elite; very interesting piece in the Washington Post "‘We have won’: Russians envision new global system with Trump victory"; In the corridors of power in Moscow, the win for Trump’s populist argument
Beware of anything coming out of the mouth of the Washington Post; they are the propaganda machine for the Globalist Left. Just look at the Title. Where is the unity of the West on the Ukraine that Donald Trump threatens ? You mean the Global puppet States that once comprised the sovereign states of the Western World ? The Post wants to cast Doubt on what the Trump victory means. Getting the world back to normal is not what the Globalist Elite want. They want it all and they want it now. And they will bankrupt the West to get there.
The WaPo article is full of contradictions that appear to reveal that Russian insight into American politics is fractured and weak.
It's also important to emphasize that Putin's domestic speeches are intended to maintain his image with the Russian people and do not necessarily reflect Putin's true grasp of reality.
For example, quoting the article:
"The Republican majority “is the threat from the Kremlin’s point of view, because there are no internal contradictions, no internal chaos,” Venediktov said. “It was important for the Kremlin that the winning candidate was Mr. or Mrs. Chaos.”
This shows how little Venediktov knows about Republican infighting and neocon obstructionists to Trump's intentions to end the wars the current administration perpetuates.
I'm comfortable waiting until Trump is in office and reinstitutes his first term's posture of 'peace through American resolve and military power.' (If we can survive the current crisis set in motion by the lame duck authorization of the use of U.S. long range missiles and GPS technology to attack targets within Russian, beyond the Ukraine war theater, inviting reciprocal retaliation.)
very nice post Kathleen, informative and I love this statement:
''m comfortable waiting until Trump is in office and reinstitutes his first term's posture of 'peace through American resolve and military power.' (If we can survive the current crisis set in motion by the lame duck authorization of the use of U.S. long range missiles and GPS technology to attack targets within Russian, beyond the Ukraine war theater, inviting reciprocal retaliation.)'
Yes .. all of the US swamp policies and histories ..
etc etc etc ..
As in Gaza .. while these “political “ swamp language guides the destiny of the US nation the US people are going thru various shades of hell !
And western Ukraine and it’s once sovereign people are being either dispossessed or dying or whatever!
The political and agenda driven motivations are the cause of all this death and destruction and the western globalists are pushing their agenda because they see that they may soon lose the power to achieve their end game or or if they can’tachieve global dominance then they cause a WW3 ..
That they believe is their get out of jail free card .
Semantics or sophistry or propaganda . “Political expedience “.. lies deception corruption mind games etc etc etc . Those are the ingredients that are contained within these “political” perspectives arguments etc .
Look where it gets us ..
End the geopolitical objectives...
Ukraine will soon belong to the corporations if they get their way !
Is that a just or moral or ethical
No one wants all this shite put into their lives ..
So .. who is happy about trashing and then owning and then controlling western Ukraine?
Again .. why put biolabs in Ukraine ...
and when challenged in the house why try to pretend that actually iits a benevolent funding ?
I think the Washington post is a propaganda mouthpiece for the infamous deep state !
A colour revolution was caused and an “actor was installed ( proxy for the globalists.)
Eastern Ukraine was attacked mercilessly and many civilian lives were lost ..Russia had no choice but to take action.
The globalists out of Washington funded biolabs in western Ukraine.Russia has had to deal with that problem
Russia had an agreement that EU NATO would not install belligerent forces adjacent to russias borders.
Ukrainians themselves mostly consider them selves to be Russian except for the ones that were false flagged etc.
Ukraine has a hidden nazi component (ie globalist ) fomenting aggression etc.
The “ Ukraine” western forces have attempted to cause a nuclear fallout incident at the nuclear power station ...
(How Many times!?).
The “ Ukrainian” forces have invaded Russian territory and that goes against all international agreements.
Hundreds of thousand of innocent Ukrainian bystanders have been killed or have fled their homes or farms!
The western corporations are moving i in on the rich farmland and wherever and are claiming it in payment for the western management crew. Repayment for their assisting Ukraine in this “war” against Russia?!?
And child trafficking .. organ harvesting and god only knows what else??!?!?
In February, George H. W. Bush’s secretary of state, James Baker, assured his Soviet counterpart, Eduard Shevardnadze, that in a post-Cold War Europe NATO would no longer be belligerent – “less of a military organization, much more of a political one, would have no need for independent capability”.
Nonetheless, Baker promised Shevardnadze “iron-clad guarantees that NATO’s jurisdiction or forces would not move eastward”. On the same day in Moscow, he famously told the Soviet General Secretary that the alliance would not move “one inch to the east”.
The following day, February 10, 1990, Helmut Kohl, the future chancellor of a united Germany, repeated the same thought to Gorbachev, even as they disagreed on other issues. “We believe that NATO should not expand the sphere of its activity. We have to find a reasonable resolution. I correctly understand the security interests of the Soviet Union, and I realize that you, Mr. General Secretary, and the Soviet leadership will have to clearly explain what is happening to the Soviet people,” Kohl said.
The promises not to expand NATO only lasted until 1997, however, when Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary were invited into the alliance. In total, 13 Eastern European states have become NATO members since then.
Sweden became the latest country to join NATO on March 7, 2024. Finland joined in April 2023.
Both countries applied to join NATO in May 2022, shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
I suspect Finland regrets being pressured into joining since their membership has caused their relationship with Russia to become more rather than less combattive.
US hatred of Russia stems from US hatred of the core Marxist concept formerly embraced by Russia of "the withering away of the state," which is the idea that under communism the state will eventually become obsolete and cease to exist as society will be able to govern itself without the state and its coercive enforcement of the law.
The phrase stems from Friedrich Engels, who wrote in part 3, chapter 2 of Anti-Dühring (1878):
"The interference of the state power in social relations becomes superfluous in one sphere after another, and then ceases of itself. The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things and the direction of the processes of production. The state is not "abolished", it withers away. (German: Der Staat wird nicht „abgeschafft“, er stirbt ab., lit. 'The state is not "abolished", it atrophies.')"
In the US, which deifies the state, people bow before the altar of Big Government. The US aspires to lead a globalist One World Government. It is deeply suspicious that Russia still aspires to do away with the state, which to the US would be tantamount to deicide.
Luckily or by design it looks like the US imposed federal reserve corporation along with its Vatican and British crown components are falling apart.
The infamous 3 , comprising the Vatican and the London financial hub and WashingtonDC are all independent citystates.
And it looks as if the roots of this global control grid lay its foundations on the Roman Empire..
You hear of the jesuits etc and the earlier inquisition causing havoc at every step they made.
So I don’t se the US as it has been constructed as an infependent entity .
It attempts to look as if it is an independent entity.
The arrival of the military intelligence driven white hats and now the MAGA and MAHA are severing the 3 city states power over the US and returning it to the people!
DJT famously said they were returning the US .. “ to you the people”!
And in the background we’re military personnel that were JAG etc.
For the detailed(very) description of these ranks and functions go to Derek Johnson : rattletrap 1776,
and you will find almost molecular details of the intricacies of the law of war etc!
It’s objective is to restore
the original republic to the people!
The globalist US corporation that was formed by the federal reserve initiators are the globalists.
They have but one goal. And that is to centralise power to themselves.
This is the centralised control grid we see in the EU and all of the western nations.
These are centred around the central western banks!
The objective of the
white hats (now global military ) is de centralise the grid they have imposed!
And not to forget a very important thing ..
Russia booted the oligarchs out a while back and the west is now doing the same !
It is an exhilarating time after the abuses, excesses, and outright crimes of the past four years. I share your enthusiasm about the promised prosecutions.
Unfortunately I'm the wrong person to educate anyone about Engels. Always paired with Marx in school work, we nonetheless only heard and read about Marx. Which is one reason I was interested in the earlier comment by ANW.
Sorry to disappoint you! But I did appreciate the friendly attention.
to me the key is for Trump and Putin to work together to ends this Ukraine issue and to work together to make the world peaceful, no war..
I believe Putin has more interest in peace actually than the Biden administration...the globalists are on fire and Trump must reverse this and end it.
Beware of anything coming out of the mouth of the Washington Post; they are the propaganda machine for the Globalist Left. Just look at the Title. Where is the unity of the West on the Ukraine that Donald Trump threatens ? You mean the Global puppet States that once comprised the sovereign states of the Western World ? The Post wants to cast Doubt on what the Trump victory means. Getting the world back to normal is not what the Globalist Elite want. They want it all and they want it now. And they will bankrupt the West to get there.
G’day .. so Trump and Putin are “shattering the unity of the west regarding west Ukraine”..
Well.. what naughty boys they are !!
Shattering the western unity against the western usual suspects Fromm furthering their plans!
The western unity?
Just about every western nation is falling apart ..
The best laid plans of demons and sock puppets ..
The problem begins and ends with NATO. That DJT is no fan of it lays out the future for Russia & Ukraine.
boom, NATO is the cancer
Hi doc .. I just picked up ..
Warren Thornton .com on rumble todays .. on “The Charlie ward show ..
On rumble ..!
16 hrs ago ..
Info on the clockwork of insurgent sock puppets perpetuating agents !!!
Urgent urgent urgent ..
These uk are on the case !
Why is it so difficult to end !!
To hell with Putin - and the Washington Compost. Next, they'll be telling us Russia's going to put missiles in Cuba...
Yeah, like we believe the WaPo, a mouthpiece for the CIA/deep state.
The WaPo article is full of contradictions that appear to reveal that Russian insight into American politics is fractured and weak.
It's also important to emphasize that Putin's domestic speeches are intended to maintain his image with the Russian people and do not necessarily reflect Putin's true grasp of reality.
For example, quoting the article:
"The Republican majority “is the threat from the Kremlin’s point of view, because there are no internal contradictions, no internal chaos,” Venediktov said. “It was important for the Kremlin that the winning candidate was Mr. or Mrs. Chaos.”
This shows how little Venediktov knows about Republican infighting and neocon obstructionists to Trump's intentions to end the wars the current administration perpetuates.
I'm comfortable waiting until Trump is in office and reinstitutes his first term's posture of 'peace through American resolve and military power.' (If we can survive the current crisis set in motion by the lame duck authorization of the use of U.S. long range missiles and GPS technology to attack targets within Russian, beyond the Ukraine war theater, inviting reciprocal retaliation.)
very nice post Kathleen, informative and I love this statement:
''m comfortable waiting until Trump is in office and reinstitutes his first term's posture of 'peace through American resolve and military power.' (If we can survive the current crisis set in motion by the lame duck authorization of the use of U.S. long range missiles and GPS technology to attack targets within Russian, beyond the Ukraine war theater, inviting reciprocal retaliation.)'
Thank you! Good to know we're 'on the same page.'
Yes .. all of the US swamp policies and histories ..
etc etc etc ..
As in Gaza .. while these “political “ swamp language guides the destiny of the US nation the US people are going thru various shades of hell !
And western Ukraine and it’s once sovereign people are being either dispossessed or dying or whatever!
The political and agenda driven motivations are the cause of all this death and destruction and the western globalists are pushing their agenda because they see that they may soon lose the power to achieve their end game or or if they can’tachieve global dominance then they cause a WW3 ..
That they believe is their get out of jail free card .
Semantics or sophistry or propaganda . “Political expedience “.. lies deception corruption mind games etc etc etc . Those are the ingredients that are contained within these “political” perspectives arguments etc .
Look where it gets us ..
End the geopolitical objectives...
Ukraine will soon belong to the corporations if they get their way !
Is that a just or moral or ethical
No one wants all this shite put into their lives ..
So .. who is happy about trashing and then owning and then controlling western Ukraine?
Again .. why put biolabs in Ukraine ...
and when challenged in the house why try to pretend that actually iits a benevolent funding ?
Language !!
Indigenous swamp
People ?
hhhhmmm, very interesting
G’day ..
I think the Washington post is a propaganda mouthpiece for the infamous deep state !
A colour revolution was caused and an “actor was installed ( proxy for the globalists.)
Eastern Ukraine was attacked mercilessly and many civilian lives were lost ..Russia had no choice but to take action.
The globalists out of Washington funded biolabs in western Ukraine.Russia has had to deal with that problem
Russia had an agreement that EU NATO would not install belligerent forces adjacent to russias borders.
Ukrainians themselves mostly consider them selves to be Russian except for the ones that were false flagged etc.
Ukraine has a hidden nazi component (ie globalist ) fomenting aggression etc.
The “ Ukraine” western forces have attempted to cause a nuclear fallout incident at the nuclear power station ...
(How Many times!?).
The “ Ukrainian” forces have invaded Russian territory and that goes against all international agreements.
Hundreds of thousand of innocent Ukrainian bystanders have been killed or have fled their homes or farms!
The western corporations are moving i in on the rich farmland and wherever and are claiming it in payment for the western management crew. Repayment for their assisting Ukraine in this “war” against Russia?!?
And child trafficking .. organ harvesting and god only knows what else??!?!?
300000 children ??
I heard?
Plus all the parents gone?
What ?!?
Washington post ??
What are they talking about ..!!
Washington post ?
They are very fluent in swamp language!!
boom...'A colour revolution was caused and an “actor was installed ( proxy for the globalists.)'
Eastern Ukraine was attacked mercilessly and many civilian lives were lost ..Russia had no choice but to take action.
not one inch they were told, not one inch east by James Baker III...
In February, George H. W. Bush’s secretary of state, James Baker, assured his Soviet counterpart, Eduard Shevardnadze, that in a post-Cold War Europe NATO would no longer be belligerent – “less of a military organization, much more of a political one, would have no need for independent capability”.
Nonetheless, Baker promised Shevardnadze “iron-clad guarantees that NATO’s jurisdiction or forces would not move eastward”. On the same day in Moscow, he famously told the Soviet General Secretary that the alliance would not move “one inch to the east”.
The following day, February 10, 1990, Helmut Kohl, the future chancellor of a united Germany, repeated the same thought to Gorbachev, even as they disagreed on other issues. “We believe that NATO should not expand the sphere of its activity. We have to find a reasonable resolution. I correctly understand the security interests of the Soviet Union, and I realize that you, Mr. General Secretary, and the Soviet leadership will have to clearly explain what is happening to the Soviet people,” Kohl said.
The promises not to expand NATO only lasted until 1997, however, when Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary were invited into the alliance. In total, 13 Eastern European states have become NATO members since then.
Great comment! 2 more countries recently joined NATO, one I believe was France.
Sweden became the latest country to join NATO on March 7, 2024. Finland joined in April 2023.
Both countries applied to join NATO in May 2022, shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
I suspect Finland regrets being pressured into joining since their membership has caused their relationship with Russia to become more rather than less combattive.
Yes .. Dr .. it’s a sad story !
US hatred of Russia stems from US hatred of the core Marxist concept formerly embraced by Russia of "the withering away of the state," which is the idea that under communism the state will eventually become obsolete and cease to exist as society will be able to govern itself without the state and its coercive enforcement of the law.
The phrase stems from Friedrich Engels, who wrote in part 3, chapter 2 of Anti-Dühring (1878):
"The interference of the state power in social relations becomes superfluous in one sphere after another, and then ceases of itself. The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things and the direction of the processes of production. The state is not "abolished", it withers away. (German: Der Staat wird nicht „abgeschafft“, er stirbt ab., lit. 'The state is not "abolished", it atrophies.')"
In the US, which deifies the state, people bow before the altar of Big Government. The US aspires to lead a globalist One World Government. It is deeply suspicious that Russia still aspires to do away with the state, which to the US would be tantamount to deicide.
Hi .. interesting ..
The state!
The US state.
Luckily or by design it looks like the US imposed federal reserve corporation along with its Vatican and British crown components are falling apart.
The infamous 3 , comprising the Vatican and the London financial hub and WashingtonDC are all independent citystates.
And it looks as if the roots of this global control grid lay its foundations on the Roman Empire..
You hear of the jesuits etc and the earlier inquisition causing havoc at every step they made.
So I don’t se the US as it has been constructed as an infependent entity .
It attempts to look as if it is an independent entity.
The arrival of the military intelligence driven white hats and now the MAGA and MAHA are severing the 3 city states power over the US and returning it to the people!
DJT famously said they were returning the US .. “ to you the people”!
And in the background we’re military personnel that were JAG etc.
For the detailed(very) description of these ranks and functions go to Derek Johnson : rattletrap 1776,
and you will find almost molecular details of the intricacies of the law of war etc!
It’s objective is to restore
the original republic to the people!
The globalist US corporation that was formed by the federal reserve initiators are the globalists.
They have but one goal. And that is to centralise power to themselves.
This is the centralised control grid we see in the EU and all of the western nations.
These are centred around the central western banks!
The objective of the
white hats (now global military ) is de centralise the grid they have imposed!
And not to forget a very important thing ..
Russia booted the oligarchs out a while back and the west is now doing the same !
They have banned gmo etc etc etc .
And now we have RFK starting to do the same!
An intriguing comment, ANW. Particularly interested in the quote from Engels and the implications of your last paragraph.
Hi Kathleen .. nice to hear you also !
Hope all is well!
Crazy times!
But .. many many shifts occurring..
My favourite at this time :
RFK and the pharma /agriculture etc are now on notice of .. prosecutions!
And the empowerment of small and local farms!
It seems like I’m in another reality !
People talk of timeline shifts ?!?
Well .. keep up the good work ; and best things to you !
Thank you!
It is an exhilarating time after the abuses, excesses, and outright crimes of the past four years. I share your enthusiasm about the promised prosecutions.
All the best to you, too, Steve!
Hi Kathleen .. hello again!
Sad to say I’m not familiar with Engels tho I know of him..
Can you enlighten me ..
Hi, Steve! Nice to hear from you!
Unfortunately I'm the wrong person to educate anyone about Engels. Always paired with Marx in school work, we nonetheless only heard and read about Marx. Which is one reason I was interested in the earlier comment by ANW.
Sorry to disappoint you! But I did appreciate the friendly attention.
G’day .. these “ core Marxist programs “ weren’t chosen by the Russian people !
They were imposed upon the Russian people by the usual suspects running out of the central banks and corporations.
These are the same usual suspects that the west has been hijacked by.
When the bolsheviks trashed Russia and took control of it they caused massive famine and then imposed themselves upon the Russian people !
It’s a huge numbers of victims and much the same as when “communism” was imposed on China !!
And right now the Ukraine is a target of these globalists.
If looks like communism and fascism are the tools the globalists use on their March to own this planet.
Michael Tellinger tells the story of post war central banks popping up like mushrooms planet wide.
At the end of WE2 there were a few. Famously the federal
Reserve us.. and the London central bank and also in Switzerland... the central bank of central banks..
The globalist banking system runs out of Switzerland!
Why is Switzerland tested as a neutral country even when world wars are raging?
It’s the central banksters global hub .. the centre of their global spiders web !
Mr Tellinger shows that after a war suddenly will appear one of their central banks!
Which means that nation is the a co opted nation that will become a host of the agendas and ideologies that are imposed upon them!
It could be communism
, it could be fascism.
Whatever it takes will be applied to use the nation as a tool to further the globalist agenda!
And they will set nations against each other.
One wonders if Trump ad Hegseth were consulted before the decision to allow Ukraine to use US, long range missiles to attack the Russia heartland..
likely no