I watched the hour long video and left disgusted by what I saw refueling my anger towards all involved. #DepopulateTheDepopulatorsNow

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I think people are getting more angry by the day.

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I have been angry since September 2000 when 52 traitors in the sanate followed be traitor GW Bush ratified APEC. It literally only took 8 months to wipe out our manufacturing business when our youngest of 8 children was only 2 years old. We have been living on the EDGE ever since. In 2020 after catching the WuFlu bug I just got more angry. It take every bit of my being to abstain from lashing out on those deserving punishment because I know MSM wouldn't ever report the truth. #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #EndUSMCAnow #DepoplateTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree

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After 30 million were killed they start to be angry . It's joke .

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You would think. Where’s the damn outrage?

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Think about what’s happened since lockdown and especially during lockdown Dr Alexander.

Prominent Doctors like yourself and Healthcare Professionals, were silenced. Why? Not for the benefit of mankind, not at all, but for the benefit of those such as Yuval Hariri, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, etc. None of them were silenced! And what happened was all the

“talking-useless-heads” who lied about everything were, elevated to “the science”! IE: Dr Evil-Fauci!

Fauci’s was also complicit in the 50’s regarding the polio vaccine and all the deaths surrounding this shot! Research back then was in its infancy, compared to today. Now, as Dr Ana and many other doctors and scientists from the world have found, graphing oxide, hydrogel, along with many different types of metals inside the so called Covid vials!

This is exactly what’s happening and is why I firmly believe, mankind is at the brink of being extinguished! Either by 5G / 6G pulse which can cause many types of human reactions due in part to these so called Covid shots!

These shots were used to advance DARPA and the “Globalists Agenda”! Full control over those who survived. As Dr Francis Boyle calls / termed the phrase “Frankenshots” there’s a reason why. This reason, as evidence shows, is to control those who survive! This also explains why “Children”! Why were they so hellbent on injecting children? Possibly because their immune systems haven’t fully developed and by injecting this poison into their tiny bodies they’ll be better able to control their life as they grow, providing they survive!

It’s quite evil, more dangerous than anything the world has ever known. Oh these “Globalists” know exactly what they’re doing and why. And for all of us who don’t comply, they have that covered as well. They’re called “dissident camps”! Each state in America, under the cover of darkness, had one of these buildings erected which can hold approximately 40-50 thousand dissident prisoners!

There’s plenty of evidence which points to everything I’ve written here. Which is why I believe the election means nothing!

Whether they allow Trump to take office, if there is an election and if Trump secures enough votes that is.

Dark days are coming that’s for sure. And I didn’t even touch on the “illegal invasion” problem! Think about why, all of a sudden, the same doctors who were silenced a few years back are now allowed to speak? Why is this?

IMO, it’s because the plan implemented in 2021 with lockdowns and the “summer of love” Floyd riots are all part of the distraction from while “evils” do their job!

God help us all!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I agree dark days are coming and I thank you for this tremendous thesis, it is staggeringly good.

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yes, a misdirection...more sinister plans were afoot and coming

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Thank you Dr Alexander, your words are so much appreciated and without your work Sir, my thoughts wouldn’t have been possible.

I am very grateful for your kindness Dr. Thank you!


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If the Evildoers reach their goal of Depopulation and allow the strong to survive, it will certainly be the strong who in the end fing and grind the Depopulators. I see the cost of prime real estate dropping like a rock while availability ramps up. Sounds like a win win for strong who will likely be all that remains as the Evildoers are surely weak as a result of having everything done for them. They KNOW THEY ARE WEAK hence their fear of US. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree #EARNyourFREEDOM

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very good sharing John, thank you

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Absolutely positively correct John! What’s more, aside from not being able to wipe their own buttholes, these “evildoers” are the absolute “Bullies of America” and the world thrusting their “nonsensical” nonsense upon unsuspecting, most vulnerable and brainwashed individuals!

They are cowardly alone, but more dangerous together! Not dangerous enough though to fend off those of us who’ve made a living “fighting” for our own survival!

Thank you John for sharing exactly who these people really are and why they are running scared!


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Be steadfast and strong as you fight. Pray for miracles while fighting pure evil. Be thankful instead of begging to realize Gifts from God.

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I couldn’t say it any better John, thank you. We’re all here on earth for such a short time and we must all “heed” your advice!

So true are your words, so true we must all believe “miracles” do happen and yes we must all pray for our own children and grandchildren’s safety and future’s well being!

The evils who wish to destroy our nation will not, they cannot!Simply because “We the People” are more faithful than all the “evils are evil” combined!

Nevertheless, we must all ask our Lord Jesus for extra forgiveness and mercy, for our nation has faulted and has fallen away from His “truthfulness” and we must return to His Word, His grace and His mercy!

“We the People” as a nation must realize the “ills of our ways” and realize the ways of our Lord and reignite the flames of love, reignite the path Jesus forged for all mankind, ultimately giving His life for each and every one of us!Yes, for every one of us who believes:

“Jesus is the Way, He is the light and He is the truth”!

Now is the time, now more than ever is the time, to pray as though there’s no tomorrow!

As though your life depended on it which, especially in today’s world climate, our lives are on the brink, more than ever!

Please people, as John wrote, please pray for a miracle!

And by God almighty, have faith, have more faith people! Faith is a powerful tool!

And never ever must we forget why, why the “evils” are using well, everything “evil” to try and destroy us. Why? Why is this? Because “evils” fear God and they fear especially so,

“God loving people”

that’s why! That’s exactly why! For all those “non-believers” now you know why.

We need more people like yourself John! Thank you Sir!

Thank you ever so much John!


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Any vote for Cumala is a vote for 4 more years of Unsustainable INFLATION and MANDATES for Lucufer's imbedded DIGITAL I.D. CHIP in your hand or head. #DEFUNDTYRANNY #DEPOPULATETHEDEPOPULATORS #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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I have been following Dr Ana since Covid started Dr Alexander. Her studies have become more important, especially when I learned about nanotechnology / Quantum Dots / nanotubes etc.

There’s a plethora of information available which discusses this technology, there’s many benefits and of course, in the wrong hands can be detrimental to humanity.

When I first watched Yuval Hariri’s video two months after lockdowns he said and I quote:

“It’s not about the God in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft Cloud and the Google Cloud, we now have the ability to hack the human body”!

As soon as I watched this madman speak, it became clear what these “bioweapon Injections” were capable of doing. Soon Dr Ana began posting dark-field 1000-4000 times magnified images of first vaccinated patients blood and soon thereafter unvaccinated patients blood.

Self-assembling nanotechnology has been around for decades. DARPA clandestinely has been developing such technologies for human use, which I am convinced is why Covid and why lockdowns and especially why “Forced Injections”!

Once mandates were implemented, within a year, life insurance companies began paying out 40% increases in premiums. This is a staggering percentage, especially when year over year was steady. Steady until 2021! Young, healthy workers were dropping like flies. To quote CEO Scott Davidson from One America Life Insurance Company regarding a 40% increase in premiums payments he said:

“this is an 800 year cataclysmic event”!

Soon other reports were silenced. Ed Dowd, a former Blackrock analyst began digging into these numbers. Ed wrote a book “Causes Unknown” directly about “all cause mortality’s” and why.

Fast forward to this week when Dr Ana posted the article you’ve reposted today and we can link exactly what’s happening to humanity. What has happened to humanity! Aside from all the sudden deaths and neuroinflamation, turbo-cancers, etc. I am 100% convinced, these issues and sudden loss of life was by design! Read further below what the military was doing in June 1983 I believe.

This is absolutely what has happened to millions of people and what we’ll continue to see happen! Which will be a continuation of such forced injections further advancing “transhumanist” agendas!

Amazing work by Dr Ana! I cut part of a US army’s report below. Read what it says about what our "Brains” can do!

Heal Cancer is one thing, among others amazing abilities.

It is 26 pages long, and explains the training USAINSCOM Intelligence officers in remote viewing, out of body experiences, traveling to the past and future, Consciousness and energy, downloading information from the omnipotent, omnipresent mind - including mathematical equations and technical solutions. He also discusses the fact that our mind can heal any disease, including cancer and how the changes in brain function allow a human being to achieve this.

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preach AJR, preach...Ana is top most...

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Absolutely positively without any doubt whatsoever Dr Alexander!

Dr Ana is, as you are, both a “God-Send”! Both of you have been extremely instrumental in and inspiring in my new life! Since lockdowns “caged” us for no good reason, both yourself and Dr Ana proved how valuable both of you are!

Thank you Dr. Alexander for your leadership and tireless work! Without your leadership, many people would be unable to piece together, this deliberate attack on our nations “liberty and freedoms”.


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Dear Dr Paul,

At last, I was waiting for you to cover this work of Dr Ana! Thank you, thank you.

I know humanity is facing a lot of disastrous attacked in every angle and literally in everything. But so far, nothing worse than the vaccination of all human population by these dangerous, poisonous deadly, altering and gene editing injections. To have something as dangerous and as deadly technology/instrument that has the capacity and the ability to alter human DNA/ Genome like this.. I think that’s it we’re done as humanity. It’s a silent war worse than any other war in human history. I don’t think many people grasp the massive, massive implications of altering someone’s DNA. For me, my natural God given unaltered human DNA is sacred and precious to me. Because this is the very essence of being a human being that separate us from other species. We can plan for a better future or plan for a better world… but what good it is to live in a la la land if you are living in a world that is NO Longer humans??!! And that people literally continue to die slowly big time??? So, what is exactly the future we are imagining and hoping to be when everyone’s DNA is altered and many are dying?? I think this is the most pressing, critical and urgent problem we need to address!

Working in nursing home where every couple of weeks I have 3-4 deaths, I think the earth is going to be empty soon! This is only 1 nursing home. The pro genocide group is probably celebrating that they are on the right track for their goal of annihilation of more than half of human population. Of course we have to add the deaths cause by unnecessary wars and other man made crisis deliberately made up by few powerful people who gain from these either financially or emotionally or psychologically. I mean, we know these people are evil psychopath who take joy in seeing the misery of others!

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thank you and thank you for being a warrior with us...Ana does fantastic needed work, very very smart...brave.

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"we know these people are evil psychopath who take joy in seeing the misery of others!"

Uncaring selfish attitudes of leftist loons and they are almost all that way....deficiency of character.

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10-4 that. When Adults get their medical advice from their woke children....

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I have a relative who works in nursing homes on a rotational basis and she still says they are dying.

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When kids can't wait for their inheritance...

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I would never abandon my parents to a nursing home. No matter what it took.

My aunt took care of my grandmother after a debilitating stroke for many years, in her own home, while she and my uncle raised my cousin. It CAN be done. It's our responsibility.

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There is that family members . That’s true

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When the children of parents are more intelligent...

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But in reality, they are NOT. The woke crowd is as dumb as they come, regardless of their level of education. Go woke, Go broke. Sometimes ignorance leads to death and disability, kind of like in a GLobal I.Q. test gone horribly wrong because of politics wanting Americans dead and fools refusing to do research. There is no excuse for stupid in the age of Revelation.

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I can 100 percent agree to you. I know a lot of people in my circle who supposedly highly intelligent with PHDs, and double Master’s but my goodness has no absolute basic common sense! The good thing about the Scamdemic is that it shows how many stupid people are in reality! It’s beyond words! We now live in a world where majority has Zoombiefied brain!

It’s very painful reality!

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There is a huge difference between education and common sense. Intelligence as you say is more related to memory than common sense. In my case, I just happen to be a high school drop out who has been consulting for the most educated engineers solving their problems in seconds or minutes when their entire teams have not seen the solutions for months or years. Case in point, The Iridium Satellite phone for example. After Iridium Bankrupt, Motorola bought them out. Motorola turned to Methode Electronics who turned to myself. Within two minutes, in our foyer with their coats still on, I solved the problem without even seeing a Satellite phone, only the problematic sub assembly. In 4 weeks they returned. The Motorola engineer returned ill, inserted a Receptacle of my design into his Satellite phone, he called his boss and said, "It Works". Common sense is perhaps the second best gift, only to health that God could ever give us. I did of course continue my education through 7 years of night school studying "How It's Made". I took zero GEN ED in college as it is merely a more ambiguous version of what we learned in Jr. High. Visit www.wallisimagineering.com to see the field this farmer plays on today. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree

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Well done, Mr. Wallis.

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Thank you kindly Kathleen. I am also the designer of the KFx Medical Bone Suture Anchor which became the world leading product for lateral fixation in shoulder and ankle surgery for Sports Medicine. Their machines product cost $65.00 to make and it failed. I changed it into a metal stamping with a screw machines spreader for $0.30 each. It passed a 250 pound pill test in cadaver bone so KFx Medical desidee to make it from. PEAK plastic instead. The last I read, they beat all in court for infringement and were up to bat with Stryker Medical. It's amazing what the gift of VISION can achieve. Because I did the work in NDA as an Employee at the time around 2008-2009, for a customer, no royalty shares.

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As I have mentioned several times prior, We have been and are now living through WW3. Fools or those in denial suggest that WW3 is just around the corner. It started when US Givernment Traitors partnered with France and The CCP to commit GoF in 2014-15 and went full on in 2019 with the release of whatever caused many of us to lose senses of taste and smell for 2 years after the initial WuFlu. #DepopulateTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree

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Dr. Ana is starting to gain traction after her tireless work and interviews. A few days ago she was interviewed by Mary Holland of Children's Health Defense. She gave a presentation of what she has found in the blood. I only saw about the first 15 minutes and have to get back to it. She is prolific as she recently posted an article that others have referenced here. She provides a 26-page report from the govt about it's secret projects regarding the powers of the mind.

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Please allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment. Cut and pasted below is a comment to the Lioness of Judah substack in discussion. It was posted by a professor with a PhD in physics who has expertise in this area. (I do not have the same background but I have doubts about the presumed function of the anomalies found in mRNA jab solutions.)

His post had some pushback but he responded with addition support for his conclusions. Here's the link to read his contrary opinions within the comments:


Stephan Fuelling, Ph.D.

Sep 29

I have done dark field microscopy. I actually restored an old German dark field microscope for research at UNR. ‘Dark field’ versus ‘bright field’: in the first, no direct light enters the microscope, the illumination is performed by shining a light cone onto the center of the microscope slide so no direct light enters the optics, only scattered light from objects like red blood cells will be seen. The object has to have a different index of refraction than the water to show up under the microscope.

Now what is seen in these videos are tiny crystalline particles that light up when they scatter the light into the objective of the microscope. These small particles are in constant motion due to so-called ‘Brownian motion’ this is the thermal random vibration of the particles in the liquid. Nothing unusual here, it just tells us that there are a bunch of tiny crystalline particles in these so-called ‘vaccines’ and these should NOT be in there!

I guess that these particles, given enough time, agglomerate into larger crystals, again this should NOT be in these so-called ’vaccines’.

In no way these crystals resemble ‘nano bots’ or ‘micro chips’ and there is no way that these crystals can transmit a code. This really is pure fantasy. I have done electronics since my high school years and I develop microprocessor circuits and do a lot of programming.

I also have a Ph.D. In physics. So I can tell you that throwing a bunch of tiny crystals together and think that these would assemble into something like a microchip is ludicrous. A microchip alone is nothing. You need an underlying design, a data bus, memory, processor, power source, a way to transmit radio signals and last not least a program that runs all of this.

But these ‘vaccines’ are very dangerous, I didn’t get the shot. The elder sister of my wife died one week after getting the shot. A former student, 25 years old, died after getting his last booster. He developed heart palpitations and collapsed dead on an escalator at the Las Vegas airport, on his way to a job interview. That was one week before his appointment with a cardiologist. So sad. Another friend of mine developed breast cancer, her oncologist: “We see an increase in cancer all over the country!”

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Thank you AJR for your kind words in our time on immense challenge. Trust in God and be thankful to win the battle against pure evil. I pray that God gives us the strength to overcome evil before we see WW4 as WW3 is near it's end. I pray too for the ignorant who know not what they have done to themselves be it voluntarily or through coercion. May they learn of natural remedies and therapies as described by Dr. Mikalah. Pray for posterity. Amen

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Do you have the names of scientists who worked on the nanotechnology in North Carolina. We know of an engineer a professor, possibly now retired who worked on nano delivery system for meds. He has US security clearance. Why would he need that? What was he working on.

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a big post by Anen

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Yup. Just read it and correlates with what is happening.

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