Beautiful.. something to listen to on my morning walk! Geert Saved me from ever getting the deathVAX!

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These poisons have been marketed for almost 2 years...so the damage has been done. It will be another 5 years or more before we know the extent of the true damage to humanity.

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Is anyone listening to Geert Vanden Bosche?


Dr Robert Malone says they wish to use this mRNA as a template of safety to create all other vaccines as mRNAs = there will be inadequate / poor testing for all of them.


Professor Francis Boyle, lawyer, bioweapons expert: this interview is a heads up for what's coming if we sit back and do nothing. Warning! Not for the feint hearted!


Prof Boyle's book directs how to combat this potential coming tyranny. It is imperative, to stop THIS injection, as GVB says, now!

"Resisting Medical Tyranny" by professor Francis Boyle

We need to stop the marxist state that WHO / WEFers have planned for us.

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What a brilliant interview. It cut out just in the middle of Paul asking Geert, we must stop these vaccines and Geert says yes but…I wanted to hear the rest of his comment.

So my take on this is those who are vaxxed will be prone to breakthrough infection because their innate immune system is not responding, because they have forced a situation that will not allow it to respond. The unvaxxed are continually being exposed and continually building their immune system which is a good thing. It is up to the unvaxxed to build herd immunity to stop this virus.

Did I get this right. The discussion of epitopes and neutralising antibodies was a bit deep and Geert repeated it over and over trying to make his point. Thank you both for all your efforts.

I was very pleased Geert mentioned cheap but effective use of repurposed drugs. Thank you💕💕💕

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I really appreciate Bossche speaking out, but I have a reservations. From the beginning, he’s been warning of the dangers of these injections but he has also been saying that the answer is better vaccines. Maybe he no longer says that but it’s a very troubling position to take if you have a pretty good grasp of how bad vaccines are for humans in general and how human health has deteriorated since rolling them out, especially in children.

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Folks cut in line to score these clot shots.

Let that sink in...

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It appears that those unvaxed who haven’t had C-19 are more vulnerable to new variants due to having an untrained adaptive natural immunity. Those who have been vaxed are much more vulnerable to C-19 due to the non sterilising, vaccine negative efficacy and consequently antibody dependant enhancement of disease due to immune in printing and immune refocusing. To my understanding, the immune system is being misdirected by being instructed to look the wrong way by the vaccine/vaccines, always fixating on the Wuhan spike, accompanied with an out of date viral immune escape variant, omicron spike, never the latest mutations. Which is impossible, never been done on coronaviruses.

It also appears that corona viruses, particularly so, with repeated vaccine immune pressure and evolutionary acceleration due to immune subversion - vaccine induced immune refocusing, on top of constant inflammation, immune in printing and autoimmune mimicry have entirely changed the evolutionary dynamics of the natural immunity - (innate + adaptive). Basically this has weakened the immune system accelerated the speed of the virus evolution. Negative efficacy.

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Great! Sharing.

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How about a legal strategy to get the vaccine rollout suspended pending thorough safety/efficacy analysis? Is there a legal pathway?

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FYI, I have yet to read the article, but this is important. Who owns the shots/bio weapons/inoculations?

DOD owns it:


Very interesting!!!

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