potential pathogenicity, of a "virus" is irrelevant imho when compared to a very real & indisputable bio-toxin being encoded for non-stop production in recipients' bodies. Just sayin'...

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Is the “ spike protein” a nano particle of graphene? When this substance is near a router, cell phone or antenna…. Its electromagnetic property makes it move in spikes….. and the symptoms of CV are the same as those present in acute irradiation syndrome…. Wuhan was the first city to test 5G…. Many of the sudden deaths took place near a large antenna as seen in the footage if street cameras…. Connecting the dots offers a clear picture.

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sounds sort of prion disease like...

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No surprise. Between mimicking ACE2 and being highly inflammatory, the BBB can be breached. We’ve seen much neurological pathology, unfortunately.

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> Does the S1 (spike) protein of the COVID virus

Virus? What Virus?


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I don’t know about the “virus.” But the spike protein is real.

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Steve C,

>I don’t know about the “virus.” But the spike protein is real.

That's like saying, "I don't know if Unicorns are real, but their HORNS are POINTY and SHARP!!"

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Neither an accurate nor honest simile. The spike has been found throughout some individuals’ organs and vasculature with absolutely no evidence of other viral components in their system. I’m more concerned with the human engineered protein, not it’s method of delivery.

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> The spike has been found


Please cite me one scientific paper showing that the "SARS-CoV-2 spike protein" exists, and we will review the methods section together.

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The Japanese Study of 2021 showed this poison going everywhere within a couple of hours. I believe this is why the sheeple are dying within a few hours of getting the jab.

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