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"Anyone with a brain has had enough time to examine the claims being made about the scamdemic and understand that it is false. If you've not done that; if you went out and got the jab so you could go travelling or not be offended or something like that? You're an idiot. And you're a coward, and you don't live, according to the truth."

-- Br. Alexis Bugnolo

What you saw at Costco? The mind-numbing stupidity of most of humanity I've experienced in the past 33 months? There is surely a special corner in Hell awaiting these morons, not just because of what they've done, but also because of what they are. Their degree of irresponsible stupidity is beyond criminal, it is inexcusable. If it doesn't score as a sin against the Holy Spirit, I don't know what would.

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