His death may now finally actually save some lives.

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Covidian belief in the jab juice is immovable.

Preaching into an echo chamber.

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Seems so! 😑

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Jul 1, 2023
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Link won't work :(

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just wait a few secs after error message. about survival foods.

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He'll do a lot more to serve public health by dying than by living.

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Great news! All vaccines conspirators / murderers should get what they have been forcing on the society as their well-deserved punishment. This is just a small first step. Because their next stop is Hell.

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Is there a polling place there or will he be voting for Dems by mail?

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The dumbocraps will already be in Hell, so there's no reason for them to have to vote absentee. 😏

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Wish he would have done his research 😞 another gone way too early. Wake up people!!

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He's a doctor. Didn't need research

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He let big pharma do his research and as always, they lied.

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He don’t need no steenking reaearch.

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Should have listened to Alex Jones.

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I find it very challenging to feel compassion for those who pushed this on others.

Willful ignorance is deadly.

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So many big vax pushers have died.

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A challenge is something you need, or want to overcome. I see no good reason why feeling compassion for outspoken advocates of these toxic jabs, should be needed, or wanted.

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Why didn't he take the placebo? Was there a mix up in batch numbers and he accidentally got injected with one of the shots meant for the plebs?

BOMBSHELL! One in Three Pfizer Vaccine Shots were a Placebo!


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No way I can feel sorry about this as cruel as that may be. Why? Because these frauds pretending to be doctors who want us to believe they are promoting health are actually promoting murder and there is no excuse possible.

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My husband bluntly remarked, "Karma."

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If Alfredo took the vaccines then he had no clue; here's my point: when wife insisted that she wanted the vaccines, I studied available material, which was plenty. Knew after a couple books that the mRNAs are NOT vaccines.

OK, if I CAN SORT that out, and I'm not a doctor, really had no research on vaccines in general BUT did a quick dive into polio layer when I was sorting FDR so did have a hint of vaccine deception with Sabin and Salk handing us the SV40 plus; and knew Ender's work growing measles bugs on egg yolks, did not know the negative history of vaccines until our Trump got wrapped up in this planned take down.

How could Alfredo NOT know? If he did know that pharmas are liars then was he simply thinking only of himself as a net celebrity? Would be good to check to see if he was poisoned or whatever. Either way, if he knew, did not take the vax, but pushed the vax upon others: criminal intent.

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Morpheus from the movie, The Matrix:

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

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Oh my….so sad

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An absolute tragedy. He depopulated himself.

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Ceased to be a CO2 emitter!

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Too funny!

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Not really

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I must confess I like it when a provaxxer reaps the consequences of his false belief system. Who knows how many he led to their deaths before the death shots got him?

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We tried to warn you.....,

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Oh well

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We must all strive to become "True Partners" in vaxx hoax exposure.

Psychopaths see vaxx refusal as an existential threat. Science is on the cusp of exposing their existence in the millions. They seem to think vaxx damage will prevent that.


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