Everything about "Covid" has "criminality" and "fraud" written all over it.. "Obvious as the nose on your face"? How about: "Obvious as a syphilitic chancre on a dick"? How in the name of all that's Good and Holy could the vast majority of humanity not see it?

But they didn't.. and they don't.. And there's nothing anyone Red-Pilled could say, that would make them see it.🤔

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Sanitation improvements in the 20th century made most of the strides in eliminating disease. RFK Jr. in his book showed that Dr. Fauci's NIAID organization was running out of diseases to keep the NIAID relevant. That is when he promoted the AIDS epidemic that was a lifestyle related disease, not a virus.

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Covid was used as the weapon to commit a coup against the West.

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Well this guy must be a quack.

The whole world couldn't be wrong.

Quack Quack

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