Years ago I drove from California to Ontario Canada, it was then that my respect and admiration for truckers grew exponentially. ❤️🇨🇦❤️🇺🇸

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God bless the truckers, patriots and the doctors pushing against the jabs and treating people with generic treatments to keep them out of the hospital.

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God bless them for trying. I'm not surprised they were not heard.

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We have heard them. Millions have heard them. Just like millions have heard the Grand Jury from Reiner Fuellmich and his team. I had no expectation that Blithering Biden would listen - or Cackling Kamala - or Odious Obama. We can see who is good by who is listening and being part of this.

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We matter, but we already knew. A protest is to get the powers that be to pay attention. Other than a handful, that already think, somewhat, the same way, they were not heard by the majority. I had no doubt that FJB!, Kackela, and the puppeteer, Obummer, would not listen. But you can only preach to the choir for so long, before the choir gets bored and walks away, because something is not being done to correct the problem. Standing around and thinking, "Oooo, look, all these people that already think the same as I do, are listening to the same thing I am," doesn't solve a thing.

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They weren't heard? Did you miss the several meetings with senators and congressmen?

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And what has come of those meetings?

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They are so amazing and we are so grateful for them. ❤️

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God bless everyone fighting the good fight

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Yes, welcome them as heroes. Also, for the truckers who have lives this, my guess is that this has been an amazing time of their lives - connecting with so many other great people!

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