Pharma is preying on the vulnerable once again. Toxic Drugs are not the solution to weight issues. Or cholesterol or depression. SSRI's kill. As do Statin drugs (only slower). None resolve the core causes. They only maintain disease, while increasing profits from the sales of more drugs to treat side effects and lead to shortened lives.

The US healthcare system is Sick Care system. Allopathic doctors should be ashamed of themselves and their profession. How can any doctors that prescribe such dangerous, deadly toxins in violation of their oaths to do no harm be trusted? They can't.

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I 💯 agree used to be a nurse and am so thankful * am on disability since 2007 never thought I would say I ashamed to have been in the machine! You don't learn these things in school and most people work so many hours and in their spare time research within the medical mafias info to stay up on things!!! And kept us distracted and busy so we never learn the truth!!! Well I have learned so much and thankful my eyes were opened!

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Don't fret about being part of the establishment as you're aware of both sides: good and bad. Remember that. :)

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The saddest thing is that we don't get the healing treatment a good nurse can give. You spell out the fact that when working long hours there is not time to track down the truth of what's going on. The global predators KNOW this and they have been using it to their advantage for at least 60 years. I feel sorry for young people who want to be nurses and doctors. There is still a large niche in health care but it includes such things as naturopathic medicine and chiropractic. The best example I can think of is a chiropractor, Dr. Darren Schmidt. He has a you-tube channel and demonstrates his work which includes an incredible array of modern supplements that he can target to do amazing things for his patients. He freely demonstrates his protocol which works with the body to heal itself. But this leaves out the massive health threats created by the weaponization of Western medicine.

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Yes, and the REAL problem is that once critical mass level trusts a thought system, any attempt to provide information is blocked. Any thought system built upon institutionalized networks that are 'trusted, ' or simply programmed though TV, Net, so on, grounded in fear/drama (pandemic, whatever) is almost concrete, mentally.

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And then you add in the Hollywood "stars," and the little people want to do whatever they do no matter the lies they tell.

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Whenever people advocate taking drugs for chronic conditions, I always advocate the following:

1) Eat _real_ food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

9) Pray.

10) Communicate with friends.

11) Consume fermented foods like natto, kimchi, sauerkraut, Greek Yogurt or Icelandic Skyr...

12) Take supplements like C, D3, K2... if you think you're not getting enough from real food.

13) Eliminate the need to take _any_ Big Pharma products for chronic conditions.

The list above should also keep your immune system in better shape, which helps when trying to handle any health challenge. In case of Covid emergency, see https://c19early.org.

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Read and study and re-read good stuff, if I may add. I'm always shocked how much I forget as I go through, every few years constantly, all math and history stacks (here at home). i.e., I have a math cycle that completes every 5-6 years of Algebra 1,2; algebraic Geometry, pre-clac; clac, trig, with each of those topics having 2-3 texts, (dummies material, mostly). Yes I remember fast but always totally shocked when I crack a book, calc, whatever, and nothing looks familiar, at first. Point being: read, study, review and KEEP REVIEWING. :)

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Nice, succinct list.

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That's a great list with lots of good advice!

I would quibble with a couple points

1) "Eat no salt, or otherwise added sodium, notwithstanding exceptional circumstances. Take potassium supplements if required."

As far as I know, if one avoids the added sodium in processed foods, and one consumes sufficient potassium, then adding some high quality salt can do more good than harm. Excess sugar (and starch) consumption is much more likely to cause issues than excess salt.

2) "Drink organic juices from a ‘slow’ juicer, preferably a Norwalk or similar."

It's better to eat fruit in its natural form rather than drinking juice. Also fruit should be consumed in moderation, and consumption of the most sugary fruits (bananas, grapes, mangoes...) should be very limited.

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Good Doctor What we are seeing with only positive news of these two drugs is just like the bio weapon poison... You pay off the MSM and they only tell you what the drug cartel tells them to tell you.. Everything is positive and good about these "DRUGS".. Now think about that for a moment.. All drugs and any drugs since the beginning of legal drug pushing funded by the Rockefellers, has never ever cured anything, it has only ever made more disease and enriched the pHARMECEUTICAL companies.. They are not in the business of curing any disease, their business model is residual income and getting people sicker, so they can keep prescribing drugs to get your more sicker while they keep milking you of your money, and when you catch cancer the American Cancer Society started by the Rockefeller's to control the narrative about cancer will take over with their research LOL, and donation mantra LOL. When you get cancer and go to an oncologist, he or she is the doctor that finally drains you of what money you have left in a vain pursuit to cure your cancer, which 9 out of times times they won't and they know it. So what your oncologist will do is give you a chemo drug to kill the good cells as well as the cancer cells, and get this just like Gates and all the rest of these evil people, they like killing you and making money at the same time. So the oncologist will buy the poison chemo drugs at WHOLESALE from the pHARMACEUTICAL companies, and he or she will resell it to you at the retail price LOL.. So they have a three fold interest in you.. Drain your finances and make a ton of money from you on the Chemo drugs, then delete you. Censorship works two ways.. You censor the truth tellers and you only allow the LIARS to speak.

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Some of Big Pharma's products do work well; however, almost all their most profitable ones, e.g., those for chronic conditions and cancers, would be needed 100X less often if patients knew what proper diet, lifestyle, and exercise were. And even in the rare cases where proper diet, lifestyle, and exercise fail to eliminate some chronic conditions, the pills for those conditions do indeed fail to cure the diseases.

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An Ominous you said the Magic Word that you will never hear a so called doctor or the drug companies ever say or mention. " LIFESTYLE" Most of these disease are Lifestyle diseases, but you do not hear the MSM or doctors or drug companies say anything about changing your lifestyle and what you eat and drink, because that would impact their money, and that is all they are concerned with, not your health.. Not their business model.. That is why they have been trying to outlaw vitamins and minerals and anything along those lines since the 70's and Durbin is still trying.

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It’s hard to believe that ppl still support big pharm. Are they hypnotized or what?

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Pharmas are two edged. Attacks upon our Trump, by pharma controlled CFR fake news, SHOWED us the values of real solutions, like ivermectin. Quercetin and a bunch of stuff. The solution is mixed with looking at the political cull plays set up by Pharmas/DOD and, importantly, look at what DOD/pharma criticize. Wisdom right there. :)

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If someone calls you fat, just ignore them. You're bigger than that.

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Alternatively, you could _lean_ into the confrontation.

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Hahaha love it ;))

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Dude. #dadjoke

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Yeah, but funny dad joke!

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Why can’t people stop stuffing their face? They’re out of control. If a food comes with an ingredients label, don’t eat it as it’s probably poison. It’s all planned. Get ‘em sick, get ‘em on drugs. Controlled demolition. More profit for big pharma.

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If the ingredient list contains ONLY things mentioned in the Bible (or any other book published 300+ years ago), then the combo product is probably fine. However, a major exception is fruit juices. Fruit juices, whether fermented or not, are likely to be hard on the liver.

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addicted to whatever and many stay that way while aging, slowing down, but keep up intake at same level when younger. Further, old many get, worse they feel, more they eat, so on.

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If the same essential drug has been used for years successfully for diabetes why now all the hullabaloo?

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Yes, but I suspect over dosage is the problem: solution: homeopathy, tiny amounts to source tolerance. Most women, judging from the wife, want a fast and magic solution: take too much.

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First, those drugs really aren't successful at putting diabetes into remission, and second, Big Pharma is happy to have people hooked for life onto some drug that is rumored to help with weight loss.

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My husband was on trulicity for diabetes, it works the same way as ozempic, it slows the emptying of the stomach so the sugar is released slowly not raising blood sugar levels. It works, but the side effects are horrendous. You lose weight because you can't eat. He was sick for a year and a half, we went to 3 different hospitals and spoke with many doctors and nurses, not one of them suggested it could be from the trulicity. He was so sick, vomiting, constipated, he would belch all day and it would smell like sewage. The food was literally rotting in his stomach. His doctor refused to take him off it, so we did it ourselves. She said that there was nothing else she could do for him.

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So much hype about these weight loss peptides all of a sudden…..?

Just listened to 2 Dr Tyna Moore podcasts where she had only positive things to say about these weight loss peptides…

So much info out there these days!!

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I listened to the first one and need to listen to the second podcast. Dr. Tyna was very interesting and her information, I think, is worth considering.

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According to Dr Brian Ardis, Ozempic has Gila monster venom in it. Perhaps the reason behind intestinal paralysis, yet also why it works.

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Caution: Listen up: If one chooses to use a GLP-1 and need a surgical procedure, make certain to be off, said GLP-1 for at least 2 weeks, on a clear liquid diet for 48 hours and nothing by mouth for 8 hours prior to anesthesia.

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All drugs suck.

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I can’t believe people would risk using a drug meant for a serious disease, in order to lose weight!!

What are they doing to their bodies ??

Side effects !!!

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People have such short term memories now. I remember when the combo Fen/Phen hit the world in the 1990's. I took it for one day. I was awake for 3 straight days. Now we know more about Big Pharma. But they still play their own games including getting Hollywood involved to make the little people want to be just like the "stars."

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Paul, I've NOT looked into this supplement, but suspect many are over using this product trying to look better for some up coming event (nothing wrong). Many people have zero idea that each individual MUST be careful about tolerances. homeopathy is perfect starting point, as in SMALL amounts at first EVEN if suggested amount may state 3 tabs, whatever, per day. If the wife asked me about this, I'd, yes, but YOU take quarter tab or break apart capsule into small container and take quarter or the powder, once per day, for one week, watching all the time for any odd pains, anxiety and so on. Report back each day.

Meanwhile I'd be watching her out of peripheral vision all the time. :)

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