In those rare times that I'm relatively lucid, I envision a faction of the US military that finally lifts its head out of the dirt and says: "Ok, that’s enough of this shit. Party's over!" ........Ah, to dream.

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If America's military is as "woke" as Canada's you'll be waiting awhile... 🤔

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Our faggots can whip yours, in the new version of military drills we call, Drag Queen Story Hour. One of our Generals, was able to bounce 33 three year olds on his knee, and never once did any fall. Impressive...

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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🤣🤣🤣... 🤮

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lol "relatively lucid" I did some reading on living Medal of Honor winners and though they are being lauded as heroic, that's not in the least what's in their minds. They describe exactly what you are describing---they've been crouched down in fear or watched huge numbers of their brothers shot, and something just rises in them, they say, a bolt of courage, unknown to their waking selves, and they save their platoon. The dark triad freaks running the country obviously fear this sort of dynamic, as Biden's education department apparently is outlawing the teaching of hunting and archery in schools. Might be time for some Robin Hood after school activities lol.

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But that dream can come true. We need to speak it so that they know the people are pissed. We need to call them back home, to come here and defend us. If ever there was a time it is now. Look what the ghouls did in Maui too.

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ah, but it's a grand illusion. thanks for sharing it.

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Why give up so easily? Why?

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They only have left wing faggots in the military now. We haven't "won" a war since 1917 (Communism won WW II).

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Many military generals during Obama's reign did just that. He fired all of them. Trump managed to reinstate a few, but the bigger problem is that now, under Biden, the State Department calls the shots. We saw this when State went over the heads of the military during Biden's invasion of Afghanistan. Biden was at that time nothing more than a bobblehead, stating the decisions of both sides that contradicted him.

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Tie this to the Deagel Population Collapse (CIA) prediction for 2025.

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But you never know. Every moment is unique. We are building the future by the thoughts, words, actions and emotions we have today. They know this and that's why they go to so much trouble. Always remember...."despite the best laid plans..." Nobody knows the future - we are forming it all the time. We are capable of extremely fast change when we decided to.

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Hope is important to some. Me? I just want a paroxysm of violence, so your dreams have a chance. I hate the Authoritarian Left, and even if they offered us truth, sanity and integrity back, for free, I would still crave a bloodier resolution.

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Yeah well that's the monster coming out in you and what gives this energy that is now attacking us all (because it has been left to fester) MORE power. These thoughts go into "the morphic field" and multiply so we end up continuing the same barbaric scenarios. The hatred you have is all manufactured so you would feel that way because there is only cosmetic differences between the parties. When you wake up you realize the entire political spectrum is filled with actors, that try to make you believe that stuff is true. They are all operated by the same cartel in the background. All politics is is a front to make people think something substantial is going on - that the people have to pay for. Brilliant isn't it. They get us hating each other when all they are is a theater troupe. The whole thing is just the man behind the curtain. But boy, they do look impressive and so real. That's what they're meant to do. And all the while people have been "obeying the law". Oh how tragically ironic.

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WEF Declare 'We Are Gods, if You Stand in Our Way, You Will Die'


And the WEF/Chabad Lubavitchers intend to kill 7.5 BILLION of us (for starters), you can be as peaceful and loving as you want about that, but they will kill you nonetheless regardless, that decision has already been made, your nice smile won't make any difference to their intentions or the outcome if you just remain 'peaceful', that just makes you a soft target.

Millions of people need to get out on the streets TOGETHER very assertively in every affected nation and force the police to stand down so that the genocidal criminal terrorist governments in many nations now representing the WEF (which is purely a front for Judaic NWO terrorist dictatorship) can be physically thrown out of office and replaced by real people with genuine benevolent intentions and proper skills suited to properly functioning governments and health services, as what most nations have now is only a hostile foreign power military occupation government infiltrated to bring in Judaic NWO one world dictatorship and mass slaughter of all Gentiles, as the terrorist Zohar says is to occur.

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People have gotten out on the streets and so far it's done nothing. That's actually reinforcing your belief that they are your masters. Don't take notice of them. That's what I do. I'm too busy creating the new world. And there is hardly anyone who comes to our meetings but so many still think that getting out on the streets to beg their masters is doing something. Yeah it's doing something alright, it's making the masters know that you still consider yourselves cattle. Sorry to be so blunt but we need new strategies now and doing the same old/same old will only mean we get the same old/same old. There is plenty we can do to go our own way and make them irrelevant.

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I think you need to read my comment again to see what I actually said, which is not what you THINK I actually said, I am not talking about a bunch of people just trying to look assertive in some typically Jewish-'truther'-led and deliberately derailed supposed protest march and just raising their voices while walking along between lines of police officers like cattle, waving bits of cardboard, I am talking about an appropriate physical response by a concerted overwhelming mass of people against the physical mass murder that is taking place all over the world. How exactly are your ideas removing the present criminal terrorists from office? I would be interested to know. If they are good, I would certainly like to give them voice on my site.

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All by design.

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Didn't England get invaded via the Channel 957 years ago?

Is history repeating itself?

Or is the problem that this time the invaders don't behave Normally?

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Those invaders had an average IQ of 106, and weren't get jewish NGO handouts. Bit more noble.

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We're just all doing the same thing so the same things keep repeating.

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Did they get welfare back then, too? Free housing in hotels? Cool.

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If the UK government wanted to sto this they could. They don't.

Some arrive in RIBs with late model Mercury outboard motors, these are a £10,000+ bit of kit.

Also noticeable are that some of these young men are really fit with fresh military style haircuts. Presumably these are the ones sent to 4 star country hotels with conference centres for training. When these hotels are taken over all existing staff are fired and new staff brought in.


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You’d think people would have figured this out by now.

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They have MrsS, they just prefer being replaced and violently attacked to being called antisemitic. Pitiful what our race has become.

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I agree to a certain degree. I also think people don’t even know to think what they’ve been taught is not correct. The winners write history is not a concept taught in American schools.

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Aye the misdirection has been searing and constant for well over 125 years. Still, how did you and I somehow manage to figure out this not so difficult puzzle?

I will admit to a hatred of weakness, victim hood, going along to get along, and not being responsive in opposition of evil. When i was a young boy, those were common traits of my Father and his friends. How is that co-opted so quickly, and easily? Not going to give weak men, and non-breeding women a pass. Somewhere in their lazy, easily fooled minds, something must be binging and bonging, and telling them they are flat out wrong.

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Why do they call the Kalergi plan a “conspiracy theory” when it’s literally happening before our very eyes?…

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"Camp of the Saints"...

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Well, there's always the rainy weather, disease, and English food to do-in the immigrants.

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Folks if you will read the Bible you will clearly see what and why every thing is happening.

The history tells what happened in the past.

The prophets told the people what was coming and what and how and why.

Do not blame government because no matter its form the people have the power to stop it.

I hear you ask how especially if they allowed themselves to be fully or partially disarmed, how will they stop it?

To cut to the chase when you forsake the Word of God you put yourself on a short path to destruction.

Read Ezekiel 22

“In you” the leaders did all the evil.


Jeremiah 5:31

The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?

Nothing will change things except a return to God’s Law.

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At times like these, I think that maybe the globalists have a point, we're just too stupid to survive as a species so wipe em out and start over. Being facetious, of course, but with 1000s of people running around with their cameras, yelping and screaming about the immigration, posting it online, lookie!! lookie!! - no one stops to TALK to these immigrants, ask them why they decided to come here, ask them how they got the resources to come here? Because they sure didn't come on their own.

The United Nations, and partner NGOs, are bankrolling the immigration in both Europe and the US. They are going into ghettos and prisons and enticing people with promises that they'll be welcomed and taken care of. Then they support the immigration with supplies along the way, including transportation. In the US that includes air fare from the Middle East and Africa. Then they drop them on our doorstop, and wait for society and our treasuries to collapse.

The United Nations is also partnering with the smuggler cartels, probably because it's cheaper than commercial transportation and professional project managers. That way the cartels get their business, plus they get to shave off a few immigrants to be trafficked for their labor and the sex trade. Did I mention the UN hands out rape kits after immigrant women are gang-raped? How thoughtful of them.

It makes me sick to my stomach that no one is asking ANY questions when it's obvious immigration at this rate isn't spontaneous, it's the result of massive criminal enterprise.

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Go to sermonaudio.com


biblical law and immigration

And how God destroys nations

To good sermon series

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That is right, on the streets of London, one of the first things I see within just two or three minutes if not much sooner on the streets of London every single day is Negro males usually with a blonde-haired white woman or girl, not a brown-haired or black-haired white girl or woman in 9 out of 10 instances, but a blonde-haired white girl or woman, and only very rarely indeed do I see a white male with a black Negro woman, all according to some sinister plan. I do not see Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arab or any other race doing this, I see only black Negroes doing this, and very frequently indeed, and it is entirely unnatural, as natural would be for a black Negro man to go with his own race, as a Negro woman is genetically suited to please a Negro male with her distinctive taste, scent, emotions, figure, voice ,and general personality, which are all very much different to those of white women. I reckon this is organized mass slow rape.

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This article tells it exactly like it is. No guile, no parsing words, no excuses, no misinformation, and full on exposure of the truth. A rare thing of beauty in these days of social media censorship and media/government punishment.

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Yes it IS an illegal invasion! The patriotic Brits want to stop it? The criminal Globalist government won't!  It is time to stop being "politically correct" and "civilized".  Where has being nice about it gotten the British?: Millions of gang-raped little girls! And a voting block of Muslim invaders that can out-vote the British citizens in many communities. Britian, along with many countries of the EU is "toast" if they don't do something soon! Let's STOP being "nice"! Let's STOP being political correct and "call a spade a spade"! The very survival of the nation is at stake.  This is no joke!

I have a very politically INcorrect solution!: The Muslim males are very proud of their sexual prowess and ability to out-breed the Europeans. They are immoral in the extreme, and, frankly, EVIL! If they cannot BEHAVE like civilized human beings, they don't deserve to be treated accordingly. The solution? Vigilante squads (necessary because Britain HAS NO legitimate government that honors its primary responsibility — to protect its citizens) to seek out the gangs of Muslim males, take them into custody, castrate them, tattoo them, and dump them back over the Channel into France! Then, IF they are stupid enough to return, the next time they are captured, execute them!

If anyone remembers history, this invasion is certainly nothing new. The Muslims invaded Europe in the Middle Ages and it took the Crusades to expell them and save Europe from being completely overrun and conquered ("by the sword" as commanded by their mega-criminal-rapist/pedophie/serial murderer "prophet" Mohammed).

It would be nice if they could just be sent back to the Middle East (I would vote for Iran), but logistically that would be impossible without the resources of a State.

Within a few weeks-to-months, word would get around, and the invasion would almost certainly stop! After a few hundred thousand are expelled, Britain would become livable again! Then the population needs to start voting in real Brits and not Globalist/WEF puppets! And to help ensure legitimate elections, do paper-only ballots.

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Somebody just slaughtered thousands of Hawaiians in Lahaina with directed energy weapons. These are people who have lived on the islands for a thousand years. But they can't burn up boats crossing the English Channel with hostile strangers?

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The good’ol USA invaded and took over Hawaii.

Weak people have been displaced by the strong for quite a while now,

Listen to those sermons I gave reverence to.

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