Dr. Bridle is usually correct in all he asserts. I also agree with him, and wish him God's blessings for his undeterred bravery, sacrifices and honesty. He correctly, early on, warned of the prion domain in the jabs, and I have several notations of people who have been harmed thereby. Thanks again for your efforts on our behalf.

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Paul and all,

It would be great for all the health professionals to put out this message…


Until the entire gross mess is addressed properly and all involved are heavily punished!

For now…focus on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???

The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!

Lex Greene lays out our GREAT odds of winning…


Spread this piece all over our mostly RED, repeat RED country!

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P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money and his talents and blessings for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners working on ELECTION INTEGRITY?

All his products are great if you need a wedding, birthday or any other gift!

I gave my kids a gift of $ to spend with Mike’s company! They all loved the things they picked out…

Dog beds


Kids Noah’s ark pillowcases

Oversized bath mats

Sheets and towels

MYPILLOW has something for everyone!

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Isn’t it interesting that kids with autism seem to latch on to the idea of “trans”...

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autism has been a pandemic for 35 years. if you want some even deeper scholarship, toby rogers literally wrote the book on it, and you can get a pdf for free https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-political-economy-of-autism

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Paul, when did Malone coerce pregnant women to take mRNA injections? 🤔

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Paul, did you see my email earlier re: providing remarks for a CHD article? Deadline is ASAP so just making sure you saw it.

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