If we learned anything from SARS-CoV-2, we learned none of the involved parties are responsible enough or skilled enough to be trusted with GM mosquitoes, or any other creature, released into the public for uninformed consent innoculations/vaccinations or anything of the sort.

They have instead proven themselves to be irresponsible in every country they have operated and should be barred from all medical involvement.

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When will the genetic modification horror stop?

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Medical mad men playing God by manipulating the DNA of humans to improve on natures design.

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There’s a reason the news was aired on NPR. A typical listener is enamored with technology he doesn’t understand but assumes is good because it has the imprimatur of an expert. This fellow hates Microsoft, uses Apple products, hates bill gates designed software because everybody does it. Will gladly inject anything bill makes so long it has an impressive name like CRISPR and npr tells him it is good for him and his peers take it. He’s so insecure that he will not ask tough questions for the fear of rocking the boat and will do anything to fit in and be accepted by his peers.

Such is the irony of short term thinking that university education ingrains into every one of us.

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Genetically engineering mosquitos to disperse any chemical is criminal. Messing with Mother Nature will be the end all. In delivering anything via mosquitoes, it takes away anyone’s ability to say, “NO.” That is what these so-called, “science freaks” are ultimately after...complete compliance.

Basically, Fauci, Gates, etc., are forcing THEIR WILL on others without your consent (regardless of you being unwilling or uninformed). They don’t care what you want. You are just a number to these rich elitists. Mosquitos take “your choice” right out of the equation.

It’s time the death penalty is extended to encompass not only drug dealers but sick, individuals who “in the name of science” are committing human atrocities like this against humanity. Nuremberg...Nuremberg...Nuremberg!!! By God, this madness has to be stopped.

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This is good news - I am tired of reading about dogs being locked in boxes with their vocal cords cut so they can't complain... and bitten to pieces in these experiments.

In fact what needs to happen is that we outlaw animal trials - unless the treatment is intended to benefit animals.

Any treatment for humans - should be tested on HUMANS.

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So he doesn't want us to be able to escape the injection. I'm building a bigger bat house in my backyard. I hate that the bats will have to eat genetically-modified mosquitoes, but at least I'll have less chance of getting "injected"...

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Nuremberg Code Violation - Big time. War crimes!!!

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Who are these people that volunteer to be participants in studies like these?

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What could possibly go wrong? Anyone know a local Mosquito Joe franchise? But what can we spray to rid us of that insect Gates?

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There already is a drug that can be taken to address malaria.....HCQ!!! https://www.drugs.com/hydroxychloroquine.html

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Avon Skin So Soft... 😉

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Dr. Sean Murphy, lead author of the study, told NPR, “We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes.”

Since these people think they can inoculate others against their will or without their awareness, is it OK for me to wish for Dr Murphy and NPR folk to debilitate themselves with boosters?

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Fan fucking tastic every year mosquitos treat me as if I am literally an all-you-can-eat buffet for them to bite as often as they want.

I will end up getting OD'd on this malaria vaccine if these mosquitos end up in England.

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They have been releasing GMO mosquitoes for years. What an impressive upgrade.

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Take it or leave it as always, but in the war of essences, we will all lose the physical shell. [The Evil] is trying to stop this fact as [it tries to play god], to no avail.

Nothing of spiritual value will be lost!

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